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a/n: ur welcum TeddyBearTootsieRoll :)

this continues to be frequently asked for i'm sorry it took so fucking long


i could feel my palms sweating, how was i this nervous? it was just a quick chat at Starbucks -literally nothing. i'm never this stressed about anything ever. if anything, i'm the exact opposite. maybe it's just Gerard. yeah, it's obvious, i haven't seen him in ten years.

i gripped my warm cup of coffee harder and looked down at the table, not wanting to be awkwardly staring at him when he walked through the door.

my phone buzzed at the corner of the table.

geetard: how u holding up

fronker: did u ditch me

geetard: no u dork

i chuckled at the message, my chest swelling in happiness.

geetard: order me a black coffee

fronker: well that's straight forward

geetard: you've never bought me coffee before tho

fronker: asshole

geetard: ilyt

i pushed my phone into my pocket, walking up to order a black coffee for gerard. i pulled out my wallet, paying and grabbing the warm coffee from the barista's hands, saying a small thank you.

but as i turned around, a big noise came from the entrance.

it was-

"AYY 'OL BUDDY," Gerard yelled, running toward me, fist pumping in the air like an over excited child. he  hugged me tightly, my chest tightening as small slips of the coffee spilled onto the floor from the contact and my strong grip.

"oh my god, Gerard," i muttered into his chest pretty sure he couldn't hear me.

as he pulled away he placed a short but strong kiss to my cheek and turned to look at everyone staring. my face felt hot as i looked around, closing my eyes.

"i don't know y-"

"it's okay, guys, this is my friend -frank!" he said loudly as he pulled me infront of him and everyone's attention, wrapping his arms around my neck and connecting at my chest.

i felt my face flush more as i set the coffee down shakily and half empty on the table, sitting across from Gerard.

"sooo.. you seem shy," he mentioned, tapping his fingers on the table. he had the same long artist fingers. his hair.. his hair is black.


"don't apologize, it suits you as well."

"you seem changed," i blurted, watching his hazel eyes widened at me.

"well, yeah, i mean.. i'm going to art school -my last year- and i have some amazing friends." i smiled lightly, staring into his eyes and watching how excited he was just to talk about the mention of having friends. "not that any of them are as great as you-"

"that's a good joke, gerard."

"is not," he mumbled, taking sips of his coffee and pushing back his hair. he looked out the window. i watched him stare, his eyes silently watching the busy city outside. i couldn't shake the feeling that he was a bit.. tense? "i really have missed you, frank." at least he seemed like it.

i gulped and stiffened in my seat. my back felt straight and my eyes couldn't seem to leave his.


"do you not miss me?" he asked softly, tilting his head a little and looking down.

"i did.."

"just not as much-"


he looked up, but i was nervously avoiding his eye contact. for once, i didn't feel as cocky as i used to around him. i just feel small.

he's taller, smarter.. cuter.

"i did really miss you," i whispered softly, still not looking up at him. i felt a prick at every terrible memory of when i was mean to him, rude, disrespectful, or just a complete fucking asshole. and for what? because i was too afraid? oh god, i'm such a pussy. Gerard never liked me. maybe i did but i was just.. just a fucking bitch. i'm so sorry for him. he had to deal with me while i was going through.. that point in my life where i was just too numb to care. it had been silent on his end and soon enough he was looking down awkwardly, fiddling with his fingers. maybe it was that he didnt answer but it made me want to cry.

and so i did.

it took me forever to try and talk so i just didn't. Gerard seemed surprised and anxious when i started crying considering we were in public and he's.. never really seen me cry over a situation like this. he scooted into my side and embraced me. i squeaked from his sudden reaction but burried my head in his chest, emitting quiet sniffles.

i didn't want people to see me and i'm pretty sure Gerard was a bit nervous, so he had us leave after i'd calmed down a bit.

i felt bad for crying so suddenly and infront of everyone. Gerard even asked what was wrong but i couldn't bring myself to answer, i'd just sound like an idiot.


a/n: agh this was shit ?? i'm making a 42 it'll probably be done in a few days i promise. this was kinda supposed to be happy but ?? also emotional.


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