Chapter 08 : I'm Going To End It All

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I walk through the doors and everyone's eyes are on me. It's funny how fast things spread around. My group of friends even look at me with disgust. Who am I? I spent years upon years just to get my great reputation, but it's quiet hysterical how fast it all slipped away.

"Look at her, it's Venus. The girl who can't keep her shit together." A girl whispers.

I here laughs and whispers. And ever corner I turn, someone's always staring. I don't like it. I kind of just want to curl up in a ball and say goodbye to this world. I have nothing anymore, not even my spectacular popularity. Everything is gone. The thing that made me feel most like I was a human being is gone, no one looks up to me anymore. I'm just a sad joke and everyone believes they're a fool just for wanting to be like me. I do too, because anyone who wants to be like me obviously can't see through my perfect white smile that fake is all I am. And trust me, never waste your time trying to be something you're not. There's nothing worse to lose everything you thought you had but never did. Life will leave you one big hole inside and there's no way out.

I walk to my first period class and everything feels so wrong. Even my entire existence. I want to go away, and maybe I just will. This world isn't for me and it never really has been.

The day goes by so slow but I can't play it through me head. It was all a blur, and maybe it's a good thing. Lunch was a disaster though. No one really accepted me being at this school. I didn't buy a lunch, I didn't even bring any food. I just spent my few short minutes wondering the halls. My thoughts are so overwhelming anymore. I don't know who to be or what to do. I'm going to end it all, sooner or later.

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