Chapter 14

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"About a year ago, we were being attacked." Alex started. "These things that were much like zombies we called soulless."

"I was alone for a while, my mother had died long before and my father was killed attacking one of these horrible creatures."

"But one day I was experimenting on an infected bunny I had found. It had scratched me but I got the poison out. I had dropped a droplet of blood on the bunny. When I tried to rinse it out with water it became normal. That is how I cured the soulless."

"Then I met Evelyn Green. She helped me cure the soulless along with her boyfriend, her best friend, and her best friends boyfriend. Evelyn come up here!"

I walked up as Alex left the stage.

I tapped my finger against the podium.

"Um," I started. "I wasn't really prepared to do a speech, but I guess I can wing it..."

"About two years ago I was on a plane going to Tucson. The plane had landed in Phoenix because of the outbreak."

"I met my loyal dog Phoebe, who couldn't make it to this meeting, we traveled to large sign. When I woke up, I was with Brent, who is now my boyfriend."

"We met Amara on our way to base, then we got to base and Amara and Jimmy, her boyfriend, clicked. Then I met Alex and he showed us how to defeat the soulless,"

By the time I was finished with the speech I was crying.

"Daddy why is mommy crying?" I heard Stacey ask.

"Mommy is just thinking." Brent explained.

"Can I help her think?"

"I think she needs it,"

I heard little footsteps walk up to the stage and before I knew it tiny arms were wrapped around me.

"Mommy why are you thinking?" Stacey asked.

"Cause Mommy remembers when something horrible was happening," I explained.

"Something horrible happened to me,"

"Yeah? And what was that?"

"I had to go into the boys potty,"

I choked on my tears and laughed as I pulled her into a hug.

I walked back to my seat and Alex got back on.

"Before we end the ceremony I want to assure you that all the soulless are gone." Alex announced. "We have twenty of the last remaining soulless,"

He pulled back the curtains and the entire crowd gasped.

The soulless were gone!


Is it just me or is anyone else in love with Stacey? When I imagine her she is just the cutest thing ever. well I don't know how many more chapters there are going to be... But there is definitely going to be a sequel!!!!!!!

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