Christophe Giacometti: Glasses

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"Chris! Stop it I'm trying to cook." You say, your attempt at cooking making the entire house smell like burnt vegetables.

"Yeah I can tell, and so can my nose. Let me just make dinner, please?" He asks.

"No." You said. Stubborn, as usual.

"If you let me cook, then you'll get a treat." Now there is some proper motivation. You sit down in a chair, and Chris pops a piece of candy into your mouth. He turns back to the pan, and shakes his head.

"What?" You ask, curiosity taking over you.

"You completely ruined this."

"Maybe I did. Maybe you were distracting me." You say as he turns off the stove.

"Oh, how?"

"You know how."

"Really? I do?"

"Yes, you do."

"Did I do something like this?" He asks as he presses his lips to a sensitive spot on your neck.

"Yeah..." You mutter.

"And what about this?" He presses his lips right behind your ear, on the pressure point.

"That too."

"So those distract you?" He asks.


"Good to know." Then he walks away.

"You're such a tease." You mutter. "But you know what's kinda weird?"

"What is?"

"It's your birthday, but I'm getting all the treats." You acknowledge.

"Yeah, it is, but I don't mind it."

"Speaking of which, what do you want for your birthday?" You ask, standing up and walking behind him.

"How about a decent nights rest?" He asks.

"Well, I'm sorry but you knew going into this that when something happens that I want to happen, I freak out."

"Maybe you could not watch those shows for tonight?"

"How dare you?" You say, mocking offense. "Yeah sure, but just this once. "

"Thank you."

"Yep. No problem. Hey, where's your glasses?" You ask, looking around for them,

"I have no clue. They should be around here somewhere. Look for them after we eat. It's almost ready." He says, then slides the food on to some plates.

"Okay, whatever." You say, the disappointment clear on your face.

You sit at the table, legs curled under you, and stick a piece of broccoli with your fork, it halfway up to your mouth when the windows break open, and Chris shoves you under the table, the tablecloth covering any sign of you being there.

"What do you want?" You hear Chris inquirer.

"You know why. Now, we can either do this the easy way, or I could knock you out and have these two carry you to HQ." An unknown female voice announces.

"Fine. Knock me out, because that's the only way you're going to get me out of here." Chris says, and your chest deflates. What is happening here? You think as you try to keep your breath as silent as possible, lest the unknown person finds you as well.

"Okay, boys, you heard him. Knock him out and wrap him. I want him lookin' like a Christmas present." The voice says, and then you hear struggling, Chris struggling against the people trying to knock him out, and then the sound of Chris's breath being knocked out of his chest with as he is hit, and then the sound of him being heaved over someone's shoulder.

"Burn it to the ground. I down want anyone knowing what happened here." And with that a match is being struck and the flames' scent dances in your nose, making you feel strangled, which has happened before, just for... other reasons.

Coughing and gagging, you stumble out from under the table and down the fire escape, your phone luckily in your back pocket. You call the fire department, and hear the women say that help will be on the way. When it finally does, all you care about is gone. Chris was taken away by them, and all the picture that you had printed out had been eaten in the fire, never to be seen again.

But you weren't going to let them keep Chris. You were going to get him back.


Ayyeeee this is 666 words.

I am Satan.

Jk but it's kinda funny.

Anyways I'm sorry for the late update, I had writers block and I kept getting distracted.



Up next: Leo

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