Birthstone Madness

365 13 2

Wasted Youth - Roy English


"Nat! Allison is here!" Aunt Hunter called out. Stuffing the last piece of pop tart into my mouth, I grabbed my bag.

"C'mon Clint! Get your leash!" Slinging my bag over my shoulder, Clint ran to go get his leash. Buttoning up my red pea coat, I started to head towards the entrance of the house. Aunt Hunter was standing there with a small smile as she held open the door for me. With a grin, I pecked my aunt's cheek and walked past her. "Have a good day at work today Aunt Hunter!"

"You have a safe day, okay? I have a late case today." Aunt Hunter told me. Clint brushed past Aunt Hunter's leg, looking up at the both of us. My aunt kneeled downed and rubbed Clint's ear. "Take care of her Clint."

Clint let out a yip, his tail wagging. We both laughed. Extending my hand out, Clint dropped the leash. With a smile, the both of us walked down the sidewalk and opened the back door of Allison's car. Clint jumped in first, placed his paws on the back of Allison's seat and giving her a kiss. Lydia snickered in her seat.

"Hey, Clint!" Allison laughed out, turning in her seat to give an ear rub. Climbing in, I set my bag on the floor. I immediately closed the door and buckled up. "Hey, Nat."

"Hey." I smiled back. Allison locked the doors and slightly rolled down the back window for the service dog before she started to drive. Clint then went towards the passenger seat to give Lydia a kiss as well. Lydia let out a shriek.

"Clint!" Lydia laughed out, wiping her cheek. "You're lucky I brought my makeup bag with me today, mister."

Allison and I laughed as the strawberry blonde pulled out her silver makeup bag. Lydia playfully rolled her eyes as she dug through the bag. Clint jumped onto the seat and sat on my lap. With the music lightly playing in the background, Lydia started to reapply her foundation. Clint stared out the lowered window, the cold wind blowing his ears back to smack me in the face. I tried to push his floppy ears away, but it wasn't doing anything.

"Do you want me to roll up the window?" Allison chuckled. I sheepishly smiled.

"Please?" The window rolled up, causing Clint to pout. He tilted his head back to face me and let out a small whine.

"Oh hush, your ears were hitting me in the face." I tapped his nose, causing his wrinkle it. A few minutes later passed before Allison said anything.

"Hey, I forgot to tell you two yesterday. I found out that it's a logo for a bank." Allison said as she parked the car in the school parking lot. I grabbed the leash and hooked it on Clint's collar.

"So mystery girl leaves a bruise on our arms that turns out to be the logo for a bank?" Lydia scoffed as she got out of the car. Following suit, I closed the door behind me. "What's she trying to do? Give us investment advice?"

"Not just a bank. It's been closed for years." Allison informed us. She walked over to her car's trunk. Adjusting my bag, I strolled up next to Allison.

"Why would she give you a bruise about a closed down bank then?" I questioned.

"Why aren't you telling Scott?" Lydia asked as she stopped next to me.

"Because according to someone, I need to find something real." Allison tightened the belt of her coat. She popped open her trunk and grabbed her purse. Closing it shut, she slung the brown bag over her shoulder. "Which reminds me, um, I can't drive you two home today. I haven an errand to run after school."

I looked at Lydia who shrugged. With a sigh I nodded. Who can I ask to give me a ride home? Araceli and Spencer are working late today. The three of us started to walk towards the school, when a familiar blue jeep caught my eye.

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