Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

(1 week later)


Today is the day of the ball. Everybody is going except me. I didn't even ask for going because I know that she won't allow me, so there is no point in asking.

I was ironing their dresses. Gage and Jennifer was running here and there finding their things. In short, there is hustle and bustle everywhere.

"Bloom! Bloom! Come here!" Jennifer's voice shouted.

"I'm ironing your dresses. Wait!"

I quickly ironed the last dress that was Jennifer's and put them all in the hangers. I took them and ran out of the room. I first went to Lady Surp's room and put her dress there. Then I went to Gage and Jen's room. I bumped into Cam in the way.

"Calm down, there!" She said, laughing.

"Oh, you don't know they can be a pain!" I said quickly and moving.

"I know." Her voice echoed.

I moved in their room and put their dresses.

"Thank God you came!" Jen said.

"Come on, you've got to do my hair!" Gage said, rushing me towards her side.

"No, she has to do my make up!" Jennifer replied.

They kept shouting and I was tired of their bickering so I broke it, "Stop it! Stop it you guys! First I'll do Jennifer's make up because she called me then your hair Gage!" 

I finally sighed in relief when there was pin drop silence.

"Okay!" They replied.

"Come on,  Jennifer."

After an hour I was finally done with their hair and make up. I sighed in relief and walked out.


"Coming!" I replied running down.

"You are not going and look if our rooms are cleaned and everything. Complete all your shores, I want everything done!" Lady Surp. stated as she looked at herself in mirror posing in front of it a few times.

"Yes, Lady Surp. But you never told me where you're going." I replied innocently. I already knew where they were going.

"And its better that way. Okay, go!"

I turned and saw Jennifer and Gage coming downstairs. They were practically pushing each other in a hurry.

"Hurry, get aside!" Jen said.

"You get aside! Let me pass!" Gage said pushing her.

"Girls, behave!" Lady Surp. said and they straightened themselves.

"Now let's go! Wait, where's Camilla?"

"Mom, I'm not feeling well, I think I'll come later."

"Alright! Come later!" And with that they left, one after the other.

After closing the door behind them I asked, "Why didn't you go?"

"How could I go?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean that you need to come into my room, now!" She said as she lead the way.


"Now tell me, why didn't you go?"

"Step mom's not letting me."

"Hey, you're seriously going to listen to that?"

"What do I do?"

"You know, its a masquerade ball."

"Oh, yeah."

"Yeah..." She grinned at me as well as I did.

"But wait, I don't have a dress or a mask-"

"Well, what am I here for then?"


After 40 minutes we were both ready.

"You really thought about this, thank you!"

"No problem."

I took a look a my sleeveless black and white dress and smiled. We took our masks and left.

(Dresses above^^)

We reached the ball and I immediately knew that we were late as there was quiet outside. Cam and I looked at each other before running in. It was really difficult seeing as we were wearing heels but we still got there. The door of the ball was about to close but we yelled, "Wait!"

When we got in, I saw everybody stop. I looked at Camilla afraid that Lady Surp. might find about us. But she just looked at me and smiled reassuringly.

We bowed and to the King and Queen and the Prince who was really handsome from as much as I could see but I knew I had to keep my distance because he would never want to be with the servant girl like me. And I'm afraid we won't even see each other again.

We looked around and I saw that most people were wearing full dresses. I felt a little inappropriate and looked at Cam hesitantly. She seemed to understand and said, "It's okay, it's not like we have to be like them. We're just making a difference."

"Okay, you're right. I won't let my confidence go down."

"That's right!"

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