7- When dirty laundry gets aired

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"Look," I hasten to clarify, "I know I won't be able to beat you, you're an Alpha and I'm just another wolf, but it'll be fun trying, what do you say?" I ask, noticing his hard expression and narrowed eyes.

"I won't go easy on you," he retorts creating some distance between us so we can start the fight.

"I wouldn't want you to," I reply, casting a quick glance to the kids who are a safe distance away,in the same spot I had told them to sit and watch from, good I didn't have to worry about them then.

I get into warrior mode, knowing that this wasn't some pup who I could easily out manoeuvre this was an Alpha and I had never fought an Alpha before. Sure, a few friendly spars here and there with a few of my friends but nothing of this importance. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all, it was a little too late to back out now though.

I wasn't sure whether I should make the first move or not, my size is about the only plus, giving me the edge by having less areas to get hit. I have in this situation, he is bigger, stronger and faster than I am. I do the bold thing, the potentially stupid thing I make the first move.

And then it's a frenzy of movement from there, my limbs move on auto-pilot as I block and attempt to get in as many hits as possible,which isn't many and from the looks of things my punches weren't even making a difference to him. I couldn't say the same though, I got hit in my ribs and I could already feel a bruise forming.

I manage to land a hit on his right ribs but this seems to be my downfall as he uses the opening to knock me onto the floor by simultaneously punching me and using his foot to trip me up by hooking it behind my ankle.

I land with a thud on my back, managing to take Theo down with me as a last ditch effort to save face, of course I always knew this was going to happen but having him loom over me with a smirk of victory was just not going to happen. As his face hovers inches above mine I realise that this is a very compromising position here.

"Well played," he compliments, looking directly into my eyes.

"Thank you," I mumble in return, looking right back at him, "maybe we should get up?" I shift uncomfortably underneath him.

"Or maybe not, I'm quite comfortable," he smirks, his blue eyes beginning to swirl with black as his wolf comes to surface.

"Theo,"I whisper urgent, "everyone's watching," I don't think this was giving the kind of impression I wanted to make with the pack members.Then everyone shuffles away, I hear the footsteps reluctant at first then moving away with haste, he must have mind linked them.

"Now we're alone," he mutters smirking, his eyes fully black as he begins to nuzzle my neck.

"Theo,I mean it's nice that we can have a conversation for longer than a few minutes and all, but really do you think this is the only way we can talk? We can just sit down, or go for a walk, or not freak our kids out."

He laughs humourlessly, "I suppose we could but this is so much more comfortable and you smell amazing."

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