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Choi Nari walked cautiously through the hallway of her new school, looking around curiously as unfamiliar faces and places passed by. Distracted at her new surroundings, she didn't notice the person in front of her stop. Nari yelped as she crashed into a muscular back.
"Omo, sorry!" She screeched as the boy started to turn around. Correction, she thought to herself. This is no boy. The man standing in front of her with a cool, charming smile bowed his had slightly. "No problem, babe," he said, and his voice was like silk. Surely he isn't a student!? Yet his uniform was almost identical to hers, albeit it looked much better on him.
"Transfer student?" The incredibly hot boy asked. He tilted his head slightly, indirectly showcasing his razor-sharp jawline. His chocolatey eyes were heavy lidded, boring into Nari with an intensity that sent chills down her spine.
Nari barely coerced her shaking body into a confirmative head nod.
The boy grinned. "Well, good luck." He moved forward, causing Nari to back up until she her back was against the lockers. He pinned her in with his arms and leaned in close to her, warm breath brushing seductively against her ear. "If you need any help...let me know."
The next second he was gone, disappearing easily into the crowded hall. Nari was left weak against the lockers, breathless and shaking. How could she be left in this state within a span of only a couple of seconds?!
Feminine laughter drifted by her ears as a girl stopped beside her. "You're new, aren't you?" The girl asked.
Taking a deep breath, Nari tried to get herself together. "How can you tell?"
The girl laughed again. "You look a little lost." She followed Nari's searching gaze in the crowd. "Ah, I understand now. Jimin was here, right?"
Nari finally collected herself and turned to face the girl. She was pretty, with short brown hair cut in a bob and blue coloured contacts. Nari bowed slightly, greeting her. "My name is Choi Nari."
The girl returned the gesture. "Kim Yoo Ra. Nice to meet you."
Nari shook her head at Yoo Ra. "That boy...."
"He's fine, isn't he?" Yoo Ra grinned sheepishly. "Everyone knows Park Jimin. I think he's slept with at least 75% of the girls in this school."
Nari nodded. Another playboy. There was at least one at every school, though she didn't think she'd ever met one who was as mesmerizing as Park Jimin.
Yoo Ra nudged her. "If you want him, don't worry. Deep, deep down there is a part of him that's somewhat redeemable." The bell rang, and Yoo Ra glanced up in annoyance. "Dang it. Well, come on. I'll take you to the lunch room. You'll see it there."
"See what?" Nari asked.
Yoo Ra linked arms with the transfer student and began walking down the hall. "Didn't you hear me? You'll see Park Jimin's redeemable side."
The lunchroom was loud with the chatter of hungry students. Yoo Ra led Nari around the perimeter of the large room, settling at an empty table with a good view of the cafeteria
"You brought your lunch, right? Good." Yoo Ra positioned Nari to face a table in the center of the cafeteria. The table was full of boys, one of them being the gorgeous Park Jimin. Except, every one of the seven boys was good looking, each in different ways. Yoo Ra began pointing them out and telling Nari their names. The lean boy with the beautiful smile and happy aura was Jung Hoseok. He managed to almost always keep the boys in a good mood, and his smile was a gift from the angels. Kim Seokjin has a classic kind of beauty that instantly drew the eye to him. His smile was kind and he watched over the group in an almost maternal way. Kim Namjoon reminded Nari of a smooth, chic business man, and his occasional dimples when he smiled were heart-melting. Jeon Jeongguk was the maknae of their group. He was the quiet, mysterious artist type with a face that was somehow a mix of baby bunny and cool good looks. Min Yoongi was the sweet-faced boy who changed his hair color more than his clothes. He looked cute on the outside, but he actually had a quick-witted and dry personality with a sharp tongue. The handsome boy with the boxy smile was Kim Taehyung, and he was cute but extremely quirky. His personality was bright and Nari thought that he looked like a puppy.
"They're Jimin's best friends," Yoo Ra whispered. "No, they're closer than friends. They're like brothers."
"None of them have girlfriends?" Nari asked, shocked.
Yoo Ra shook her head. "Not one. There's really only one girl they interact with. Her name is Y/N. But Jimin calls her-"
"MUFFIN!" Jimin yelled as a girl entered the cafeteria and headed toward their table.
"Muffin?" Nari mumbled in disbelief. Any trace of the sexy player she had seen only minutes ago was gone. Now two puppies occupied the table. Nari couldn't believe what she was seeing as Jimin transformed before her eyes. His lips, which had been curled into an arrogant smirk, softened infinitely and shaped into a sweet smile. His eyes widened, shining even more brilliantly and Y/N came closer. He reached out for her.
"I though they didn't have girlfriends?" Nari whispered.
Yoo Ra sighed and smiled. "They don't. Jimin still hits on every pretty girl that walks past him- he and Y/N aren't dating. They've just been best friends since they were born. They live next door to each other."
Nari watched as Y/N approached the boys' table, carefully circling the table to avoid Jimin's arms. She sat beside him from the other side, giving in as he grabbed her around the waist in a tight hug. Settling his head on Y/N's shoulder, Jimin sighed happily. "My muffin."
Y/N rolled her eyes in exasperation.
Nari  gaped in awe. "She's not even reacting! He's all over her and she just rolled her eyes!"
"Exactly!" Yoo Ra exclaimed. "That's their entire relationship! He worships the ground she walks on and she doesn't even react! The entire school has been watching them for years, waiting for something romantic to happen, but it never has."
"Daebak," Nari murmured, causing Yoo Ra to nod in agreement.
"This is what I meant by his redeemable side," Yoo Ra said. "He's like a different person, right? He's only like that with her."
"Wow," Nari said. "I think I'll opt for not chasing him, now that I've seen this. If I was his girlfriend, I'd be so jealous!"


You heard Jimin's yell as you entered the cafeteria. You could feel your cheeks flush cherry red when you felt eyes on you. A lot of people ignored him, used to the screams that normally emitted from that table, but there were always people watching. Wondering.
Not that you cared at all.
Jimin was your best friend of all time, and you had gotten over the embarrassment of his little nickname.
Speaking of said best friend, Jimin held out his arms eagerly, waiting for you to walk into them. You spotted an empty chair in between him and Tae, so you skirted around the outside of the table, momentarily escaping what you knew was going to be a rib-crushing embrace from your best friend.
As soon as you took a seat Jimin's arms were around you and his head was snuggled into its customary spot in your neck.
"My muffin," he said, his voice muffled cutely by your skin.
You rolled your eyes but slightly returned the embrace. He tried to act innocent with you, but you knew better.
Sure, he was naturally kind and sweet but you had heard horror stories from your girl friends. There wasn't any girl in the universe that Jimin couldn't seduce in two minutes flat, except you of course. You knew him way too well for that. When you looked at Jimin, all you could see was the cute, gap-toothed little boy who had always been your best friend.
Jimin finally ended the hug and drew back to look at you full in the face. "Hi Muffin," he said with a smirk.
"Hi Chim," you replied with a mirrored smirk. "Is the whole screaming when I walk into a cafeteria thing really necessary?"
"Was that a joke, Y/N?" Yoongi asked dryly from across the table. He pointed his chopsticks at you. "If it's you, that idiot is going to go full out, no matter what."
You smacked Jimin on the back of the head. Hard. He whimpered and you glared at him. "Do that again and I'll kill you in your sleep."
Jimin rolled his eyes and stuffed your mouth with a slice of orange. "Yeah, yeah. Like I've never heard that one before."
You chewed your orange happily, assured that your threat had been received, and turned to Tae and Jeongguk, or as you liked to call him, Kookie. "Hi guys," you mumbled through your mouthful.
"Hey Y/N," they chimed back together with matching bright smiles.
"How's Big Bang doing?" you asked, and the two boys started on a rant that would assure you wouldn't have to take part in the conversation all lunch period. As they started arguing over the merits of G-Dragon and T.O.P, you glanced over the other boys. Hoseok and Jimin had become engaged in some kind of battle with their chopsticks, warring to win the last piece of pork from Hobi's lunchbox.
Namjoon and Jin were deep in conversation, Namjoon probably attempting to explain some theory of his to his hyung as Jin continued eating.
Yoongi was passed out on the table, his recently-dyed black head resting peacefully on his arms.
You couldn't help but smile while observing all of them. They might irritate you sometimes, but you loved all of them so much.
You suddenly felt a familiar gaze on you and turned to look at Jimin. He was pouting, and you saw Hoseok celebrating his victory and slowly savoring the pork to rub it in.
Jimin looked at you with massive puppy dog eyes, glance shifting to your uneaten chicken.
"Muffin..." he whined. He sat with his chin resting on his hand, mouth opened like a baby bird waiting to be fed.
You chuckled and trapped a piece of chicken in between your chopsticks. You held it up teasingly, watching as your friend's eyes followed it.
"Chim," you said. Jimin's gaze snapped back to you. "What are we not going to do anymore?"
"Scream your name when you walk in?" Jimin swayed back and forth as you moved the piece of chicken, like a hypnotized snake.
"Good boy," you cooed, letting him have the chicken. Jimin munched happily.
"Park Jimin! You're going to let her treat you like that?" You and Jimin glanced,up, startled. The rest of the table was watching you, laughing, and Yoongi was shaking his head in disgust.
"But, chicken..." Jimin said simply, pointing to his mouth.
Tae and Kookie, who hadn't noticed your food yet, both snapped to attention. "Chicken?" Kookie barked, almost leaping over Taehyung as they both lunged for you.
"Yah!" you screeched as the two teenage boys attacked your lunchbox, digging through the food and taking whatever they wanted.
"That's my lunch! Tae, put that back! Kookie! YAH!" Jimin was attempting to defend your chicken, most likely so he could eat it himself, but you appreciated his help as the both of you managed to drive the two scavengers away. Jeongguk returned dejectedly to his seat, rubbing the hand you had slapped repeatedly as he was reaching for your chicken. Tae and Jimin were having a major glaring contest, and you quickly removed your chicken from the danger zone. 
"Y/N!" Tae exclaimed. "I though you loved us! You traitor!"
You huddle protectively over your chicken. "I love all of you. But I love food too."
Jimin grinned broadly, resting a hand on your waist. "That's my muffin."
"You don't get any either," you said to him..
Jimin pouted at you, turning away and wallowing in self pity. You happily ate your chicken with the company of his misery.

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