Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine


I couldn't believe what I heard. Did I even hear her correctly? Was what she said true? Was she even talking about her or anyone else? Was it the same, Bloom?

These question swarmed my mind ever since I talked to Camilla. She came here the other day after the ball and talked to me. She also took my number. She told me that she had an important information to tell me but could not tell me in the castle. I never knew the information she has was of this importance.


My Best Friend.

I felt a smile crept on my face and I told my parents about it. They were ecstatic. My mom even had tears in her eyes. I, then called King Oritel about it and he was happy but I could also hear his cracking voice. He must have informed Queen Marion because I could hear them both crying in the background.

I couldn't wait to bring Bloom back home where she truly belongs.

Our parents insisted to go there and bring her but I told them not to. Maybe she would feel suffocated seeing a whole crowd. I don't even know how she'd react about this whole thing. After all, it would be like a ton of bricks falling on her.



". . .Wake up, sleeping beauty."


"Sleeping beauty!"

. . .followed by a hiss.

"Come on, B! There is someone here to see you and you know it's 10:30 right now!"

That woke me up, "What?! It's 10:30 already? Why didn't you wake me up before?!" When she gave me the look, I stopped. I knew I had to.

"Get up, there is someone to see you!"


"That, you need to find out." She smirked.

"You know what?," I paused to get up and went towards the bathroom, "I hate you!"

"I love you too!" I heard her loud laughter.


"Who are you?" was my first question to the handsome man.

When he looked at me, he kept staring at me to the point that it for really awkward. Suddenly, he shook his head and smiled widely, "You. . .are Bloom?"

"Yes?" I said, although it came out more as a question to ask him what was going on.

He came closer to me and in my head I started singing the song,

So baby pull me closer in the back seat of your Rover, 🎵

That I know you can't afford, 🎶

Bite that tatto-

"I finally found you!" His eyes were glistening with tears but he didn't let them out.

"What?" I asked confused.

"No! You might have made a mistake in hearing the name. Maybe it was something else. O-or someone!" Last Surp. stuttered. What was she hiding?

"No, I'm not mistaken. She is my Bloom."

"What are you talking about?" I asked again, glancing towards Camilla as well who was still slightly smiling and tears were escaping her eyes.

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