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When the door opens on Renée, it's hard to miss the fact that we're in the presence of a witch. Dressed in ripped black jeans and a leather jacket, she's not what comes to mind when you think witch. But beyond her tough exterior is something a normal person might miss - the glow she emanates. Like silver wisps of smoke, it swirls and churns just under her skin, coalescing every now and then to form symbols on her hands, face, chest, and presumably other parts of her body hidden beneath clothing. The symbols strike me instantly as not belonging to this world - whirling, fantastical patterns, sometimes curved and intricate, other times straight and jagged. And just as I see them, they disperse beneath her skin, the silver remnants travelling to other parts of her body.

It's mesmerising. Not to mention her curled white hair and ink black eyes. All together, she looks otherworldly.

"Renée," Ethel says, having opened the door. "Thank you for coming on such short notice."

Renée nods. "Just paying my debts." Her voice has an ethereal quality, as though it's straight out of a dream.

"Of course. Come on inside."

Renée gracefully steps over the threshold to the house and Ethel closes the door behind her. Her eyes pass over those of us still seated at the dining table, the sun setting out the window. Her gaze snags on Scott, and her demeanour suddenly changes, growing colder. "Scott," she says, acknowledging him with a nod.

He nods back. "Renée." He doesn't meet her eyes.

Ethel comes to stand beside Renée. "This is Melissa," she says, gesturing towards me.

Renée's black eyes flick to mine, and I get the oddest sensation, as though I'm diving head-first into a dark abyss. After a moment - although it feels as though it's been at least several minutes - she says, "Come over here."

I look to Ethel uncertainly. She just nods, so I get to my feet and walk around the table to Renée.

"Your hand," she says. I hold it out. Her fingers are warm to the touch and not cold like I assumed they'd be - like most otherworldly things are. She frowns, her eyes taking on a far-away look. A moment later, she lets go and I let my hand fall back to my side.

"Okay," she says, stepping back. "Where do we want to do this?"

Ethel gestures behind her. "Will the lounge room do?"

"That will be fine," Renée replies, heading off.

"I'll help you set up," Ethel says. And then to me: "Stay here. I'll get you when she's ready."

After they've both disappeared around the corner, I turn back to the table. "Tea?" Katherine asks the group.

"Actually, I should be heading off," Scott says, already standing. He puts on his coat. "Keep me informed?"

Katherine nods. "Of course."

"I'll probably go too, then," David says, grabbing his things. He passes by me on his way to the door. "It was nice to meet you, Melissa."

"You too," I say courteously.

It's like a mass exodus. When both of them have left, the house feels a lot more spacious. I take a seat back at the table, the blonde woman across from me texting on her phone. It takes me a moment to realise why the house suddenly feels so deeply empty - and when I do, it sends a sharp pang of hurt straight to my heart.


I look to Katherine. "I think I'll have that tea, thanks," I say.

Katherine smiles. "Coming right up."

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