Chapter 3

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I collapsed to the ground. My hands were shaking and were slowly making their way up to my face.

Tears escaped and were rapidly falling like water that was released from a dam.

"Oh!" I cried. "Mom! No! Pl-please!" I begged.

Brent walked to me and sat down next to me. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and carried me out of the cabin.

He rubbed my shoulder and kissed my forehead.

I looked over and saw Jessica standing next to the Phoebe. She looked extremely mad.

"Jess, get over it." Brent shouted. He knew she was angered.

"Ya know! You are my boyfriend! Not hers!" Jessica screamed as she stomped into the woods.

Seconds later I heard a shriek.

"Jess!" Brent shouted and ran to the woods. I followed behind. "Jess! Jess no!" he cried as he stabbed a soulless that had bitten her.

He kneeled down and took her arm. There was a large bite mark on it. He pulled her limb up to his mouth and tried to suck out the venom. He was spitting blood onto the floor and the leaves went from orange to crimson.

"Your not dead..." Brent sobbed.

"Robert..." she moaned. The big guy walked over to her and kneeled down. She grabbed his face with her hands and kissed his lips.

"You traitor!" Brent screamed and ran to me. "Two can play it that way!" he grabbed my face and before I could move his lips were on mine.

Jess slowly faded and passed away. Robert had went off on his own because Brent had refused to travel with him.

Brent and I had traveled in silence. I didn't know what that kiss was. It was haunting me.

I had just been walking with Phoebe, listening to Brent curse to himself. But he said one specific thing, and he broke down.

I walked over to him. His entire body was shaking. I put my arm around his shoulder and made him sit down.

"She never loved me, she never loved me," he kept repeating. "I have nobody left, nobody."

"Brent you have me. Your my only thing right now, you and Phoebe, and if you even think," I started, "I mean, if this even crosses your mind, that I will betray you, well, you can face my wrath!" I laughed as I pinned him to the ground.

He started laughing. "Your wrath?" he exclaimed. He tickled my stomach and made me lose my balance. Within seconds he was on top of me, his hands pinning my shoulders to the ground.

I was laughing too hard at the moment and my stomach was killing me.

"I SURRENDER! I SURRENDER!" I begged for mercy. He laughed and got off of me. He stood up and held out a hand.

Instead of letting go of me when I was up, he pulled me closer to him.

"Your mine now, and I'm not going to let anything happen to you." he whispered. We both kneeled down. Brent still had and arm around me but we both held out our arms for Phoebe. She wagged her tail and ran to us.

This was my life now. My family.


So my fellow readers! How do you like the story?! I love comments! I also love it when you murder the vote button! Ooh! I have a question! Do you think I should bring in another person to travel with Brent and Evelyn and Phoebe? Ooh! And another one! Should I start those little contest thingies at the end of chapters? Hope ya love my book!


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