Chapter Seventeen: конец

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Victor had gone home early the next morning, and Yuri had headed straight to work. He sat idly in his chair all morning, mindlessly going through paperwork and pondering over how best to approach the subject of love with Victor.
'I love you,' he muttered quietly to himself. That was a good start, but he couldn't just say that. He needn't have felt any pressure because however he said it, he knew it would make Victor happy, and yet he still found himself wanting to say it in the best way possible in order to achieve maximum happiness.
When he got home, he was still thinking about it. He picked up his phone and called Victor, deciding that it would be easiest to just do it in the spur of the moment.
'Come over,' he said before Victor could even greet him.
'Now?' He sounded tired, but that didn't matter. This was important.
'Yes. I have something I need to tell you.'
'The roads are kind of icy, I'll have to put chains on my tyres or something.'
'You could just drive carefully...'
'You've got me there. Okay, I'll see you in an hour.'
They hung up and Yuri was still trying to prepare himself for what he was about to say when about an hour later he got an incoming call from a number he didn't recognise.
'Hello, this is Kingston Hospital, London. Am I speaking with Mr. Katsuki?'
He frowned, wondering why on earth a hospital would be calling him so late at night. He'd never even been to Kingston hospital, and although they almost definitely had the wrong person- they hadn't specified a first name and maybe they were working through a phone directory- he felt a pointless anxiety spike in his chest.
'Yes,' he realised he hadn't confirmed that he was supposedly the person they wanted yet. 'Can I help?'
'We have you listed as an emergency contact for Vincent Newman. I'm afraid-'
'I'm sorry, I don't know a Vincent Newman.'
'The person he was with is insistent that you come.'
'Who is he with?'
'A young girl.'
'Yeah, what's her name?'
'Clara, although she didn't give her second name. She's lost her phone and can't call you, she says.'
His sister? What was she doing at a hospital? Clearly she was okay if the person on the phone hadn't said anything and was talking about her calling him. Anyway, this was about Vincent, whoever 'Vincent' was.
'And what's happened to this Vincent?'
'I'm afraid there's been a road accident and he's in a very critical condition. I think you should come in.'
'Of course,' he hadn't the foggiest who Vincent Newman was, but if his sister was involved he had no choice but to go. 'I'll be there as soon as I can.'
'Please head to the intensive care unit upon your arrival. You'll find directions-'
'I know where to go. Thanks,' he hung up quickly, wanting nothing more than to figure this mystery out. What relation did his sister have to Vincent? Perhaps this was the older boyfriend he was sure she might have. No, if he was driving he had to be at least eighteen, and that was way too old for a fifteen year old girl.
He drove almost as fast as Victor, having learnt a few tricks by now to get to his destination with more haste, although it was still terrifying to him. He made it to the hospital in what had to be record time despite terrible traffic- apparently there'd been an accident nearby and the road had only just opened up again. Maybe it was the same accident Vincent had been involved in.
He found Clara sat on a chair in a brightly-lit corridor of the ICU, sobbing her eyes out, and he immediately knelt in front of her, taking her hands in his.
'I'm sorry, I was lost, and he said he'd take me home!' She wailed, unable to meet his eyes.
'Who's Vin-' he was interrupted by a doctor bustling past tapping him on the shoulder.
'Mr. Katsuki?' She asked, and he stood up and nodded. 'He's right this way, if you'll just follow me.'
'Can I just have a moment?' He turned back to his sister, brushing the doctor off. 'Clara, who is Vincent?'
'Mr. Katsuki-'
'He's gone into cardi-'
'Clara, tell me!' Ignoring the doctor frantically tugging at his arm, he grabbed his sister, who was crying huge, ugly tears.
'It's my fault!' She wailed, pulling at her hair. 'All my fault!'
'Mr. Katsuki, he wants to see y-'
'I said give me a moment!' Yuri snapped, losing his patience at last. He had no reason to go see Vincent, because he didn't know who they were. His sister was upset, and that was his priority right then.
'I really think-'
'Clara, calm down-'
'He's not got long-'
'Is he your boyfriend or something?'
A radio was cracking on the doctor's shoulder, voices calling out to each other frantically and the sound of mechanical beeps.
'We're losing him fast-'
'Defibrillator stat-'
Yuri could hear that there was chaos surrounding Vincent, and he wanted no part of that. If this person died, it was disrespectful to be there and not care a whole lot. Of course it was heartbreaking to watch somebody die, but only because it would make him think about the fragility of life, not for any personal attachment, and that felt distinctly wrong to him.
'Mr. Katsuki I urge you to-'
'I don't want to,' he shook his head. 'I need to talk to my sister.'
'He has just minutes-' thirty seconds until brain death, the radio corrected.
'I don't know who Vinc-'
'Just go, Yuri!' Clara finally spoke, and she shoved him hard in the direction of the door the doctor had been gesturing at.
'I don't understand-'
'Time of death 10:56pm.' The radio was strangely quiet after that.
'It's Victor.'

Clara watched as her brother froze, his face turning ashen and his entire world crumbling in an instant. Suddenly he turned and ran for the room where Victor was, where she knew he was white as the sheets he was lying on and hooked up to now silent machinery. She could hear Yuri crying hysterically, and as she walked in behind him he was yelling at the doctors to do something, anything that would bring him back.
'I'm sorry, there's nothing more we can do,' a doctor tried to calm him.
'Then what's the fucking point of you?' Yuri shouted, clinging desperately to Victor's hand. 'I never got to... I just- I wanted to tell him that I... He promised not leave me again, and I...'
'Shh, it's okay,' Clara knelt down beside him, stroking his hair tenderly and sniffling quietly as he gasped for breath, unable to cope with anything that was happening around him.
'Vitya,' he whimpered, resting his head against Victor's arm. 'I love you. I'm sorry. I love you.'

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