I Miss You

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(Chris' POV)

Ethan and I were having a laugh over some of the vastly inappropriate things we had heard fans shout whilst we were on stage.

"Chris, show me your phoenix," Ethan whispered, feigning seduction. I started cracking up as I responded,

"Ah! Ethis let's have a threesome!"

"But what about daddy Delgado!" That's when we both lost it. We attempted to compose ourselves whilst Jakob talked to a young fan. I still can't believe so many people like us, we're just a couple of teenagers from Sydney, who knew you could have so much of a drastic life change in merely a year. I wasn't really paying all that much attention, I know that this is one of the only opportunities some of these girls get to meet us but we'd met so many and I was starting to come down from the high of performing, I was so tired. I vaguely heard Jakob asking some girl if she wanted to get in the picture when I heard that voice. That voice I had gone through high school with, making jokes about anything that came to mind, laughing at herself when she'd trip over her long limbs or when Ethan made a pathetic pun. That voice I hadn't heard in over a year, that voce I missed every damn day and will never forget the pain in that voice when I made the biggest mistake of my life.

"Oh no, I'm not really a fan I just brought my sister."

I looked up and saw the most beautiful girl I ever had the pleasure of knowing, "Liz." I croaked. At that she sprinted off, leaving her little sister looking on in awe. I watched on as my first love ran out of the room and right out of my life.

(Liz's POV)

As I fled from the room I felt an arm grab my wrist and spin me around. I was faced with chocolate brown, puppy dog like eyes burning into my own, my breath hitched and I realized I couldn't move. All the feelings I thought I'd gotten over, that I'd suppressed in the dark depths of my mind where I kept all the on goings of ninth grade. I remembered every word, every promise, every damn smile he shot my way and the very first time we kissed flood back to me and I felt a tear spill down my flushed cheeks.

"I never thought I'd see you again," he stammered, still clutching onto my arm like I was the edge of the world and he was slipping into oblivion.

"You left me, remember?" I responded, trying to sound indifferent but my confidence faltered when my voice cracked, my sorrow evident on my features.

"Oh... Yeah..."

"Guess you finally got what you wanted then."


"The music, girls, record labels and tours, you're all big and famous now, congratulations," I said without a hint of happiness for his success.

"It's not really what I wanted..."

"You're kidding!" I said, my tone laced with malice.

"The music's great and all but I just miss my old life. School, friends and even homework. I-I M-missed y-you," he stumbled over his words.

"I-" I was cut off by Chris being yelled at to get back to the meet and greet. He pulled an apologetic smile before saying his final words to me.

"Please wait here, I need to talk to you, please stay," he called back as he was dragged off by the security guards to meet a dozen or so more screaming teenagers.

He missed me. But I knew it wasn't the mighty, on top of the world, mega popstar Chris Lanzon that missed me. It was the nervous 12 year old that I met on the bus on our first day of high school, it was the sweet 8th grader who gave me his science notes so I could pass the exam, and it was the caring boy who loved me despite my insecurities and walked me home after our first date. Under all those layers of media training and management's façade that boy was still in there. And god did I miss him.

A/N: Yay two updates in one day after a year of not updating oops! But an update on me (even though none of you really care) I've met Chris 3 times now and Jakob and Ethan twice and Chris recognizes me and knows my name and viewed my insta story and I'M NOT OKAY!!!! Also my friend and I started an In Stereo fan account on insta that you should all totally follow cause we give really shitty updates and fan girl a lot aha @instereo_bs

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