Chapter 1

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~Two years ago~

    "Mom! C'mon we are gonna miss the plane!" I called to my mother. She was inside the airport bathroom and our plane was leaving in literally two minutes! She rushed out and grabbed my hand and pulled me to our plane. 

   She was shipping me off to military school. She was pregnant and she didn't want me to be in the way of her parenting. I was very very mad. But she said it was for the better. 

   I sat at the window seat and watched as we left the ground. I plugged in my headphones and listened to music. 

   "We will be landing in Phoenix shortly." A flight attendant said. I rushed up to her with a worried look in my eyes. 

   "Phoenix?" I asked. "We are supposed to be landing in Tucson!"

   She put her head right up to my ear and looked around. Then she finally whispered, "There has been an, oubreaj." 

   "A what?"

  "An outbrak"


  "An outbreak!" she screamed that. All of a sudden the passengers got louder and the childrenstarted crying. This crying provoked the babies and the babies started screaming. 

  "What kind of outbreak?" I asked through my teeth.

   "Some sort of infected? I don't know, word just got out. They are all over Tucson, that's why we cannot land there. Now go take your seat!" she ordered. I walked to my seat and sat down. I fastened my seatbelt and tapped my foot anxiously while my mother slept soundly.

   Finally we landed. I think the pilot lost control, cause we didn't even land in an airport.  I shook my mother and her eyes shot open. 

   "This Isn't Tuscon..." she stated.

    "Really Sherlock?" I mutttered sarcastically.

    "Talk back again see what happens!" 

    "Nah, I'm good." I said as I picked up my pace. I finally got off the plane and I started walkig towards the woods. I had left my mother behind. She insisted that we stayed on the plane, because it was safer. Yeah Mom! A big plane in the middle of a feild isn't going to attract anybody!

    I kept walking when I heard something. I rushed as quietly to a tree as possible, I wasn't very quiet considering all the dry leaves on the ground. I fumbled through my bag and pulled out a gun I had managed to slip through the security at the airport. 

    I peeked around the trees and saw a dog. I sighed in relief and tucked my gun into my belt. I walked up to the dog and patted its head. I looked on the collar. Phoebe.

   "Well, Phoebe," I sighed. "I guess you can come with me now." her light grey fur settled down and her tail wagged. She jumped onto me and pushed me to the ground. She started licking my face. I was laughing hysterrically when something moaned. I got up and pulled Phoebe by the collar to the tree I was hiding behind before.

  I told Phoebe to stay as I looked at the trail. Something very pale caught my eye. Then I realized, it was a person! 

   "Hey! Over here!"  I screamed. The person looked up and started walking towards me. Then I became a jog, and then I realized, it was chasing me!  "Phoebe lets go!"  

   I started running along the trail away from this person. Phoebe was following me and was almost ahead. 

   I wanted to shoot but I only had seven bullets in the gun. Plus, today is not the day I want to kill someone. 

   I kept running untill I could no longer see the figure. 

  Phoebe was panting and ran to a puddle. I ran to it too. I hhad dropped my bag when I was running, so my water was gone. I dipped my hands into the water and formed a cup. I brought the "cup" out of the water and sipped from it. It was surprisingly clean. 

   I guess I should head away from Tuscon, considering the so called "outbreak" the attendant told me about. 

 Phoebe was very well trained and follwed me the entire way. Then we reached a gigantic sign. I figured that we could stay there for the night. 

   I lied on the ground and held onto Phoebe. She gave me warmth that I had longed for all day. 

   My last memory was a person holding me to their chest and carrying me bridal style. Then I slowly drifted to sleep.

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