Last First Dates

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(Chris' POV)

I rushed through the last few VIP ticket holding fans before going to look for Liz. I know it's a lot to hope for, especially considering how awful I was to her, and that I never even bothered to contact her since. Once I realized what I did I wanted to call her, but I knew she would never take me back, and once I found out how screwed up this industry truly was I was prepared to turn back. Turn back and run towards my old life, to her. But I couldn't do that to Ethan and Jake, they had given up more than me, made far greater sacrifices than I was ever willing to. I love music, but I hate this.

(Liz's POV)

I know I'm going to regret staying, he's media infused demeanor would break through once again and break my heart for a second time, I don't think I could go through that again. He's probably not even interested, just wants to make sure I hadn't unleashed any of his or Ethan's secrets from before they were in the public eye, make me sign some sort of confidentiality contract or something. Yeah, that's why he wants me to stay.

Anna had gotten a ride home from one of her little school friends she saw after the meet and greet, so I sat here in the corner of the boys green room, staring at the poorly carpeted ground with anxiety creating knots in my empty stomach.

I look up as I hear the door creak open accompanied by three sets of footsteps but only two laughing, giggling personas. As soon as Chris sees me slumped on the couch he politely asks the other two to leave the room as he pulls up a stool to sit opposite me. I started to get lost in his dream like eyes before forcing myself to snap out of it, reminding myself that this was probably just business related, I couldn't fall for him again.

"Um, it's a bit cramped in here do you want to maybe-" my stomach making a weird noise due to its lack of nutrients cut him off.

He made an attempt at a laugh before continuing, "Go and get something to eat?"

"What's open at this time of night," I attempted to make light conversation.

"Nandos?" He suggested with a cheeky smile.

"Sure," we both stood up to leave before realizing that exiting the venue, considering his status, was going to be a struggle.

Chris shot a text to his In Stereo group chat telling them he was leaving before putting up a hoodie and sunglasses and lowering his head as we both went out the back door. We wandered the streets of the city for a while, walking in silent unison, until we stumbled upon dare I say the greatest fast food outlet of all time.

"Can I have one perri perri chicken combo, large fries with a coke and one chili chicken burger with medium fries and a sprite," Chris orders for us both.

I turn to him and say, "You remembered my order?"

"Of course," he smiled.

We both sat down with our meals and started picking at them, not sure how to start the conversation.

After about 5 minutes of silence and slowly sipping our drinks, Chris attempts to break the tension.

"I'm really sorry about what happened between us."

"Chris I-"

"No, please let me finish."


"I never wanted to break up with you, I was too wrapped up in the whole concept of my dreams becoming a reality, I was going to become a famous musician! But, I didn't realize how much I'd have to sacrifice; I didn't realize how much this industry screws you over. I regret the way things ended between us, and I still think about you everyday. I know we only went on a couple of dates but we were best mates for years, I never wanted to lose you. And I still really like you, as many girls as I meet I can never look at anyone else the way I looked at you. If you'd let me I'd really like to start over."

"Shit... You've really thought about this."

"Every day since I met you."

"We can't just forget everything that happened, and what about your management, they didn't let us date before, why would they let us be together now?"

"So you're saying that you want to be with me?"

"I never said that, I'm just thinking about the complications."

He sighed, "I don't know, but we can keep it a secret from management, from the fans. I really want to be with you. And trust me, me Jake and Etho have covered up a lot bigger things than a girlfriend."

"Like what?" I say, intrigued.

"Do you still keep in touch with Amber?"

"No, why? Last I heard she dropped out of school due to a pregnancy scare," I laughed, Chris' face fell, he remained silent.

"What?" You continued.

"Um, maybe you should talk to Ethan about that."

"Why can't you tell me?"

"It's just not my place to say. But, back to us."

"We stopped being 'us' a long time ago Chris."

"Please let me just take you on one date, and by the end of it if you can look me in the eye and say you have no feelings for you I'll leave. Please, just give me a chance."

He had broken down my walls and I finally caved, "One date," he breathed a sigh of relief.

"I'll pick you up tomorrow then? About 3ish? Oh and wear something you can walk in."

I never thought I'd let myself fall for him again; he was the living, breathing image of everything I regretted. But as his sweet, caring smile spread across his supple lips and his coffee coloured eyes crinkled in ecstasy I realized that my regrets were the most exciting times of my entire life.

A/N: Kind of a filler chapter but oh well it's pretty long so... This will be the last update in this spam cause I'm still finishing the chapter after this but I have written the chapter after that so those two will probably be uploaded within the next week (hopefully not in a year oops!) Even though this chapter might've been pretty boring I can assure you that the drama will start to pick up in the next chapter and there will be a massive plot twist in the chapter after that! Also a lot of explanations for things I didn't really delve into in the earlier chapters will happen and old plot lines will be resolved really soon. I'm trying to tie up all the loose ends of my terrible 13-year-old writing skills from when I started the book! Hope you liked this chapter spam!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2016 ⏰

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