Chapter 5

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Dear Diary,

I think J.J is asleep........ I wrap my arm around her, and rest my head on hers through the rest of the drive. When we get there, I pick her up bridal style, kiss her forehead and walk towards her flat...........what? I can't kiss a best girl friend on the forehead? I search for J.J's keys in her purse. Bingo! I open the door, and go straight to her room and lay her on the bed. I head down to the front door and open it again

"I think I'll stay here with her." I say. The driver shrugs "ok", and I get my things, take them upstairs, and get them settled in the extra room she has. I hear footsteps through the door and get up to crack it open and peek through. It's J.J getting cleaned up and ready to go to sleep. I'm going to text Lou to tell him I won't be staying with him.

"Lou, Im staying at J.J's."


"Oh ok cool...J.J?"

Oh ya I forgot to tell the boys I nicknamed her that. Yes, I've been talking about her alot lately with them. I guess it was cause i was so excited to see her.

"I nicknamed her that when we first met."

"Ohh ok.... ;)"

"Stop, were just friends!"

"Okay, fine. :( see ya tomorrow remember to get to the recording center at 7:00 ok"

"I will. Going to go to sleep now, goodnight Lou."


I turn my phone off, got ready for bed and checked on J.J. She's sound asleep. I don't think she would mind if I snuggled up with her, so I get next to her in bed and get comfy, just to fall asleep 10 seconds later. Hey, I worked hard today at my very best baking with her. What can I say?

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