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Tap tap.
The silver metal of Jimin's rings made a continuous noise against the wood as his fingers tapped on the table. His eyes were burning with the fire of Hades, which he directed at you in flaming waves of anger.
You weren't sure he was even blinking.
Awkward silence was hovering in the air over the four of you like a dense cloud. After gathering your orders, the waiter had hesitantly brought out your food then fled.
You were sure the whole restaurant could feel the tension radiating off of your table.  Hani had attempted to get Jimin's attention for the first ten minutes of dinner, but she eventually gave up. Sehun was afraid to talk to you; he thought you might go after his eyes with your fork or suffocate him with your napkin.  They both resorted to eating in silence.
You couldn't look at anyone at the table so you stared into space, trying hard not to think about the gaze burning a hole in your forehead.
Tap tap.
It was annoying now.
Taking a deep breath, you dared to meet Jimin's gaze. As he glared back at you the boy raised one eyebrow high, resulting in an condescendingly-furious look that made your heart stop beating out of fear. His full lips were pressed into an almost non-existent line and his eyes were big.
His eyes were big.
Oh sweet mother, you were going to die.
"Can you stop?" you said sharply to him.
The word was a strained growl forced through gritted teeth, and you winced. It might be better for you to not attempt a civil conversation with him. If you stayed quiet, maybe he would just shoot you instead of boiling you alive or some other equally painful punishment.
"Here, Pumpkin," Sehun suddenly cooed. He lifted a forkful of his entree and set it at your lips. He gently butted the cool metal against your mouth and prompted you to take the bite.
You hesitated to eat it and glared at him, ignoring the snort of disbelief from across the table.
"Pumpkin?" Jimin asked mockingly from his seat.
There was a slight rustling that you took as an indication that Hani had once again started up her attempts to capture Jimin's interest, due to the fact that he had spoken for the first time in the whole meal.
Sehun continued to hold the food in front of you. You promised, he mouthed silently.
You opened your mouth and accepted the food, chewing quickly and swallowing without savoring it.
"Thank you," you said shortly. Sehun eyed you with a meaningful look. You sighed and corrected yourself. "Thank you, oppa."
Glancing shortly at Jimin, you cringed when you saw how his eyes were massive and the right one was twitching slightly. His mouth had all but disappeared. Hani, who was previously clinging to his arm like a leech, drew back when she saw the look on his face.
You agreed with his reaction; oppa was a term you never used and it was uncharacteristic of you to say that. You only called Yoongi oppa. Not even Jimin had been granted that term of affection.
You swore that Sehun was crazy. It was like the two of you were sitting across the table from an angry bear, poking it over and over again to see how long it would last before it snapped.
"Why are you so angry?" Hani was trying to whisper this privately to the boy next to her, but the shrill hiss could be heard from anywhere. "It's just an honorific! Besides, they're dating. It's normal. I call you oppa."
If possible, his teeth ground together anymore. "We aren't dating," your friend gritted out.
A loud snort of amusement exploded from you before you could stop it. You coughed directly after in an attempt to hide it.
Hani's head snapped around to look at you. She glared at you for a split second then morphed her expression into that of a lost, injured kitten.
"Jimin oppa," she mewled. "Y/N's laughing at me."
"Y/N," Jimin said. "Shut up."
"No," you sang back.
His fists clenched the white table cloth.
Y/N, you aren't helping yourself here.
"Do you think this is funny?" His voice was low and angry, dropped down several octaves from his normal happy tone. You could hear a little satoori in the words.
"Of course not," you intoned.
But for some reason, you couldn't stop smiling. It was the sort of smile that couldn't be vanquished, the smile of a condemned person. The smile of someone who knew they were screwed. You giggled hysterically.
"You lied to me, Y/N," Jimin said.  "Friends don't do that."
"Friends don't blow each other off, either," you pointed out, then internally slapped yourself. Keep your mouth shut!
Jimin's eyes had to be taking up at least two-thirds of his face now.
"I didn't mean to," He growled. "You lied intentionally."
Crossing your arms, you leaned your weight against Sehun and gave your friend a superior look. "You threatened my boyfriend," you told him. "I didn't know we were eating with the two of you. You weren't supposed to know."
"I'm your best friend. You should tell me everything."
"I'm your best friend. You should spend time with me."
His frustrated snarl sent shivers racing through your body. His eyes were beginning to glow and the hairs on the back of your neck stood up.
"Careful, Chim," you said to him in a low voice. His animal attributes were starting to come out.
Jimin didn't listen to you, broiling in his own anger so that the hat upon his head was starting to tremble.
"Calm down!" you barked. Sehun and Hani were beginning to look at you weirdly. You had almost forgotten about their presence until Sehun placed a gentle hand against your shoulder.
"Pumpkin? Are you okay?"
"Don't touch her."
You had heard that voice before, only seconds previous to when Jimin had almost torn Taehyung's head off. He was going to blow any second, you could see it in his eyes.
You had to get him out of there.
Jimin's hand was clenched into a fist but you forced your fingers between his anyway. He immediately yanked his hand away from you, so you stood and rounded the table. You hooked your hands under his armpits before he could react and used all of your strength to drag him into a standing position.
"Yah!" Hani yelled.
Jimin struggled and you stumbled against the table, causing people to look toward the spectacle when plate and silverware blinked together.
You squeezed your arms around your best friend's waist and started to bodily drag him out. You could feel the aggravated swishing of his tail from inside his right pant leg.
When he continued to use his superior strength to resist you, you leaned forward to hiss in his ear.
"Park Jimin," you said. "If you love and trust me at all, you'll come with me. Right now."
"Oppa!" Hani said. She stood and fisted her hands in the front of Jimin's shirt. "Give me my date back!"
He hesitated, still tensed against you.
"Chim," you urged softly. "You aren't in control."
Resigned, Jimin gently removed Hani's hands and cupped them in his larger ones. Hani grasped him in confusion.
"I have to go now," he said to her.
You scoffed and almost gagged behind them.
"Pumpkin!" Sehun said half-heartedly. "Don't leave me!"
Jimin whipped around to face his still-seated form and took a threatening step forward, a finger of emphasis extended toward him.
"If I see you hanging around her again, you're dead meat," he growled.
Sehun wasn't frightened and rebelliously said, "Pumpkin."
I swear...
"We have to go!" you squeaked when your friend's upper lip began to curl in a snarl.
"Dead meat!" Jimin called as you heaved him out of the restaurant and onto the dark street outside.
Although you were the one who originally was pulling him, there was a point along the way where his hand encompassed your wrist and he was yanking you toward your houses.
The lights were on at you house: your mom was home.
Relief swamped you. You started onto the porch but were stopped by a solid tug from Jimin.
"No," he said. He started pulling you toward his house; dark, empty and deserted.
"Wait, wait, wait!" You resisted him, leaning back longingly to your front door. "Why? We just need to talk, right?" You started to open the door.
He grabbed you and threw you over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes, folding his arm across the back of your upper thighs.
Your forehead smacked against his lower back and you squeaked and strained away, trying to avoid getting a face-full of his butt.
"Yah! Park Jimin!"
"There aren't any witnesses at my house," Jimin said.
Without another word, he carried you into the empty darkness of his house.

Sorry that it's been a little while since I updated; I had a mild case of writer's block trying to finish up this chapter. Don't forget to comment and vote if you enjoy the story!
Thanks for the read!

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