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Diane's P.O.V
"Diane?" I hear Jessica's small voice say.
I open my eyes, fighting off the darkness all around me.

      I open my eyes to a blinding white room. The room is filled with an annoying beeping noise.
"What?" I croak. I hurts to talk.

"Oh my God!" My mom's voice scares me.
"Mom?" I ask.
"Hunny!" She calls to my dad.
My whole family is by my side in seconds.
"How did I get here? I thought I was dead." I say, ignoring the sharp pain in my throat.
"You could've been if Jessica didn't notice you." My mom says, a year sliding off her face and onto my arm. My parents, Jessica. How... What? What did I just dream?
"Oh my God." I say, tears blocking out my voice. Three pairs of arms wrap around my shaking body.
"I'm so sorry." Snot and tears run down my face, causing another shot of pain to hit my throat.

My family. They missed me.

No more do I feel the need to drag a blade acrossed my wrist and see the blood.

Screw what those ignorant bitches say.

I love my family. They actually love me.

And Jessica.

How could I possibly leave my Jessica.


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