Chapter Four

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Chapter Four


"So, this came from the castle." I told Lady Surp.

"What?! Did you read it?" She said, harshly.

Should I tell her? No. She would eat me alive, "No, I didn't, but I do want to know what's in there."

"Huh! Like I would tell you! Camilla, girls, go into your rooms."

"Yes, mom." Before going Camilla winked at me and nodded at her door from me to join her after everybody's home.

I gave her the nod back and we smiled. I waited for Lady Surp. to go into her room and then went to Cam's room.

"Cam!" I whisper-yelled and hugged her.

"B!" She hugged me back. We kept our voices down as to not to alert the other's.

"I'm so glad you're back!"

"Me, too!"

"Anyway's so how was Italy?"

"It was great! I had lots of fun and..." She stopped, blushing.

" met a boy?" I asked, smirking because I already knew the answer.

Her eyes widened before she sighed happily and said, "Yes. And...I think I'm in love."

"Wow. A year and you already fell in love."

"Yeah and you know he was really handsome and his accent was beautiful! I just...I just love everything about him. Seriously, I didn't wanna leave him but I had to come here. A few days later, I'm telling mom about it." She explained with a dazed look, smiling slightly.

I grinned, "That'd be great! And then you both can marry each other. And live a happily ever after."

"I hope so."

We stayed in silence for a few seconds before she asked, raising her eyebrows, "So, what about you? Met anyone?"

"Nah, not lucky enough."

"But, you're beautiful, you can get any guy, you just need to go out and let the world know that you exist. You're 20 and I can't believe that you've never kissed anyone." She said looking at me with her eyes slightly widened.

"Yeah, well, I'm waiting for the right time." I replied.

"With my mother, it's never going to be a right time. And know what? I'm taking you to the ball."

I was about to object when I heard a loud screechy voice, "Bloom! Where are you?! And why is the kitchen not cleaned?!"

I flinched at the loudness of the voice and said, "That's my cue to leave. Bye, Cam."

"Bye, and I promise that your life will not be like this forever. It will change."



I wish Bloom's life would change. I wish my mother was not like that. I know that she is the Princess of Kingdom of Larwen but I can't do anything about it. I know that she was Prince Sky's best friend. What do I do? I can't go to her directly and tell her all this. I need to do something about it.


I picked up my phone and called my best friend Nova Delvia, "Hey, Nova, I need a favour."


Mom called me in her room after that and we dicussed about going to the ball. She didn't said anything about this to Bloom. She doesn't want her to go.

But...I have other plans.

I smirked and layed down on my bed.



Everything is ready for the ball that is being on a week. I'm excited and not. My attire is also ready. I wish Bloom was here. Then I wouldn't have to choose a girl for me. I know it's crazy but she was my first crush. I still remember us playing together. And now we have a good that we can find her.

A knock sounded at my door.

"Come in."

"Son, what happened? You look sad." My mom pointed out.

"No, I'm not sad." I said, putting a smile on my face to mask my emotion.

"I'm your mother Sky, I can see right through your exterior. The shield that you've put. Don't hide it from me, tell me."

"Mom, it's Bloom, King Oritel called and said that she is still alive and that she is in this kingdom. But I just don't know, where?" I said, stressed that I don't know where she is.

"We will find her, my son. I believe in you and we can also search for her in the ball." She comforted me putting a hand on my shoulder.

"But what if I can't find her in the ball?" I questioned.

"You will. And if you don't find her or like any girl in the ball then we can wait. I will talk to your Dad about it." She smiled.

"Thank you, mom but you know he is firm in stand."

"And you know I know how to persuade him. Love you."

I grinned, "Love you, too."

Picture: Bloom

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