Chapter Seven: Grand Reveal

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'Yuriiiii!' Yuri's youngest sister, Aika, launched herself at him as he walked through the door, hanging off his neck and almost throwing him to the floor. The elder sister, Clara, hung back and waved at him, unwilling to save him from the demented child he was now wearing as a necklace.
'Hi Aika, hi Clara,' he detached the gremlin from himself and lowered her to the ground. For nine years old, she really was scrawny. 'I wanted to talk to you guys about something.'
Even though it wasn't serious yet, his relationship with Victor was starting to feel like it was blossoming into just that and he knew that it was unfair to keep this kind of thing from them. He definitely wasn't going to let them meet him- they most certainly weren't anywhere near the level of 'meet my family'- but they ought to know it was happening. He just had to hope they didn't demand to see him, because their insistence was his downfall.
'Is it about Clara's boyfriend?' Aika giggled, and this was the first Yuri had heard of it. 'He's really old! Dad got angry with her and she didn't get to have any cake, but I did!'
'Is this true, Clara?'
'No. Can this wait? I have revision to do.'
Right, she was just a month or so away from the dreaded mock GCSEs.
'It's really quick,' he promised. 'Sit down in the living room while I get some coffee.'
'All that caffeine is bad for you,' Clara informed him righteously. 'We learnt about it in biology last year. I don't drink coffee anymore.'
'Me not having caffeine would be bad for you,' Yuri countered, flicking the kettle on and grabbing a mug from the cupboard. There was only instant coffee, something he avoided as much as possible because he never seemed able to put in the correct amount of coffee granules. It was always either brown water or so strong the spoon got stuck. He finally joined his sisters after taking forever balancing out the ratio of coffee to water, sitting in his favourite armchair and sighing heavily. He hadn't noticed how tired he was until he finally got a moment to relax. Work had been a whirlwind and he was still exhausted from picking apples with Victor, despite it being now three days ago. They'd been texting back and forth, but hadn't planned any furthers dates yet, although Victor was insanely busy as Hamilton was opening in a few weeks and he seemed to be rehearsing day and night without break.
'Okay,' he set his mug down on the table. 'Do you two promise not to be really annoying about this?'
'Nope,' Aika shook her head vigorously.
'Honestly, what did I expect? Alright, it's really nothing major, but-'
'Oh my god, have you finally got a boyfriend?' Clara clasped her hands together, her eyes lighting up.
'No! Nothing like that,' he knew his cheeks were going pink.
'You so have!'
'Like I said, it's nothing major. We're just casually dating,' he put added emphasis on casually. He couldn't have them getting the wrong idea about this.
'When do we get to meet him?'
'That's the thing... It's actually somebody you know.'
'What?' Clara wrinkled up her nose in confusion. 'I don't know anybody gay except for you.'
'You don't know them personally, you just know who they are.'
'I can't think of anyone.'
'They're a bit famous.'
'Famous? Are you trying to tell me you're dating Elton John?'
'Yes,' Yuri shot her a glare. 'Because I know every gay person that exists. We all of us get together every month, have a convention.'
'Just tell us!' Aika whined, kicking her legs impatiently against the cushions of the sofa.
'Uh, it's Victor Nikiforov.'
Clara spluttered and almost fell off the sofa, stunned.
'Tell us who it really is!' She complained, twiddling a lock of her hair round her finger and looking thoroughly annoyed.
'I just did,' Yuri frowned.
'Victor isn't gay because he's dated loads of women, he lives in America and he's an actual celebrity. Plus, he's really really fit. I love you, but he is so out of your league.'
Did she really think that? Moreover, was it true? It did seem that way when she said it like that; Victor was insanely rich, pretty famous and drop dead gorgeous to boot. Yuri was a borderline panhandler the way he was missing work so often, the only time he'd ever had any publicity was when at six years old he'd made the local newspaper for falling in a river and not knowing how to swim and he wasn't going to make any claims towards being good looking.
'I'm seriously not joking. He lives in London because he's always lived here, he just moved to America to film Vengeance.'
'Prove it,' Clara smirked, not believing he could. She thought this was revenge for all the pranks she and Aika would pull on him. 'Show us a photo of you with him.'
'I don't have any,' he realised this was true. They had never taken any photos together, it had never even occurred to- oh god. Wouldn't the press taking pictures of them at the exhibition opening have posted them somewhere? He couldn't find out now, but he'd have to look into it.
'Then I don't believe you,' Clara folded her arms across her chest smugly.
Yuri's stubborn streak was still burning in him after the apple fiasco, and now he wanted nothing more than to prove to his sisters that he was dating Victor, who totally wasn't out of his league.
'How could I prove it to you?' He asked, his eyes blazing.
'Bring him to the school annual gala tomorrow.'
'Because I'm singing and if it's really Victor, I want him to hear me sing and show off to all my friends that he's come to watch me, right?'
'No. No way,' Yuri shook his head. 'I can't compromise his privacy like that.'
'Then you're lying!'
'I'll do it. I can smuggle him in, but you have to promise not to tell anyone or let anybody know he's there.'
'How will I know he is?'
'He'll be sat next to me, obviously.'
'But anybody could be sat next to you!'
'Fine, I'll bring him backstage if you swear to keep quiet about it.'
'Deal,' she grinned, and they shook hands firmly.

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