Christophe Giacometti: Glasses: The Finale

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The car ride was agonizing. You were fidgeting the entire time, to the point where Saeyoung threatened to throw you out of his "baby". You stopped fidgeting after that point.

You were standing in front of the door, staring at the mint green surface. You had been here before, Rika had taken you here. She said that it was a special place that she wanted to fill with love and compassion. Oh, how she lied.

The memories of their screams resonated in your head as you walked down the corridor. You passed the place that Rika had asked you to join, right in front of the brain washing room. If you were going to join then she wanted to get the important stuff over quickly.

But you had declined, saying that you didn't want to become apart of such a heinous project with such an impossible goal with morally-incorrect methods of getting there. 

That memory and the ones that follow send shivers down your spine any time you think of that. You had avoided talking about it, and the entire RFA thought that it was a bad idea, and you've been far less active then V was since his funeral. You knew you didn't really have a right to act that way, but you did and you couldn't change it.

But that was when you met Chris, at the worst possible moment. The RFA had drug you out to a skating rink in Switzerland, as Jumin was on a business trip but was worried about your mental state. You were the only people there for the most part. Saeyoung and Jumin glided around, Jumin skating with Elizabeth in his arms as he raced around trying to keep him away from "Elly" and Zen and Jaehee were sitting on the benches, talking about Zen's upcoming musicals and babysitting a whining Yoosung as the WiFi wasn't all that great, you were leaning against the wall, having tried to skate and falling multiple times.

"Hey, need help?" A voice asked you. You had looked up and saw a nice looking man that you had seen on the TV sometimes. You nodded and the two of you had talked for awhile, trying to get you to at least stand on the ice, which you had failed at. He gave you his number so the two of you could "continue your lessons" and he had left, leaving you dumbfound.

"(Y/N)? Pay attention." Saeyoung had muttered as you had nearly walked into the center of the room.

"Sorry." You muttered, looking around for Chris. You saw him with his face scratched and bruised, dried blood on his face in a trial from his nose and his lip. His eye was surrounded by purple and red, and you were scared. You thought Rika was getting better, so why? Why did she do this to the love of your life?

"(Y/N), Saeyoung, I know you're there. Please don't hid. It hurts my feelings." Rika said, more twisted than ever.

You walked out, and Chris's head rises, his eyes wild. He's fuming, and you can almost see steam visibly climbing out of his ears.

"Hold him back." Rika says, and two Believers wrap their arms around Saeyoung, keeping him from moving. "Untie him." She says, and another Believer does as he's told. Chris rubs his arms, the rope burn bright red against his skin. He stalks toward you, and a pit grows in your stomach. This isn't your Chris, the one who would cuddle with you when your cramps were at their worst, it wasn't the Chris who gave you his phone number upon the first time you met him, a white, toothy grin being flashed at you constantly. No, this wasn't the Chris you loved, this wasn't your Chris.

His fingers wrapped around your throat delicately, something that the two of you had experienced many times before, just not in this context. 

He squeezed your throat tighter, crushing a few bones in your neck. He watched the life fade from your eyes before he knew what he was doing, finally snapping back to reality to see your last moments, Rika smiling in the corner at how her little experiment had gone.



But yes this is the last of the Christophe Giacometti: Glasses oneshots thing so I hoped you liked it.


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