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Diane's P.O.V
The tears are streaming down my face as I drag the blade acrossed my wrist.
The pain starts almost immediately, the stinging pain.
All I can think about is Jessica and how she's the only person I will miss.
I cut deeper my last time. And I didn't feel anything.

Jessica's P.O.V
I skip to Diane's room to call her for supper like I do almost every night.
I open the door without knocking, a thing we've done for ever.
"Supper Di__" I'm cut mid sentence when I see my older sister laying on her ground with blood on her arms and a razor blade in her hand.
I scream. Thats all I am capable of. I scream and don't stop. Soon, I can here my parents footsteps on the stairs over my screaming.
My mom is the first to see it. She immediately falls to her knees beside her daughter's body. She doesn't cry, she just stare at Diane with lifeless eyes. I continue screaming.
My dad pulls me away from the door and runs inside Diane's room, closing the door. I can soon hear the sobs of both my parents. I collapse into a dark, dreamless slumber.

Diane's P.O.V
When I wake up I cry. It didn't work. But how?
I look around at my surroundings. Lockers, numbers on wooden doors. And a red bell.
Where is the hospital monitors I expected?
My old best friend, Margret walks down the hall towards me. I smile at wave at her, she ignores me. Not a surprise. She's hated me since 9th grade.
"The ceremony is now starting in the gym, please make your way down now. Thank you." the nice secretary's voice says over the P.a system.
I walk in the direction of the gym to see what's going on. The teachers hold tissues as they walk with their heads down.
Crowds of people walk together. It's oddly quite for my school. I feel very uncomfortable.

Jessica's P.O.V
I lay in bed. I feel so weak, so useless, so terrible. How could I not see it? She was so happy. I just don't understand.
My dad walks into my room holding a plate with potatoes and ham on it. I shake my head no and motion for him to leave.
He puts the plate down on my desk and sits on the end of my bed, and I make no motion to look at him.
"Jessica, I know it's been hard. But we have to keep living our lives." How can he sound so calm and relaxed right now?
"How can you even say that!"I snap at him. "4 days ago, your daughter committed suicide!" I'm yelling now. I look up at him, and immediately regret it. He has tears streaming down his face.
"Jess, you really don't think I care? Your mother won't even get out of bed, you haven't been out of your room since this happened!" I can barley understand him now, his words are muffled by his sobs. "I have to be the one to make sure you guys eat, and are okay-"
"Dad." I interrupt "please stop!" He looks at me confused for a second then relaxes back onto my bed.
"I'm sorry, I know you hurt too, I just-" I pause, chocking back a sob.
"I feel like a piece of me has been torn out." My dad nods his head.
"I completely understand the feeling." He shakes his head, "I keep asking myself, what did I do wrong? How did I miss it?"
"Me too." I reply.

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