19- Maneuvering Manure

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Ever since my decision to ignore everything but my children, little has changed. I've been to visit MJ and Callum once which was enjoyable until they asked me why I had lost weight which was when I had to hightail it out of there with some lame excuse they had probably seen through.

I sleep on either the floor of the kids room or on the chair in that secret little alcove near the porch. Neither are comfortable but they do the job.

I've started consulting somewhat on projects abroad via Skype.

Things are going well.

I ignore my wolfs needs to be with her mate, or close to him and tire her out by going on excessively long runs daily.

I ignore the constant ache in my heart, the pain that I am barely keeping in.

I ignore everyone else.

I feel as if I'm walking on the knife edge, cutting myself with every step and constantly in danger of falling off.

I'm not sure what does it, what pushes me over the edge. I haven't seen the pack members in quite a while, neither have I seen the Alpha either. Nobody's around, it is after all, the middle of the night. I have just come off the laptop after a particularly arduous and lengthy meeting one of my potential new clients insisted on having.

And then insisted on arguing about everything too.

So, to counteract my headache I stepped outside onto the porch for some fresh air. There is a slight chill about tonight, it wakes me up a little. Which is what I need, I need to stay awake for another few hours purely because if I fall asleep now I'll have nightmares, of things in my past I thought I was over already.

Clearly not.

I know I am alone, there is no one around that I can see or hear, nothing. No sign of life in any form and yet I feel as if someone is staring at me from the shadows, watching, waiting.

I can't shake the feeling.

I stare back, my heart beating a mile a minute what is going on?

Just as soon as that feeling has come, it goes away again. Crazy. I try to dismiss it as nothing, maybe one of the wolves on patrol has come back a little early and was waiting for me to leave so they could shift.

But even as I tell myself this I know it to be untrue. The feeling in my gut says so, as cliché as that sounds. I can't help but think there was something behind that stare.


The ping of my laptop is my reminder that the meeting will be resumed soon, ugh. Why did I take on such an annoying client?

Why hire an expert when he apparently knew everything himself?

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