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Clay - Grace VanderWaal

"Come on, up you go." Stiles helped me up. I gave him a sheepish smile, trying to ignore everyone else's judging looks. I'm going to be hearing about this tomorrow.

"Thank you, Stiles. Really." I softly told him, tucking a loose hair behind my ear. He sent me a smile and pet Clint. The dog looked up at him with a wagging tail.

"You should probably call your brother or something. I gotta go call me dad." Stiles rubbed the back of his neck.

"Yeah, um, that's a smart idea." I nodded. Stiles gave me an awkward thumbs up. He walked away, pulling his phone out of his pocket. With a sigh, I took mine out and dialed Spencer's number. The phone rang for a little bit before my brother's voice flooded through.

"What's wrong?" Spencer asked me. "What happened? Are you okay? Is Clint okay?"

"Why are you assuming that something happened?" I anxiously bit my lip.

"Because the only reason you call me during school hours is when something like an anxiety attack happens. Did you have another attack?"

"Well...yeah, but something else happened." I trailed off. How am I going to explain it to him without him freaking out?

"Nat, you're scaring me. Are you okay? What happened?"

"I'm okay now." I breathed out. "Erm, a murder-wait by that I mean a flock of crows! A flock of crows okay? Not an actual murder. Birds. Not a person who kills, okay? Okay. Um, yeah, crows were breaking through the windows and were flying around the room-"

"You got triggered." Spencer sighed.

"Yeah, the glass triggered me. Luckily, I didn't get any flashbacks. That's good...right?"

"I'll try my best to see if I can get off of work to go pick you up. If I can't I'll call Araceli. Alright? You sure you're okay? Are you hurt?"

"It was just an anxiety attack and some scratches. I'm fine, Spence. I promise."

"Okay, that's good." Spencer sighed in relief. "I'll send you a text to let you know who is picking you up, okay. Don't do anything stupid. And Clint? Keep her out of trouble." Clint let out a small woof in reply. Spencer laughed. "I knew you were always on my side, boy."

"You traitor. You're supposed to be my partner in crime." I told the dog. Clint stared up at me with a doggish grin. I rolled my eyes at him, biting back a smile. I could never be mad at this lovely dog. "Alright, Spence. I'll let you go."

"Okay, love ya sis."

"Love you too, bro." With a smile I hang up, shoving my phone into my pocket.

The sounds of sirens growing louder brought my attention to the window. Wincing, I saw the glass shattered on the floor with black feathers and birds amongst them. A few minutes later, some police officers came into the room and started questioning people. I tried my best to not be seen. I don't feel like answering people's questions. More sirens could be heard in the distance. With a sigh I sat on the floor, my chin on my hand. Clint sat next to me, watching the officers ask their questions. My phone vibrated. Pulling it out, I saw Spencer's text.

Araceli is picking you up

"Ms. Blake? You okay?" I heard Stiles ask. Looking up, I saw him walking towards Ms. Blake. Stiles reached towards her hair and plucked out a feather. "Uh, sorry, just that..."

"Next time you're feeling you wanna stay home, you stay home." I heard someone else say. I turned my attention towards Allison and, who I am assuming, her father. Well, aren't I a nosey person today.

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