Chapter 16 - Goodbye Bahamas

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A peaceful two weeks passed after that and Jessi and Kennedy had actually started a relationship. I got butterflies when Jessi asked Kennedy to be his girlfriend. Kylar and me got together, also. I wasn't worried about Sawyer anymore. My friends made me forget about him and move on. We spent the remainder two weeks having good days at the beach, going to shops, partying at clubs, and even making a few friends along the way. Harper had gone home because of work. We had fun together, though. One of the friends we all seemed to get along with, that we met was a girl named, Carter. She was really goofy and fun and always seemed to find a way to entertain us. We had said our goodbye's the day before we left. It was actually hard to leave her. But, we had to. Then, we had to get home for our last day there.

The next morning, all I heard was suitcases being zipped and belongings falling to the ground.

"Good job, Kennedy." I said after she dropped her perfume on the carpet.

"Shut up."

I laughed. When I got up, I put on a crop top and some short-shorts. I slid on some sandals and packed up all of my clothing and belongings I brought with me. And since the beach house had amazing everything, I grabbed a few soaps and things to bring along. Jessi came out and had a confused face as I carried soaps and other supplies. He laughed and started to grab our food out of the fridge.

I saw Kylar and Kennedy walk out of the rooms and set their belongings near the door. Kennedy went over to help Jessi pack the food. When they were finished, while nobody was looking, they got a few kisses in between all of it. Then, I walked in with Kylar and I noticed them.


"Shoot. Really, Brooke?"

"Yes, really." I grinned and grabbed the remainder of our things.

After we loaded everything in the back of the rental car, we walked to the shore of the beach and took one last glimpse of the Bahamas beach. We all walked to the car and got in.

"I had fun these two weeks." Jessi said. He turned the ignition and drove to a breakfast cafe.

We walked into the cafe and saw Carter.

"Oh my gosh. That's Carter!" Kylar noticed.

"Brooke! Kylar! Kennedy! Jessi! Hey guys."

"Carter! Oh my goodness. I can't believe we're leaving. I don't want to leave yet."

"Aww, Jessi. I do have something to show you guys, though. She took us to the front of the cafe and got us seats.


"Don't mention it."

We waited for a few minutes and Carter called a waiter.

"Liam! Babe!"

I wondered about that for a while.

"Babe? You have a boyfriend?" I heard Kennedy blurt out.

"I'm engaged, silly."

My eyes widened and so did everybody else's.

"Your... engaged? Your only 19."

"It's a legal age to be married."

"Well, congrats."

"Thank you... OH! Before I forget..." She reached into her purse and pulled out a very nice envelope. "Here."

"What's this?"

"An invitation. To my wedding."


All of the sudden, a very handsome young man walked out of the 'Employee's Only' door. He was quite tall and really nice.

"Hey, babe." He leaned over the counter and kissed Carter. "You must be Carter's friends. Iv'e heard a lot about you. Sad to hear you're leaving so soon."

"Yeah. It is sad. But we got to do it." I sighed and Liam took our orders.

When he got back from the kitchen, he handed us our food and we ate fast.

"This is really good. Thanks."

"Don't mention it. And by the way, it's on me."

"Oh, you don't have to..."

"I've got this, don't worry."

"Well, thanks then."

We finished and talked for a little while. It was time to go.

"Oh my gosh. We have to go. I'm sorry." We all hugged Carter and Liam and left our phone numbers.

"Bye, Carter! Bye, Liam! Good luck!"

"Thanks! Bye, guys!"

We waved and left. We all jumped in the car and Jessi started the car. He drove to the airport and grabbed all the bags and gave them to each of us. We all ran to the station we were assigned to and sat down. Once we were called, we all got up and waved to the crowd of people in the airport.

"Goodbye, Bahamas!" We all yelled. The instructor looked at us crazily. We all laughed and got on the plane. As it took off, we all took one last look at the Bahamas.

"Goodbye, Carter." I whispered under my breath.

We all sat back and waved goodbye to the Bahamas.

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