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i stayed at a fair distance from Frank, not wanting him to act up and me not get too pissed and lash out on him. but he seemed to not care.

"gerard," he whined, kicking me from the other end of the couch. "i'm not tired."

"i realise."

he let out a high pitched giggle and covered his face with his hands.

frank squirmed down to me and rested his head on my thighs.

"what?" i muttered, ignoring him as i texted Lindsey about the situation.

"you're cute," he said, a drunken smile appearing as he reached up to boop my nose. "kiss me, gee." he placed a finger to my lips and grabbed my neck.

"no, you're drunk," i protested, pulling my head back. my nose could already sense the alcohol coming from him. but as i grew closer he smelt of weed. i groaned, pushing his arms away.

shit, if my mom ever finds out...

"let's go take a bath, Frank."

"shower, Gerard!"

"fine, a shower."

"wait, why? no, no, no, i don't wanna take a shower."

he whimpered as i got him on his feet and pulled him up the stairs. he lagged behind, body flailing back and forth, steps unaccurate.

"because you're high and if my mom smells weed in the house, i'm fucking dead; get it?"

"NO! i don't want you to die!" he yelled, clinging to me tightly and hoping up on my back. i leaned to the wall, trying to take in his weight.

"Frank, seriously-"

"don't die." he wrapped his small arms around my neck, legs around my waist tightly and i carefully walked to the bathroom and made sure to leave it at a comfortable temperature.

"i'm fine, Frank," i assured him, ushering him off of my back to which he stumbled when his feet hit the ground. "you need to take a shower, okay? use the shampoo and body wash, can you do that?"

"are you gonna leave me?" he pouted, blood shot hazel eyes lazily staring into mine.

"i'll be in the bedroom, alright?"

"no, don' leave me."

"frank, you'll be fine. please, do what i ask you to."

"FINE! meanie."

i rolled my eyes, leaving the room and closing the door. what if he falls? slips or gets something in his eye and it burns too much? what if i won't be able to help? christ, i can't take him to a hospital.

i tried to shrug off the thoughts as i wondered into my room, falling on my bed. i was tired way too easily. i would have to deal with Frank for the rest of the night. at least he wasn't in a car crash or getting so wasted he blacked out.

he better thank me after his migraine washes over.


i shot up off the bed, rushing into the hallway, but hesitantly knocked on the door.

"Frank, whats-"

"GERARD!" he yelled again. i cracked the door opening, spying his head peaking from the curtain eagerly.

"frank, what's your problem?"

"i need a towel," he replied softly, head hitting against the wall, eyes casted down.

i walked in, stepping over to get a towel from the closet, making my way towards Frank. he slowly stepped out and i looked away as he brushed against my arm and i wrapped the towel around him securely.

i looked down at him, ruffling his hair and placing a small kiss at the nape of his neck.

"i dont have any clothes," he mumbled, looking at me as if it were the biggest tragedy in the world.

"you can borrow mine," i explained, walking back to my room with an arm around him.

i set him on the bed, watching him pull the towel further over himself. i quickly grabbed an extra pair of clothes for him to change into.

"put these on, i'll be right back, okay?"

"where are you going?"

"to wash your clothes."

he gave me a small nod as i left the room. i grabbed his dingy clothes from the bathroom, going downstairs and shoving them into the washer. i could barely stand the smell that covered them, it make my nose wrinkle in pure disgust.

i got back upstairs seeing Frank in a pair of my smaller boxers.

he smirked at me, mischievous but drunk.

i glared at him, and he stepped up to me, placing a kiss to my cheek. i pushed him away, crawling into bed and ignoring him. he layed next to me, grabbing my neck and kissing me feverishly. i groaned low in my throat, pushing at his chest.

he crawled on top of me, tracing kisses on my neck and i choked up, face heating up in red. he open-mouth kissed me, slipping his tongue over my bottom lip. his breathe reaked of alcohol and i couldn't deny the bad taste it left in my mouth, not to forget the left over smell cigarette, ruining my lungs and own breath.

i was brought back once his hips ground against mine roughly, making me grunt is discomfort and push him back. i sat up, making sure i made a point.

he chuckled.

"gerard, why'd you stop?" he said, words being slurred, leaning back in.

"no, Frank," i muttered, keeping him back, making a point. i just hope i sounded harsh enough for him to take me seriously.

he stared at me, cocking his head to the side, a certain sadness looming in his dilated eyes.

"what?" he asked quietly, looking around in what seemed like shock. he nervously picked at his fingers, starting to move back and forth in a timid way that only made me want to hold him.

"i don't like that. i don't like it when you do that," i clarified, watching his head nod in shame.

"'m sorry, Gerard," he whined quietly, looking at me desperately. he was sat on my lap, legs the side of my waste. "i didn't mean to, i-i-" it was as if he forgot what he had done. almost as if he actually forgot not to act anything sexual toward me.

but i think it was just the alcohol making him like that. or at least i hope it was.

"Frank, you're okay now."


i wrapped my arms around his small form, pressing him to my chest, which he eagerly complied to.

"what did you do at that party?"

"u-uh... i don't remeber, Gerard," he replied sadly, burrying his face into my neck.

i hummed, laying down with him in my arms. i wasn't sure what he had taken or what he had done. had he made a fool or himself or maybe got someone angry? had he ended up in a bed with someone else?

i couldn't tell at the moment but i was highly concerned and feeling frustrated; with me, but mostly Frank. because i honestly didn't think i could trust Frank anymore.

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