Scooby Doo

432 16 17

Stressed Out - Twenty One Pilots

"I'm not sure if you should stay the night, Nat. What if you have another attack?"

"Heather knows what to do when that happens and Clint is going to be with me."

"Okay...fine. Stay safe, okay? If you don't feel good, just call me. I'll come pick you up. Take care of her, Clint." Spencer sternly looked at my dog who was wearing his service vest once again. I rolled my eyes and pecked my brother's cheek. "You have your bag to stay the night?"

"I will, I promise. And yeah I do. I have Clint's stuff, too." I opened the passenger door and let Clint jump off of my lap. Following suit, I got out of the car. Slinging my backpack onto my shoulder, I grabbed my duffle bag. Closing the door, my brother rolled down the window.

"Okay, be safe you two. And tell Heather we say happy birthday!" Spencer waved goodbye before he drove away. Licking my lips, I tightened my hold on the leash and walked up to the front door. Ringing the doorbell, I looked down at Clint to see his tail wagging. A smile grew on my face. He loves it when we go see Heather. The door opened to reveal the birthday girl herself.

"Natalie-Nicole!" Heather wrapped her arms around me.

"Heather! Happy birthday from all of us Hilyards!" I exclaimed, squeezing her back. Pulling away, Clint jumped on Heather giving his own birthday greeting. Heather laughed and rubbed his ear.

"Hey Clint! How are ya?" Heather beamed and looked up at me. "The guests should start arriving soon. Wanna help me finish up getting everything ready?"

"Sure." I shrugged, following Heather inside. She closed the door behind me and started to head off towards the kitchen. I dropped my baggage near the door. "Is there going to be cake?"

"There is no cake." Heather looked over her shoulder to inform me as she opened the pantry. My mouth dropped.

"That's truly depressing, Heather. What's a party without cake?"

"An alcohol one? Nat, it's a teenage party. Who still eats cake at a teenage party?" Heather handed me the blue solo cup packages.

"Me! I do!" I exclaimed, pointing to myself. "I was looking forward to some cake."

"Of course you do. If it would make you feel any better, once everyone else leaves, I will personally go get some cake for the two of us." Heather turned around with two packages of cups in her hands. She frowned, placing the cups on the island. Walking closer to me, she cupped my chin.

"What? Do I have something on my face?" I asked, patting my face to feel anything out of the ordinary.

"Yeah, you have a scratch. What happened?"

"Oh, heh, um. There was a weird incident at school again." I nervously chuckled out, swatting my best friend's hand away. I walked over to the island and set down the cups.

"Again? What the hell happened this time?" Heather looked at me with wide eyes, opening the packages and setting the cups out.

"Crows crashed through the windows into the classroom. It was crazy, Heather. It looked like they were trying to commit suicide or something." I shook my head.

"They crashed through the windows?" I nodded, neatly stacking the blue cups near the punch bowl. I'm pretty sure that's going to be spiked quickly, if not already. "Did you have an attack? Are you okay?"

"Yeah I did. That weird friend of yours? Stiles? He um, he helped me get through my panic attack. I didn't know he used to get them." I furrowed my eyebrows, gathering up the plastic and crumbling them up before tossing it in the trash.

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