Chapter One

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Chapter One


"Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!"

"Urg!" I groaned as loud voices reached my ears. In the morning, they felt like chalk against the blackboard. Screeching.


I shot directly out of bed at the loud voice. If I were to shout this loud, I'm sure it would disable my vocal chords. I don't know how they are even capable of speaking so loud. I'm sure if I could make them stand on the roof, no alarm would be needed.

Although, that voice did make my ears bleed.

"What?!" I asked, Gage,--huffing angrily--who was now sitting on my bed on her knees and holding my upper arms as to wake me up.

She released her hold and told me her problem, "Argh! Jennifer destroyed my hair! LOOK!" She pointed to her hair, shouting and surely her hair did look like a birds nest.

I sighed and rolled my eyes at their everyday drama, "Did you two get into a fight again?"

"She started it! Now, come do my hair!" she grabbed my hand and took me towards her and Jennifer's room. They fight too much, I don't know why Surp. just don't give them seperate rooms. She always says that they need to be cooperative and learn to live with each other.

As if they'll ever be.

I don't understand really. They never, and I mean never cooperate.

She opened the door to her and Jennifer's room and we entered.

"Come, come here, Bloom, now make my hair beautiful," She ordered as she sat in front of her vanity mirror and started pouting and making wierd faces.

Without saying anything, I grabbed a hair brush and started brushing her hair.

"Bloom have you seen my purple off shoulder dress? Hmm?" asked Jennifer as she looked through a pile of clothes, messily lying on her bed.

"No, I haven't seen it."

"But you might!" She whined, "You're the one who washes them!"

"I'll check next time," I tried reasoning with her.

"NO! I need it now!" She almost screamed. I sighed.

"Alright! I'll check after Gage's hair are done."



I left the room after doing Gage's hair to check where Jen's dress is. I'm not calling her Jen because I like her or something, it's just that her name's mouthful.

I proceeded to look her dress as another voice called me.


"Yes, Lady Surp?" I quickly came and answered her.

"Have you any idea how dirty my room is? Go and clean it now!" She shouted, her eyes narrowing as her face moved forward.

"Alright, I'll clean it after I find Jennifer's dress."

She left quickly after that, bumping my shoulder purposely in the process.

I sighed. As usual, they have a whole list of chores ready for me.


-Prince Sky-

I sighed rubbing my temples as I paced in my room. Stress. That's what I'm feeling. The stress of ruling the kingdom and the stress of marrying a girl.

Yes. My parents want me to marry a girl.

A girl who will be a total stranger.

A girl I do not know.

I have to spend my whole life with her.

Why is life so hard?

I don't think I will ever know the answer to that.

Why don't I get to make the decisions of my life for once? All my life I've been listening to others. It feels like I have no right to listen to myself.

If someone says that the life of a Prince is easy then they're dead wrong. There's nothing harder than ruling a kingdom.

I looked at the side of my bed and looked at the picture lying on the left side of my bed on the side table. I sighed.

It's been lying there since 15 years. Prior to the day Bloom left. I don't know if it's silly of me to think but I liked Bloom when we were kids. We were even engaged to marry even before we came into this world.

Their kingdom was not far away from us, so she often came here. Her parents and mine, were very good friends, so we often visited each other. At that time, there was no chaos. Everything was fine. So they didn't need to worry much.

But then Bloom got kidnapped and they thought that we've done something to her. Since then, they're like our rivals. They hate us.

Nobody knows what happened to her. What happened to Bloom? Where is she? Will she ever come back? How is she? Is she... dead? That question makes me dread the most.

I can't live without her. To this day, I've only been living at a small ray of hope of finding her one day. Now, even though my hopes are fading, but my determination to find her never will.

There are so many questions roaming around my mind. My mind is chaos but I don't know when I'll get the answers. When I will be or if I will ever be able to see Bloom again.

I don't think that even after so many years my feelings had faded. They're still there. My heart tells me that my Bloom is still alive. That everyday she breathes. She's not dead. She's here. And I can feel it.

That nothing has happened to her.


Picture: Bloom

Hope you like it! ;)


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