Chapter Thirteen: A Brief Pause

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When Yuri and Victor got back to London from Tokyo, it was 5am and neither felt tired thanks to jet-lag. They decided to drop their bags at Victor's and go do something 'spontaneous', as Victor put it. He didn't often get to just walk round the middle of London without being asked for a picture or autograph by somebody, but since it was so late the streets were eerily silent as they walked down them. St Mary Abbots Church came into view, and Victor pointed at it.
'Why don't we go in there?' He suggested, and Yuri gave him a queasy look.
'It's locked,' he shifted his gaze to the heavy doors. 'We can't get in.'
'Watch and learn,' Victor grinned and knelt down in front of it. He pulled a safety pin, or maybe a paper clip- whatever it was, it was some metal object- from his pocket and fiddled around with the lock for a while until it clicked loudly and Yuri startled. 'Told you I was a thug.'
Yuri snorted and watched on as Victor slowly pushed the door open, casting light on the pews and the dust motes rising from them. It was a little sinister to see the pews so void of people, the altar without a vicar, as if the world had ceased to spin and they were trapped in a snapshot of time. Yuri reached for Victor's hand, holding it tight as he was dragged down the aisle. He didn't really know what they were supposed to be doing there, but they ended up in front of the altar, face to face.
'Yuri Katsuki, do you promise to take me, Victor Nikiforov, as your loyal wedded boyfriend?'
Yuri flinched at the word, but then he felt an odd sense of warmth spread through him and he couldn't help but smile a stupidly wide smile.
'I-I do.'
'You have to do it for me, too, or it doesn't count. This is a two way system.'
'Then Victor Nikiforov, do you promise to take me, Katsuki Yuri, as your loyal wedded boyfriend?'
'I suppose so.'
'That doesn't sound very committed.'
'I absolutely bloody do.'
'Better. What about vows?'
'Well you jumped the gun a bit there with that. We haven't taken our vows.'
'Good call! Do you swear to occasionallyrespect and to honour me, to care for me in sickness and in health, to climb trees with me, to kiss me in Berkeley Square, to cheat mazes with me until death do we part?'
'Death? That's quite a long time, Victor.'
'Is it, though?'
Yuri scoffed and shoved him playfully, but then he forced himself to straighten his face and formulate a reply. Victor was incredible at this only because he had expertise in acting, he reminded himself. There was no pressure to do it well and nobody around to laugh at anything cheesy he said.
'Then I vow to do all of that until one of us dies. It'll probably be you, given the way you drive. Do you swear to slow down at traffic lights, to buy me countless more bottles of wine, to force me to stay in your bed, to do unspeakable things to me in a hotel room?'
Victor chuckled and stroked his cheek gently, brushing his thumb over his lips.
'I do.'

'The church we held the service in today is one we actually visited together when we went on a really long drive, and he loved it so much that we couldn't do this in any other place. We made some vows back then, and so we make vows here today. Vows to help each other, vows to love each other, vows to console each other and above all to share love with each other.'

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