Chapter 07 : I Deserved It

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"You are to never blame Katherine for your actions ever again. Do you understand?"
"Are you kidding me? So she can beat me whenever she likes and you okay with that?" I was yelling with emotion.
"She has good reason to be punishing you! You are such a disgrace!"
"Oh, so you actually believe the lies that crazy bitch tells you?" Tears were running down my face.
"Don't you dare call her that! Go to your room. I don't want to see you."

I ran up the stairs then into my room and I threw myself onto the bed. It hurts. He doesn't care about me or what I do. He wouldn't care if I didn't even exist. I have nothing to live for anymore. I'm just a worthless human being just using up resources that many people would be glad to have. I don't even deserve to be alive. Everyone and everything I have is fake. My whole life is just fake.

I start to drift off. I am so exhausted. Tears running down my cheeks, mascara stains are on the sheets. I don't even care anymore. The knife sits on the dresser and there is blood dripping onto the floor. All I know is that I passed out sometime around seven in the afternoon. I wake up to the alarm constantly beeping. I have school today, but I wish I could stay home. I know that rumors are going to be shoved in my face the moment I walk in. I'm not going to be the girl that everyone loves anymore.

It's pretty warm out, but long sleeves was the only choice. I can't risk anything. I walk down the driveway and my dad's car is gone. It's nice I don't have to deal with him today. I open the car door and hop inside, I'm praying that this is the day I die. I pull out the driveway not caring to check if there is anything there. A bit disappointed, I drive out of the neighborhood and eventually arrive at school. I'm not ready for what lies inside the doors. I don't know if I can take this life anymore.

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