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Brand New Moves - Hey Violet

Isaac, Araceli, Spencer and I walked out of the elevator. We stopped in front of the Argent's apartment door. Taking a deep breath in, Isaac rapped his knuckles on the door. I gave him a reassuring smile and laced our fingers together. The sound of faint footsteps filled my ears before the door swung open to reveal Allison.

"Oh-what's wrong?" Allison asked. Isaac and I glanced at each other warily. Worry flashed over Allison's facial features. "What happened?"

"Maybe we should talk about this inside...with your dad." Spencer spoke up. Biting her lip, Allison nodded and let us in.

"Dad! We've got company." Allison called out as she closed the door behind us. Chris Argent came out of his study with furrowed brows.

"I-we need your help with something." Isaac anxiously licked his lips. "Something happened a few minutes ago and I'm really hoping you know what they could have been."

"Let's talk in the living room. Follow me." Argent waved us over as he walked to the couches. We followed after him. "What happened?"

"Uh, these guys came out of nowhere and attacked me. They locked Natalie-Nicole and I in her room but only attacked me. " Isaac explained.

"It was weird. They held on to him while one like checked his ear. Then a few seconds later they dropped him and disappeared. Isaac was freezing after that, to the point of hyperthermia." I added.

"Did you see them? Like their faces or anything like that?" Argent questioned.

"They were five of them. They wore black. I couldn't...I couldn't see their faces. They were covered." Isaac informed.

"What do you mean? Like masks?" Allison asked, drifting her gaze in between Isaac and I.

"I think I saw them wearing masks...I-I don't really remember. I wasn't focusing on how they looked." I answered honestly.

"One of them I could see his eyes. They were greenish-yellow. Like a..." Isaac trailed off, thinking. "Like a firefly."

"How did they even get into your house?" Argent crossed his arms.

"I honestly have no clue." Spencer shook his head in frustration. "All the windows and doors were locked. There was no evidence of them breaking and entering."

"It's's like they kind of appeared in my room. Out of thin air." I mentioned, anxiously running a hand through my tangle hair.

"They didn't." Isaac shook his head. "It was like they came out of the shadows."

Argent froze, staring blankly ahead of him. I looked at Allison, hoping she knew what her father did. She caught my gaze and understood what I was silently asking. She shook her head.

"Do you know what that means?" Araceli inquired, taking note of Allison's and I silent conversation. 

"Please say you do." I hoped.

"Dad?" Allison pressed further.

"Umm...I'm not sure. Listen, I need all of you to keep this quiet for a few hours." Argent firmly instructed us.

"From everyone?" Isaac crinkled his eyebrows at the thought of keeping a secret from our pack.

"Why?" Spencer crossed his arms, perking an eyebrow at the hunter.

"Just twenty-four hours." Argent went on.

"They could've killed Isaac and Natalie-Nicole, Dad." Allison shook her head in disbelief. "Shouldn't we tell the pack? To warn them?"

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