Flashback pt.6

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Baby sisters.

Diane's P.O.V
Mommy and Daddy said that when they come home, they'll have a present for me.
I love presents!!

Granny's front door opens and mommy and daddy walk in holding a pink toy. Mommy looks different though. She looks smaller.
"Mommy!" I run at them full speed. Dropping my Barbie on Granny's cat. Making it hiss and run away.
"Hi babe." Her smile gets bigger as she hands Daddy the toy and hugs me super tight.
"Hi babe." She says into my ear, making me giggle.
"Is that my present?" I ask, pointing to the big toy.
"It's kind of all of our presents." Daddy says, smiling into the toy.
Granny walks in,she looks happy. Granny never looks happy.
"Where's my little granddaughter?" 'Duh, I'm right here.' I think, feeling very confused.
"Granny, right here!" I declare, pointing at my head. Mommy, daddy and Granny all laugh at me. I ignore them. I just want to see my present.
"Can I see our present now?" I ask, remembering how daddy said 'our'.
Daddy puts the toy down k the ground Infront of me, and turns it.
Inside my toy, is a small little girl. Her eyes and hands bunched. She's all wrinkly, so she looks like my foot when I've been in the bathtub too long.
"What is it?" I ask, not sure why mommy and daddy would give me this present.
"This is your baby sister." Mommy says, knealing down beside me.
"I have my own baby?" I ask, making Granny laugh again.
"What is the name of my baby?" I ask, reaching out and touching the baby's face. Making sure it wasn't just a doll.
"Our baby." Daddy corrects, grabbing for mommy's hand.
"We haven't named her yet.", Mommy says. Granny gasps behind me.
"My granddaughter doesnt have a name?" She sounds surprised.
"No mom, we wanted Diane to name her." Mommy smiles at me, letting go of Daddy's hand to grab mine.
I look up at daddy, he's smiling at me, then I look at my baby.
"I can name my baby?" I say, over the moon happy.
I think really hard for a pretty girls name.
"Jessica!" I blurt out, the name of my favourite t.v character.
"Jessica" mommy, daddy and Granny all laugh-talk at the same time. I laugh too, as I hold my baby's fisted hand.

"Happy birthday dear Diane, happy birthday to you!" Mommy puts down my cake Infront of me. I blow out the candles.
"Eeechhh!" Two year old Jessica screeches beside me. Causing all of my family to laugh at her. It makes me feel sad.
"What'd you wish for?" Grandpa Joe asks me, leaning down beside me.
     Jessica screeches again, and sticks her hand in the cake.
"Jessica Sophie!" Mommy yells at her.
"Jessica!" I yell, I get up and start crying.
"You're so stupid!" I yell. Grandpa Joe grabs me and roughly turns me around.
"Don't you yell like that!" He yells at me, making me cry even harder.
"Dad! Let go of Daine!" Daddy yells at his dad. Grandpa Joe let's go of my shoulders, and pushes me towards Daddy.
     I collapse into Daddy's arms, crying hard.
"Hey, it's okay." He says, picking me up and carrying me into the living room. Mommy and Jessica are already in there.
"This is the worst 5th birthday ever!" I cry.
"Also your only fifth birthday." Daddy says. Mommy gives him a funny look.
"Hunny, your sister is still a baby, she doesn't know she cant do that." Mommy says, placing Jessica next to me on the couch. She turns to me and sticks out her tongue. I do the same to her. 

"Girls!" Mommy says, her voice is angry and scary. 

"Sorry mommy." I whine. I put my head down, and look at Jessica through my curtain of hair. She giggles and slaps her legs with her chubby hands. 

"Diane, Jessica is still a baby." Mommy says, moving towards me, "She didn't mean to hurt your feelings, she just saw the cake and wanted it." 

       I look over at Jessica, she had fallen over and starts crying. Before Mommy or Daddy can pick her up, I start to rub her leg. The minute I touch her and say soothing things, she stops crying and smiles at me. 

I will never forget that smile.

First day of school.
"Smile to the camera." Mom says. I've stopped calling her mommy because the kids at school make fun of me for it.
    I smile and twirl to show off my blue poodle skirt. After the pictures have been taken, I reach down for Jessica's hand.
"Ready Jessi?" I ask her, making mom smile at us.
"Ready!" She giggled in her baby voice.
The bus pulls up Infront of us.
"Bye girls." Mom says, giving us one hug good bye. "I'll be right here when you get home." She hugs Jessica. We load the bus, Jessica is still holding my hand, gripping it hard like the time my hand got stuck in the door.
"Jessica, you're hurting me." I say, pulling my hand away from hers.
"Sowy" she whines.
    I move to the back of the bus and sit beside my new friend Margret. Jessica looks like she's about to cry when she tries to fit on the small seat with us.
"Move ova." She whines at me, tears filling her eyes.
"Jessica, go make a friend and sit with them." I say, pushing her towards a little boy sitting a little bit down the aisle.
"But I'm scawed." She whines, the tears now dripping down her cheeks. The kids beside around me laugh.
"Your sister's being annoying, just make her go sit over there." Margret says, pointing at the empty seat at the front. Jessica begins to sob beside me.
"Oh my god!" Margret says, "tell her to go away!" I feel very weird. Like I should help Jessica, but I also want to sit with Margret.
"Jessica, go sit with the boy." I urge. Jessica shakes her head, snot flying everywhere.
"Jessica, look, he's looking at you." The boy is looking at us and smiling. I smile back at him and wave. I expect him to wave back, but his face turns red and he turns to look out the window.
"Everyone in their seats please." The bus driver yells from the front.
"Diane!" Jessica cries.
I take her hand, and we walk to the empty seat at the front. Kids all around us laugh. I give some of them dirty looks, and grip my baby's hand tight.
"Thank you Diane." Jessica says, wiping the tears off her face.
"Anything Jessi." I say, pushing her into the seat next to the window.
"Jessica, I have to go to class now." I say, prying her little fingers off my arm.
"But I want you to stay!" She cries.
"Jessi, I'll just be in the next room." I say, pointing down the hall at my grade 2 classroom.
"Please!" She says, grabbing my arm again.
"Ms. Liane, can you please help me." I ask, still trying to pry her fingers off of my other arm.
"I know it's hard Jessica." Jessi's kindergarten teacher says, pulling Jessi away from me and kneeling Infront of her.
"Bye Jessi, I love you." I blow her a kiss, and hurry to my class.
"I don't wanna!" My teacher stops talking, and walks to the door. My whole class erupts in a fit of laughter. I know who it is.
    I jump out of my seat and run to Mr.Oll.
"Mr.Oll, I need to go see my sister." I say. He looks down the hall and then back at me.
"Was that her?" He asks, rubbing his chin. I nod and then walk down the hall towards my baby sister.
    Before I even reach the kindergarten room, Jessi runs out and grabs my legs.
"I don't like it heaa Diane." She cries, wiping her face on my doggie pants. Ms. Liane comes into the hall, she looks angry.
"Diane, why don't you take Jessica to the office and call your parents." She says, pushing her fingers in my back in the direction of the office.
Jessi let's go of my legs, and reaches her little hands out for me to grab it. I take her hand and lead her to the office.

"Diane has shown a great deal of focus and intelligents in her school work over the last 8 years at Smithforest elementary school." The principal smiles at me as she hands me my elementary school diploma, "we have been honored to have taught her at this school, good luck Diane." I grip my diploma and turn to the audience and smile. I see three flashes fro different part of the gym, then I walk off the stage. I step down the stairs, being careful not to trip in my 5" heals.
     My heal catches my bottom step and i I tumble onto my side at the bottom of the stairs. Just when I thought it couldn't get worse, my pink tool dress comes up over my head, exposing my red and blue undies.
     I can hear giggles and gasps from the audience. I jump up, almost falling over my heals again. I can feel the blood rushing to my cheeks before I have time to fix my dress. More people laugh.
    The teachers on the stage run to help me, I smile and walk back to my seat before they reach me. Receiving more laughs and some cheers from the group. I allow myself to laugh a little bit too.

    "You fell!" Jessica says, still laughing. She's been laughing since we got in the. Car.
"Jessica!" My mom yells. Jessica jumps beside me.
"You fell." I say, mocking her in an annoying tone.
"Diane!" Dad yells.
"She deserves it." My mom tells dad.
"Yup," Jessica says, turning to look out the window at the passing city. "It's great to know I'm loved."
"We love you Jessica." Mom says, looking back at her momentarily "but you're sister is very embarrassed about what happened and you are not helping." Her voice rises at the end.
"I sowy." Jessica says in a child's voice.
"You are so. Fucking. Annoying." I say, my eyes closed and my face red with anger.
"Diane!" Both my parents yell. The car swerves into the other lane.
"Mom!" I yell. Jessica grabs my arm and dad puts his arm back to cover us. The car coming at us honks the horn and dries to swerve. We are both going too fast. I know what's coming.
"I'm so sorry!" I yell over the commotion if Jessica yelling and my mom swearing, "I love you all." No one answers me before the car smacks into the side of our SUV.

     'beep beep.'
I wake up to the noise, only remembering the loud noises of that car colliding with the side of my families SUV. Hitting Jessica's side, hitting her.
      I block out the flash backs and look down at myself. I have a white bandage wrapped around my left ankle. An IV attached to my right wrist, going into my vein. My other foot is in a brown brace.
      I reach up to feel my head. Instead of fiberglass hair, I feel a cottony bandage. I run my hand down my face. When my hand touches my nose, I feel something wet and warm. I pull my hand away, already knowing that my fingers will be covered in red. Sure enough, fresh blood is sticky on my fingers.
    I press the call button next to my bed. The sign about the door starts to flash. I wait and look around the room.
"Hey." A lady says as she walks into my room holding a tray with food on it.
"Hi." I say, my voice cracking. My eyes and throat sting.
"How are you feeling?" The nurse asks.
"I don't know." I croak. The nurse nobs her head.
"I'm Amy, I'll be your nurse while you are here." I smile her.
"You were in a car accident and have a compound fracter in your foot, a acute concussion and we had to stich up your leg, head and nose." She says, looking at a chart and then wiping my nose.
"My family?" I ask, wincing as the pain in my throat blows up.
"Your mom is waiting in the waiting room, your dad is downstairs in the O.R getting a piece of rod in his arm." She throws out the rags she used to clean my nose.
"I can go get your mother if you want." I nod yes.
"What about Jessica?" I ask, feeling like I'm about to cry.
"She is in the next room over, she is suffering from short term memory loss." She says, already half way out the door.

Thanks for reading it really does makes me smile 😊
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