Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight


As usual I was doing my work. It was 10:30 p.m and everybody was asleep. I was cleaning my room when I heard a knock on my door. Okay. . .so maybe not everyone was asleep. I opened the door to find Camilla standing there. I raised my brows in a matter to ask her what is it but she just shrugged and pushed me aside, sitting on my bed. 

"What happened--?"

"Don't 'what happened' me, missy. What are you hiding?" She asked in demanding manner. I raised my brows in confusion at this. I don't know where she was going with this.

"Okay, what?"

"I saw you with the Prince yesterday! You know like the Prince! What were you doing with him? How did you meet? What did you do? What did he do? Did you both do something? Anything? Touching? Hugging? Kis--"

"Cam, stop! You're rambling!" I whisper-yelled.

She took deep breaths but finally calmed down.

"Ok, I'll tell you. Um. . .where do I start? Uh. . .I was just wondering around in the garden when I heard him and then turned around and saw that it was him. He was really handsome." I paused and she took it as a chance to speak.

"Aww. . .look who's blushing!"

"I am not blushing and besides he wouldn't even want to look at a servent girl like me! He is a Prince and he would want someone as equally as him."

"Hey! Stop that. You know you're beautiful, in and out. You have beautiful blue eyes and besides this, you have these gorgeous red curls that make all the guys swoon and girls, want them." She complimented, "And maybe you are his equal." She whispered, somewhat later.


"Nothing!" She replied, quickly.

"Anyway, thanks for making me feel better, Cam, you always make me feel better."

"No problem, chica. I love you." She hugged me.

"Nah, you love your Italian boy!" I smirked and saw her eyes and mouth widened as she blushed.

"Now look who's blushing!" I retorted throwing a pillow at her while laughing.

And this is how we started a pillow fight.


Bright rays of sunlight blinded my eyes, shielding me from waking up. I felt something heavier on my stomach. I looked to see that Camilla was lying in a very weird position. Even I was. My head was almost falling of the bed and my feet were hanging off the other side of bed. On the other hand, Camilla's head was in my stomach and her feet also falling off. Over all, we were in a very strange position.

I gently shook Cam. She didn't reply. "Cam!" I whispered.  She simply hugged my stomach more. I saw her mouth was open and it was really funny. I tried hard not to laugh.


She immediately sat up straight. "What!? Did something happen? Oh my, God! Where's mom?! G--"

I finally couldn't keep it in and let it all out. I laughed so hard that my sides were starting to ache. I know you might think it's not a matter to laugh so hard but it sure is. Cam's hair are sticking in every direction. Her eyes are wide open. Her mouth is also open. What is there not to laugh when I scared her? When I looked at her I saw that she was glaring at me.

"Ok-ok, I'm going to stop." I tried controlling my laughter but it still bursted out.

"Ugh! Bloom," She shook get head and right then I know she'd do something, "get this!" She threw a glass filled with water at me and now I was soaked. It was my turn to glare and her to laugh, now.



la la la la la la

(Song above)

"You haven't hummed it for a while." Cam noticed.

"Yeah," I replied while cleaning the floor.

"You shouldn't do all this."

"Sing a song?"

"No. This. All this work!"

"Well, I don't have a choice..."

"Maybe you have." She whispered but I still heard it. It was like an didn't want me to hear it.


She took a deep breath before speaking, "Bloom, you are a pri--"


I looked at the direction of the double doors and shrugged, "Duty calls."

She nodded an I left.



I have decided that o would finally tell Bloom who she is. I won't wait any longer. She doesn't belong here. She is a princess and she has the right to know about it. It had been 15 years. All her life has spent in a lie. Working all day. Whereas as she should be the one ordering around. She doesn't deserve any of this. She is just so good and pure.

I took a deep breath and spoke, "Bloom, you are a pri--"


I was cut off by the voice of my own mother. I don't want to call her that right now. She is the one who stole her. Who took her life as a princess from her. She is treating her like a servant. Whereas she was the one who was her servant.

I know most of you're wondering how I know this. So let me explain.

15 years ago...

(Camilla was 8, I have made her 3 years older than Bloom. If I had mentioned different age in any other chapters, I apologize 'cause I don't remember, so if I have please inform me.)

Just like the girl I was I kept playing soccer. Gage and Jennifer were sitting in their room watching cartoons. I kept playing and didn't knew when I reached the living room where my mother was talking with a man.

"I will do this." The man said.

"That's great! I'll pay you for that but only if you bring that little princess Bloom to me. All your money will be given to you after that."

"Alright, but you need to sign it." The man pointed towards the papers in front of him.

I was hiding behind the wall.

"Okay." My mother replied as she signed them.

The man stood up, "I'll meet you after two days and hand the young princess to you."

My mother smirked, "Mhm."

After two days the same man brought a little girl to our house. She was crying and sobbing, uncontrollably.

"Very good, job, Henderson."

"My pleasure, my lady." He said as my mother handed him a suitcase.

And since then Bloom is staying with us.

I want to tell Bloom everything. I was ready to tell her but before that my mom called her.

I couldn't tell her but I know someone who I will.

I dialed the number and waited for the person to pick up the call.

"Hello, Prince Sky,"


Song: Faded (Piano)

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