Kenjiro Minami: Chocolates

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"I still can't get over your hair..." You mutter, walking next to Minami as you walk home from getting hot cocoa.

"Shut up." He says, dragging out each letter.

"I'm just saying. It looks like a biscuit with ketchup on it." Despite you somewhat rude words, the smile on your face counteracted, making them less harsh and more of a joke.

"I like my hair..." Minami says, his voice being drowned out by the cars that were next to you. You pulled up your hat down lower over your ears, taking a sip of the hot cocoa in your hands. Draining the last of it, you saw a convenience store, wondering if there was more cocoa to be bought inside.

"I like your hair too, Babe." You said, and Minami stopped.

"I'm need something from in here. Wait right here, please." He said before darting into the store. Your eyebrows furrowed at his sudden change in character, but ignored it and looked around, taking in every detail. The awnings from the other buildings, snow laying on top of them as if blankets. The little kid in a dress and boots holding their parents' hands.

Why is it so pretty? You wondered to yourself as you took in the lake across from you, frozen and covered with a thin layer of snow, patches of ice peeking out.

You got lost in your thoughts, only to be abruptly pulled out by Minami talking to you, holding a bag of chocolates.

"Happy anniversary." He says, the smile on his face accompanied by a blush.

"Happy anniversary." You say, the smile on his face matching yours. He walks up next to you and opens the bag of chocolate, grabbing out one and putting it in your open mouth.

"Oh my god. It's so good." You say, reaching into the bag for another chocolate.

"Is it?" He asks, grabbing out a piece for himself, and tossing it into his mouth."It is."

You laugh, smiling to yourself. A whole year. An entire year ago we went on our first date.

The two of you soon finish the bag of chocolate, and you take it, waiting to find a trash can.

"Hey, (Y/N)?" Minami asks quietly.


"Nevermind..." He says, the blush in his cheeks turning more red in colour.

"You're a dork." You say, grabbing his hand with your free one, dragging him along.

"But I'm your dork." He announces, his voice having the quality it only has when he regrets something.

"Yeah, you are. Oh hey, trash can!" You say, pointing across the street.

"Shouldn't we look for one on this side of the street?" He asks.

"It'll be fine. Don't worry." You say, darting across the street and dumping the bag into the trash can.

"See. All fine." You say, walking into the street, already halfway across.

"(Y/N) watch out!" He shouts, but it's already too late. You get hit with the force of the car, bringing your body up and over, only for it to be dropped back down harshly on the icy pavement.

Minami runs to you, slipping on the ice once. "No, no, no." He keeps saying. But it true. You're dead.

"I'm so sorry. My car, it hit a patch of ice and it swerved..." the drive starts saying as he types into his phone the number for an ambulance. But it wouldn't do any use. The passengers are safe, but there is just one less life inhabiting the earth.

~One year later~

Minami's pov:

I carry flowers and chocolates, my normal bright and cheerful hair seeming inappropriate at this moment. I weave through the stones, glancing at the names written on them. But they aren't (Y/N). But the stone with that name is around here somewhere.

Finding it eventually, I put the flowers down against the grey rock, putting the chocolates next to them.

Her parents wanted her to be buried in America, they wanted her to be buried near them. They just didn't know that the day would be so soon from their own death.

"Happy anniversary." I say, my throat thick from the tears I'm barely holding back. It may just be my imagination, but I swear I can hear those words said back to me.


Up next: Seung-gil

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