Close Call

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The walk to school on Monday morning was silent.
You and Jimin walked side by side, your hands occasionally brushing. Every now and then Jimin would reach up and uneasily tug on the beanie that was hiding his ears or touch the back of his belt that kept his tail tucked into his pants.
There was an aura or restless nervousness surrounding the boy.
It didn't last for long.
As you entered the school gates together you could hear the whispering start, gradually growing to excited shouts as Jimin neared.
"Here comes Jimin oppa. Omo, he's so hot!"
"Did he get colored contacts?"
"I swear he just looked at me!"
Every girl on campus started bubbling in hysteria. Their cheeks flushed and their eyes shone as they watched his slim figure glide by. Jimin wasn't helping as usual, throwing them flirtatious winks or arrogant smirks every now and then. His previous nervousness was long gone.
Some of the girls gave you the typical 'what's that skank doing with my man' kind of glare. You just ignored them, patted Jimin's arm once you got to the hallway, and left him alone as you walked to your class.
"Bye, Muffin!"
You wiggled your fingers over your shoulder and escaped his company as the female population swarmed his side.
You had been so tempted to reach up an yank his beanie off simply to wipe that smirk off of his perfect mouth. The attention girls paid to Jimin didn't bother you because you knew as a fact that, no matter who he was dating, Jimin would never stop loving you and vice versa. However, his egging them on did irritate you a tad bit sometimes. Revealing his secret would almost be worth seeing the look on his face.
In the end you didn't, because the girls would probably go even crazier when they saw how cute he looked with ears.
When you entered your literature class, you traveled to the back of the room and sat in a desk against the wall. You eyed a few giggling girls suspiciously when they deliberately sat near you and gave you wide smiles.
There were two types of girls in the school; the ones that hated your guts and the ones that tried to befriend you in the hopes of using you to get closer to the boys. The little groupies that sat next to you were obviously the latter.
The boys were your only true friends in the school. You had a couple of girl friends that you liked, but you couldn't even entirely trust them. You never invited girls to go out with you and the boys.
One of the users inched closer to you.
"Hey, Y/N! How are you?"
Fake, fake, fake. You were almost suffocating because of the plastic smile she was giving you and the false attempts at concern for your wellbeing. You gave her a silent thumbs up and a short, insincere smile. Turning back to face the front of the classroom, you hoped she would leave you alone.
She didn't.
"I heard a rumor that your boys got in a fight the other day. Are they okay?" Her concern was genuine now that the boys were involved.
You chuckled.
"What do you think? They're at school, aren't they?" You picked absently at your nails as you spoke, refusing to look at the girl. "They don't lose fights."
A lot of people called you cold and disconnected, but you didn't care. You weren't going to be friends with people who didn't genuinely care about you and only wanted something from you.
"Wow." She sat back and looked at her friends whose eyes were just as wide eyed. There was a short spurt of giggles and they quieted down again.
"It's almost like they're invincible," another whispered in awe. "Like they're bulletproof."
"Bangtan boys!" The first girl broke down into a fit of laughter and the rest of her friends followed. They glanced at you to see if you were laughing.
You weren't.
You're going to have to surgically reattach your eyeballs, because between these girls and your 'Bangtan boys' you were going to loose them from rolling them too hard.


Jimin's POV

The classroom before him began to dim into blackness as Jimin's eyes drifted shut. He hadn't been tired when he and Y/N had met on the sidewalk in front of their homes this morning, nor was he this exhausted when they walked to school.
But then Y/N left him deserted in the hallway and the piranhas has closed in. Dealing with all of those girls, smiling at the right moment, saying the right thing...he was tired. A shrill laugh made Jimin's eyes pop back open. It was the final period of the day and he was ready to go home. He glanced around the classroom, making sure the teacher hadn't noticed his little nap. As his eyes scanned the bored students, something caught his attention.
A pair of pretty, make-up surrounded brown eyes looking back at him.
Well, hello there.
The girl gave him a slight smile, designed from the base to draw Jimin in like a fish caught on a hook. He'd seen that smile a million times before on a hundred different faces.
Even though he didn't let himself be pulled in, he returned the gesture with an invitation of his own in the form of a slow wink.
He wasn't tired anymore.
After class he was up and out of his seat in an instant, the thrill of a challenge pumping in his blood. He knew that this girl wouldn't actually be much of a challenge at all, but she was better than nothing.
Jimin loomed over her desk, placing his hands flat on the surface an leaning in.
He smiled charmingly and breathed, "I don't think we've met, beautiful. I'm Jimin."
By the way she giggled and fluttered her eyelashes, Jimin could tell there wasn't a fully-functional brain inside that pretty head of hers.
Y/N would chew her up one side and right down the other.
The thought popped up out of nowhere, disorienting Jimin. The girl said something but he didn't hear.
"Sorry, sweetheart," he said to the expectant girl. "I missed that. What did you say?"
She laughed again. "I'm Yoon Hee." Her massive eyes blinked rapidly and her lipstick-covered mouth smiled. She tapped his hat with a painted nail. "Hats aren't in dress code, are they? But it looks too good on you..." she trailed off and looked up into his face with doe eyes. "-Jimin oppa."
Something was wrong with him. Normally he ate this flirting garbage up, but the only feelings he could muster now were slight irritation and nervousness that she had touched his hat. He clutched the beanie with one hand and smiled. Maybe he just needed a little push to get him out of his funk.
Jimin grabbed Yoon Hee's hand and tugged her up.
"Wanna go somewhere with me?" he said with a grin.
With another air headed giggle and a painted smile, the two were out the door.


You, Taehyung, and Namjoon shared the same last class. As the bell rang and the classes emptied, you were grateful for the two of them as they cut a clear path through the sea of students struggling for the exit. You clutched the back of Namjoon's shirt and followed close behind him, tailed by Taehyung. Their height and size caused people to shift automatically out of their way, making a quick escape for the three of you.
You met Yoongi, Jungkook, Jin, and Hoseok at the school's front gates. When you approached them, Hoseok ran towards you with his arms spread wide open.
"Y/N!" He wrapped around you, hugging you with all his strength. You smiled. Since Hoseok was the only one of the seven you didn't have a class with, you ended each day with a customary hug. It filled you with the warmth and happiness of family.
You patted his arms and drew back, smiling.
Jungkook and Yoongi both had on hats to hide their ears. Jungkook's normal sized beanie was somehow hiding his extra-long ears.
"Kookie," you said. "How did you fit those under there?"
He sheepishly touched his hat and told you,"I had to use a head band to push them down."
"Ah." You nodded in understanding and glanced around. "Where's Jimin?"
Smirking a tiny bit, Yoongi gave you a silent chin lift in the direction of the school. You followed his signal and groaned in disgust.
From a distance, you could make out the scene or two figures pressed together against the outer wall of the school building. One of them had a black beanie on and silver hoops flashing in their ears. The other figure was feminine and...oh heck to the no.
Her hands were tracing the edge of his beanie, starting to lift.
"Guys..." you whispered, trying not to panic as the girl that Jimin had pinned to the wall slowly, without him noticing, began to inch the beanie off of his head.
Now would be a good time to panic, Y/N!
You, Jungkook, and Yoongi took off simultaneously in a dead sprint toward the lip-locked couple. You weren't gonna make it. That stupid girl and her determination to touch Jimin's hair!
You weren't sure how, but Yoongi had somehow managed to pull ahead of both you and Jungkook. The split second that Jimin's beanie hit the ground was the same second that Yoongi flung himself in between the two people, slicing them apart and knocking both of them in opposite directions.
But it was too late. Jimin's silky black ears were out and exposed, and the girl he had been making out with was going to lift her eyes up and see them any second now.
So you did the only thing you could think of in the moment. It was the only option left to prevent the girl from seeing Jimin's ears and exposing his new secret.
You tucked your shoulder in and tackled your best friend to the ground.

Hi guys! Thanks so much for reading. If you're enjoying this story, or if you're not enjoying it but have pity on a newly-minted author, please vote and/or comment! I'd love some feedback from you guys.
Thanks for the read

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