
2.4K 131 52

a/n: all that came up was it with the spanish wording so pls,,



SmOkeWeEd44EvRrrR: i'm atT this party NAD holy shit,, L8Ke I tOLd YOu

SmOkeWeEd44EvRrrR: Oml my frIRMdends ducked w//  my phone

fanK: ha, dUcked

fanK: i stG gaya i'm nOIt high, i'm haVvVving troo00io00bles with spellingeerg , AnD SeEING

fanK: my fInGger slipped ,,. into your ass HeHhwhe

fanK: gerard pls, you shoOUldD be here!!!!!!!!11!1!1

gee: i hate parties

fanK: party p00peprp !

fanK: go watathch your depressing Twilight SGge or whatVeveer

gee: frank

fanK: wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut

gee: you're drunk

gee: at least

fanK: no fucdjdking way

gee: you're so stupid oh my god

fanK: it's only V00odka

fanK: Maybe i hAdd a blunt i honestlty don't remMeber

fanK: y0l0

gee: are you able to drive home?

fanK: pFsFtsg, iM fINe

gee: frank, i'm being serious

fanK: ohMYsvOs yIUre noT mymOMom

gee: remeber what i said earlier

fanK: BOut whTa

gee: okay, where are you?

fanK: fUvKINg StAlkEr,, nOo00o wYayyyy !11!

gee: tell me

fanK: hi this is Bob

gee: Bob Bryar?

fanK: yes

gee: tysm, can you pls tell me where you guys are at?

fanK: yeah but you better come quick, Frank looks like he's about to black out

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