Chapter 7 - Pick Up

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I woke up at 6:00 in the morning. I hate this. I grabbed my bags and put them downstairs.

"Mom?" I called.

She was still sleeping. I looked for my dad. Still sleeping, also. I then left a long note on how I left and how I loved them so much. Then I put the pencil down.

"Off to getting dressed." I ran back upstairs and got on a cute cowgirl outfit. But I left my curly hair down this time. "Nice."

After about thirty minutes, I had already eaten breakfast, packed my food, and done many other things. "I'm ready."

All of the sudden, I heard footsteps on the staircase. "Mom?"

"Yawn... Hi sugar bunny. How are you?"

"I'm fine. You?" I ran and hugged her.

"I'm good. I'm so happy you're so grown up now. I hope you have a good time on your trip."

"Oh. Yeah. I'll miss you so much." I hugged her again.

"It's 8:00. You'd better go. I love you."

"I love you too, mom. Tell that to dad, too."

"Alright, I will. Bye, sugar."

"Bye, mom." I actually started to cry. Dang. I walked out and she stopped me.

"Here! Take this. Don't open it until you get there, okay?"

"Okay, mom. I love you." I sniffed.

"Aww, I love you too, sugar. Bye, Brooke."

"Bye, mom."

I ran to my car and put all of my stuff in the back. As I started the car, I waved goodbye to my mom. I blew her a kiss and drove away. My first stop was Kennedy's. It was the closest. I arrived and called her name.

"Come on, Kennedy!"

"Oh my god. BROOKE!" She dropped her stuff and ran to me like lightning. Then, she hugged me.

"Well, hello." I hugged her so tight.

"It's so great to see you again."

"Well, let's not waist time. Get you're stuff and let's go!"

She ran to get her stuff and her parents came out. They hugged her really tight and said their goodbyes.

"Have a good time you two." Kennedy's mother yelled.

"We will. Bye!"

"Bye mom! Bye dad!" Kennedy yelled.

They waved as we got in the car. Then we left.

"We've got to get Jessi now."

"Okay. Then who else?"


"Okay. What about Sawyer?"

"He couldn't come. He had another whole packet of homework."

"Oh, alright. Let's go."

We drove and when we got to Jessi's house, he ran out the door.

"Hey, Jessi!"

"Oh my gosh, Brooke! Is that Kennedy?"

He hugged me and I said 'yes.'

"Nice. Who else is coming?"


"Oh, okay."

He got his stuff and got in the car. I got in wondering about his parents.

"Where are you're parents?"

"Oh, on an anniversary cruise. I already said goodbye."


We talked the whole time. Until we got to Kylar's house.

"Go get him." Kennedy said.

I got out and rang the doorbell.

Kylar's parents came out. They had a chat with me about the previous day I was there. Then Kylar came out.

"Hey, Kylar."

"Brooke!" He came over to me and kissed me.

"You're happy. Are you ready?"

"I was born ready."

He waved goodbye to everyone and got in the car. I put everybody's belongings in the back.

"Alright. We're all ready?"

They all yelled 'yes' and I drove to the airport.

"I need your passports."

They handed me their passports and we got into the airport.

"We're here."

We all looked around. It was beautiful. We went onto our assigned plane and sat down.

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