Chapter Six

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Chapter Six


Bloom was doing her chores, Sky misses her as they are childhood friends and she was kidnapped and is now nowhere to be found. Bloom receives the news of Cam coming back and is happy. Sky's parents are holding a ball for him so he could find a girl to marry. Bloom reads the invitation. Camilla comes back and forces her to go to the ball with her.


After a few minutes of wondering around, I was bored. So I went to the garden and was left in awe. It was really beautiful and all types of flowers were there even my favourite tulips. I quickly ran and smelled them.

"I planted them." A deep voice spoke behind me, startling me.

I looked behind to see a handsome guy in a  mask. Wait a minute! He said he planted them and that can only mean one thing....that he is the Prince or the gardener.

"No, I'm the Prince." He smiled.

"Your Highness." I bowed, hurriedly. Did I just said that out loud?

"Yes." He laughed, heartily, "Took you long enough to recognize me."

I smiled too. Although with the clothing he's wearing and the guy I saw around the throne, I recognized him as the Prince.

He then came closer and took a tulip flower and put it in my hair.

"Your beautiful." He complimented.

I blushed, "T-thank you. And I guess you're a straight forward guy."

"Yep, so, from which family are you from?" He inquired of me.

"Why the sudden question, Your Highness?" Then I realized that he's the Prince and I shouldn't just question him, "I-I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked that, you're a Prince and I should answer everything you ask and not the other way around and I know now that I'm blabbering but it's a habbit when I'm really nervous---"

I was stopped by his light chuckle, "Yes, you do blabber and please call me Sky."

"Okay, Your Highn---I mean Sky." I said, embarrassed that I just blabbered in front of the Prince...the PRINCE!

Sky. Sky. Sky. Why does that name sound familiar? Like I've heard it before. But there's only one Sky near our house. Yep. That's it. I guess I just mixed them up and the Prince's name is also Sky.

"And for before, I'm just curious, I've never seen a girl like you here."

"What do you mean? How can you know that? I'm wearing a mask."

"I know but in this kingdom girls rarely have red hair."

I was confused. Rarely, but I have red hair. Maybe he was right but I just smiled and replied, "Then perhaps, I am one of those rare ones."

He smiled but didn't ask further.

I decided to tell him, maybe he knew something about my real parents. So I replied, "Okay," I sighed, "I don't really know, I was really young when I was adopted by Lady Surp. and her family." I said and sighed, "I just have this bracelet." I showed him my diamond bracelet.

"Wait, can you show me?" He asked looking at the bracelet while frowning.


I removed the bracelet and gave it to him.

"I think it's a royal bracelet, one which princess Daphne have as well." He said and then looked at me wide-eyed, "Can you show me your face?"

I didn't know what to say so I just nodded and was about to remove my mask when someone grabbed my hand and said, "We have to go home!"

"What?! Now?" I whisper-yelled.

"It's about midnight and someone went home!"

My eyes widened and I looked at the Prince before saying, "I'm sorry but I have to go!" and then we were off.

"Wait!" I heard him say multiple times.

"What's your name?!"

I couldn't tell him my name because Camilla dragged me far and if I do it would cause attention. So we just left with my bracelet still with Sky.


At the speed of light, we want home. Thankfully, we came home before Lady Surp. and her daughters. Yeah, I like to call them that, instead of sisters except Can. So, as I was saying, we ran to my room and Cam helped me change. She then ran to her room just as the doorbell rang.

I went and opened the door and smiled at Lady Surp. and her daughters.

"You look really happy. What's the matter?" Jennifer asked me as she dropped her clutch on the sofa.

"Matter? Oh, its a substance that occupies physical space and it has inertia. For example, you are made of matter, this vas---"

"Shut up!"

I flinched then smiled sheepishly, "I guess that's not the matter you were asking about."

She just glared daggers at me.

"I'll just go and bring some tea." I smiled widely knowing it would annoy her.


*Later that night*

It was already 1:57 am and I still couldn't sleep thinking about Sky and what he said.

First of all, he was just too handsome. I mean obviously, he's the Prince. And he called me beautiful. I don't know if I should be flattered or think of it as a trick. I can't trust people easily, not after what happened. They always break your trust, especially boys. I sighed as I thought about it but then gave it no thought because my thoughts were filled with a certain Prince. And I couldn't help but let a smile grace my lips.

But then again, why did he ask me weird questions? Like from where I belong?

What did he mean by royal?

I'm really confused.
He indirectly said that I'm not from here. That's a great clue. But then again, it leaves a question in my brain. From where am I exactly?

--Where do I really belong?--


Hello Fellows!

So I'm back! Yay! I hope you are all in good health! Anyways so here is the update.

I also gave you a recap I what happened before. I don't know if it's informative much but I tried as much as I could.

I hope you like it! :)


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