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You'd never played American football before, but you figured that you might be pretty good at it.  Either that or you hit the perfect spot on Jimin to dead center his bruise, because the boy was down for the count. Considering the gasping noises of pain emitting out of his mouth, you thought that his bruise might get a lot bigger now.
You continued to crouch over him, using your hair as a shield to block his ears from the sight of the onlooker that Jungkook was taking care of.
Yoongi had collapsed in a limp heap on the ground after separating the two, spent of energy. His chest heaved with exertion. You'd never seen him move faster than a slow jog so you were extremely impressed with him.
He looked like he was hoped he didn't die.
"Jimin oppa! Are you okay?"
Jungkook was forcing the alarmed girl away from your group by using his soft, musical voice to convince her that she was no longer needed here.
Jimin, who was slowly recovering, extended a hand to grab the hat that lay abandoned beside him. He seemed to have realized the situation and quickly slipped the hat back on his head.
You finally allowed yourself to relax, leaning your weight back to sit on Jimin's legs.
That was close.
You glanced back as the other boys jogged up to you, looking at you with fascinated gazes.
"Wow, Y/N," Taehyung piped. "I didn't know you were that strong!"
Jin squatted next to Yoongi, patting his chest. "You did good, Yoongs. Good job."
"Hyung," Yoongi wheezed. " why...I...don't run." Several gasping breaths separated each word.
You moved off of Jimin with assistance from Hobi and Namjoon, easing your weight off of his legs and lessening his pain. Once your weight was gone Jimin placed a hand over his stomach, coughing. Taehyung helped him to his feet, where he hunched over in misery.
He slapped your arm weakly. "M-muffin... why would you do this to me?"
You punched him hard in the chest. "Stupid!"
He groaned.
Namjoon nodded in agreement. "I'm with Y/N on this one, Jiminie. That was pretty stupid."
"You have a brain, Jimin!" you yelled at him, setting your hands on your hips. "Use it! How often do you keep a hat on through a make out session?! You idiot!"
Jimin sighed and straightened slightly. "I'll admit, I wasn't thinking."
"Do you...see what you've done to me?" There were few things on the planet scarier than Yoongi's intense eyes narrowed in a glare in Jimin's direction. You unconsciously took a step back so you weren't in his line of fire.
Jimin tried to move behind you but you took several steps away so he was stranded alone in Yoongi's fury. You loved Jimin, but you also loved staying alive.
"Hyung..." Jimin laughed weakly.
"I ran for you. And you defend yourself by saying you weren't thinking?"
Yoongi's eyes were glowing golden now.
You stepped forward and placed a gentle hand on Jimin's shoulder.
"It was nice knowing you, Chim."
Backtracking quickly, you winced as Yoongi rose from the ground, looking like a demented stuffed tiger as he stalked toward Jimin.
You hooked you arm through Hoseok and Jin's , beckoned Taehyung and Namjoon to follow you, and moved quickly in the opposite direction while  steadily ignoring Jimin's cries of abandonment.
"Y/N? Hyungs, don't leave me! Don't leave me! Noooooo..."
The five of you ran for your lives when there was silence, followed by a howl of pain as Yoongi exacted his revenge on Jimin.


Jimin's POV

Jimin limped home alone.
Now he not only had a bruise covering almost the entire expanse of his stomach (thanks to Y/N's spectacular tackle) , but there were multiple smaller bruises spread about his body on places like his lower back, inner bicep, and calf.
Yoongi hyung knew how to pick the most painful places to twist and punch without leaving obvious marks.
The man was devious.
Sighing, Jimin fingered the stupid hat that almost got him into a lot of trouble. Yoon Hae or whatever her name was almost got her first glimpse of a freak of nature
They were right though. He had been stupid to think he could allow a girl to touch him freely and still expect to keep his secret safe.
But on the upside, he heard that Yoongi hyung had beat out Y/N and Jungkookie.
Who would've thought?
Jimin was interrupted from his thoughts as a figure in a suit approached him on the sidewalk. The man was intimidating, causing  Jimin to glance around to make sure there were plenty of witnesses around him.
"You Park Jimin?" the man asked, giving him a slight smile from behind his darkly-tinted sunglasses.
Jimin was hesitant to answer.
"You are, aren't you?" The man continued on. He observed Jimin intensely, looking him up and down from head to toe. "You look like her."
"Like who?" Jimin asked. He took a subtle step back from the man, uneasy. There was something about him that made his hairs stand on end and his tail began to swish a little inside his pants.
"Like your mother."
Jimin froze.
He remembered his mother, but it had been a been long time since he had seen her face or talked about her. His father took all of her pictures down after her death and if she was brought up, he would nearly drink himself into a coma.
"You knew my mother?" Jimin whispered. He was suspicious but also curious.
The man nodded. "Sure I did. We worked together." He paused, giving Jimin a deep look that made him uncomfortable. "Your dad hasn't told you much, has he? Like what she did for a living?"
Jimin admitted silently to himself that he indeed was not aware of his mother's career choice. Was that important?
The man sighed. His hand went to his suit pocket and emerged with a business card clutched in his grasp. "If you ever want to know more, contact me, Jimin. I think there are some things you should know."
Jimin accepted the card and looked down at it. It was blank, except for a phone number. No name, no business or company.
"Wait," Jimin said, looking up again, but he was alone.
The man had disappeared.

😶 ????
Yoongi's so vicious sometimes 😂
Sorry for the short chapter.
Thanks for the read! Please remember to vote and/or comment if you enjoy the story.

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