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gerard: why are you crying??

frank: ohmygod, are you pissing??

gerard: shut up

frank: idk, does it sound like i'm crying,, ffs

gerard: don't be moody, i'll leave your ass

frank: pls

gerard has read your message

i zipped up my pants and headed toward the stall that was emitting small sobs.

"frank," I called out softly, my voice cracking from so much emotion. i didn't know how to feel exactly. anger, sadness, pity; it was all clouded up.


"jesus fucking christ, whatever," I muttered, turning around and starting to walk out before the bathroom stall busted open and i winced from the loud noise. he can deal with his own problems and i guess i just shouldn't care if he's going to be this moody and shit.

"i'm sorry," he said, eyes red and tears rolling down his cheeks.

"no, frank, just leave me alone."

"she doesn't even like me, gerard. she's a fucking prostitute."

"why do you sell yourself to people like that? especially after I give you what i can and actually care about you, but you don't even give a shit?! no, it's you you you."

"i'm sorry, i don't know why i do it."

"it's just never enough?"

"gerard, stop," he whined, his anger slowly fading as he whimpered. still trying to stand strong and for himself, but he looked weak still. eyes puffy and pleading.

"i'm asking a question."

"yes, fuck! yes!" he yelled, voice nearly cracking. was i being necessary with this? "i'm a whore, i'm selfish, i never get attention from anyone and when i do i'm confused as hell, because who the fuck would care about me when my own parents don't?"

"well christ sake, this is new, huh? frank iero telling the whole damn world about his problems, hm? because you know i care, i don't know why you'd think i should feel this way! i feel wasted, for god's sake. because i do give a fuck about your sorry ass, i do care, and you wasted it. as if you don't care about me when i'm trying to still love you."

"and i just cant," i mumbled, feeling tears starting to brim my eyes.

"i'm glad you care, but if you really did, you wouldn't be insulting me!"

"i'm trying to make sure you like me! you know how long it takes to get it through your stubborn skull that I care?!"

"a long time," he answered softly.

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