Chapter 17 - The Beginning of it All

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*4 years later*

"Come on, babe. Get up." I shook Kylar and he got up. "We have our entertainment time today. For all the kids at St. Josephs. We have to be there by 9:30. Come on, we've done this a million times."

"More like 23, but sure. You can call it a million."

"Would you please get up? We have to go." Kylar finally budged. He lied there and looked at the ceiling. I went over to him and quickly lied down next to him. I kissed him a few times and we laughed. He finally got up and got dressed. I put some decent clothing on and grabbed our 'fun activities' kit. It consisted of balls, nail polish, play dresses and clothing, and a lot more things kids would enjoy.

"Hey, Kylar? Do you remember Carter's wedding? When you made that adorable speech about love and forever being a couple."

"Yeah. It was okay. Why?"

I walked over to him and put my arms around his shoulders. "Because it was inspirational. I want you to do a speech like that today on the intercom of the hospital right before we leave."

"Really? It wasn't even that great."

"You're right."


"You didn't let me finish." I laughed. And he did, too. "I was going to say it was amazing. It was perfect. Can you do another one? For them. And for me? Please."

He laughed and shook his head, yes. I smiled and kissed him.

"Alright, come on, gorgeous."

I let go of him and got the remaining parts of my makeup on.

"Are you ready?"

"Whenever you are."

We walked out and got in our car. I suddenly remembered amazing things from the past. Kennedy and Jessi's wedding, Carter and Liam's wedding, our accomplishments with the St. Joseph's hospital, seeing my parents renew their vows, and a lot more.

"I wonder how Kennedy and Jessi are doing."

"Yeah. Me too."

"I'm going to call them." I dialed Kennedy's phone number and put the phone on speaker. We had a good, long chat about life and how everything was going. Then, we hung up and parked in a spot at St. Joseph's.


"Yeah." We grabbed everything and went inside. There was a few kids waiting for us at the front, playing cards.

"Hey guys." Some of them ran and hugged us and some just yelled 'Hello' to us, excitedly.

"We have more surprises for you all." Every time we went there, we always got each child a gift, whether it was jewelry, a stuffed animal, or even a new phone, we always did it.

Each child opened their gift and was happy, every time. We took out all of the activities and did each one them. I painted the girls nails and played dress up and Kylar did magic tricks, played ball, and danced to music. When everything was finished, Kylar did his speech.

"I have one more thing to do, everyone. Listen up. Even though you're in the condition you are now, doesn't mean you're in it forever. It may be stormy now, but sunshine will come through soon..." He continued for about five minutes.

"Last thing, everyone." Kylar told me to stand near the door and don't look. I was very confused, but I did it anyways.

Kylar walked over to the kids and told them to take a flower basket and throw it up when he said so. He pulled a poster out of the bag he had and wrote something on it. He held it up and pulled a ring out of his pocket. The kids knew what was going to happen, but I didn't.

"Alright, Brooke. Ready? Now guys!"

"Ready for what-" I turned around and there were flowers in the air and Kylar was holding a sign that said 'Will you marry me?' and a ring in his hand. My eyes began to water and I said 'yes.' I ran to Kylar and kissed him. All of the kids clapped and threw the remaining flowers in the air. A few of them began to cry with excitement. It was the best day of my life.

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