Leo de la Iglesia: Savior

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Okay I'm sorry this is later than normal I've been slammed with trying to get my house ready before the New Year because my dad is coming back from deployment in January after about eight months and my mom said that if it doesn't get done that A: I won't get cake or B: Cupcake (my bunny plushie) will get taken away and yeah I can't live without my cake or Cupcake so yeah... sorry for the late update.


Side note: I didn't mix the honey in my tea properly and I just  drank straight honey (One the only straight things about me *shoots rainbows out of hands* PANSEXUAL!!!... Sorry it's like 3 in the morning and I am operating on sugar completely)



 You were walking down the street, music playing in your ears. You were walking home from a Christmas party at your friends house, and even though one of the guests offered you a ride home, you declined because, while it is cold, it is also pretty.

So you were walking down the street, (F/S) playing through your earbuds, not paying attention to much.

That turned out to be a bad idea. As you were walking past an alleyway, someone grabbed your wrists and pinning your arms above your head, the rough brick scratching the "C" of your hand.

"Oh, so beautiful. I wonder what you're hiding under those jeans..." The person says, biting your ear.

"Let me go." You mutter.

"Oh, come on, you don't mean that." The person says, their voice rough and scratchy. They bite your ear, and you can feel the lump in your throat growing, but you swallow it down. "See, you might not like this mentally, but physically, you adore me."

"I said let me go." You says at a normal volume.

"Oh, come on now, lets have some fun." The person says, snaking their hand down and into the front of your pants, trying to get you to react immensely. You scream at the top of your lungs, and hear the thud of feet slapping the land.

"Get off." They person says, their words being broken up by a grunt of effort as they pull the person off of you, and you collapse onto the ground. The person who pulled the other off of you shoves the person who just had their hands down your pants, laying punches on them rapid fire. The one being punched manages to escape, running out into the street and away from you, leaving you with the person who was just throwing punches like there was no tomorrow.

"Are you okay?" They ask, crouching down in front of you and extending a hand to put on your shoulder. You push your feet against the wall, shoving yourself against the wall, your eyes wide and fearful.

They stand up, keeping their hand extended for you to grab at the moment when you feel the most comfortable to.

Which doesn't take very long, as their face is kind and familiar, rather than frightening and unfriendly, like the person who had just pinned you up against the wall's face had been.

"Are you okay? No, you're not, obviously, that's a stupid question. Sorry." You just look at them, not wanting to say anything. "Do you want tea, or coffee, or hot cocoa, or something?"

"Uh, um, sure." You mutter, your voice soft and weak.

"Okay, I know a good place. It's over here." They say, leading you to a shop.

"What is your name, by the way? I mean..." You say, dragging out a few select syllables.

"Oh, it's Leo. What about you?"

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