Late Night

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A movie was playing on your television, but you weren't paying attention. You felt so completely at peace, comfortable on the couch with your mother's soft humming drifting in from the kitchen and Jimin's head in your lap.
Because your mom still didn't know about the whole hybrid situation Jimin kept his hat on outside of your room, but you made sure to scratch his ears beneath the hat. Soft purrs vibrated his chest and your happy smile grew. If you could stay like this forever, you would.
You continued running your fingers through his soft blond hair in a daze.
It was Friday and school had ended a couple of hours ago. You and Jimin had been lazing around the house ever since, cherishing the time with each other.
During the last couple of weeks, you felt as if you never got to spend time with him alone. He was always out with the other boys or doing something with Hani.
Yes, Hani.
She had yet to disappear from your life.
After flirting her way into your lunch table, she had continued on to occupy Jimin's time inside and outside of school. They weren't dating, so Jimin claimed, but you figured that it probably wouldn't be very long until they were at this rate. It was like Jimin had died; he was never around and you missed his presence almost constantly.
He obviously didn't miss you as much as you missed him.
The thought sent a sharp sting of pain pinging through your stomach.
However, you were determined to take advantage of the time you had to spend with him  today. For the first time in weeks, you were together and neither of you had plans to leave for the rest of the day.
You subtly sniffed him, trying to not be blatantly creepy as you took in that mesmerizing scent of his. Jimin didn't notice. His fingers were tucked underneath your knee on the couch, your thigh in use as his pillow. Every now and then he would take a deep breath and you would be able to feel the warmth of his exhale through your jeans.
For you, this was heaven.
Your mom came in from the kitchen with a plate of some kind of food she had concocted. She smiled at the two of you.
"I've got to run to work, okay? I won't be home until fairly late."
"Mmkay, mom," you said lazily, not stopping your fingers. Jimin turned his head up to smile warmly at your mom.
"Bye, Mrs. Y/L/N."
The second that she was gone, Jimin chucked his beanie across the room so it smacked softly against the opposite wall. His ears were free now, brushing your chest as he twisted around to release his tail.
He sighed happily when the long, black rope was uncovered.
"Stupid hat," Jimin mumbled, stretching smoothly before settling back in his previous position. You started scratching around his ears and he wiggled happily.
You laughed. "I'm really glad you're here today, Chim." The words felt wrong coming out of your mouth. You were always together before; you'd never had to thank him for spending time with you.
He frowned a little. "I'm always here, Muffin."
You bit your tongue at that. Should you make a comment about how he'd barely paid attention to you in the last couple of weeks? Or was that being too selfish?
Before you could decide, his phone alerted him to a new message. Jimin checked it, sitting up. "Oh!" he exclaimed. He got up off of the couch and ran up the stairs without a word.
Your stomach sank because you knew what was happening; this wasn't the first time. Sure enough, as he came down the stairs with his jacket and wallet, Jimin said, "Hey, Hani just texted me. We're gonna go see that new movie she's been wanting to see. She said it looks really-"
"Don't," you muttered, cutting him off. "Are you serious?"
The anger that was building up in your chest couldn't be contained any longer. He was going to acknowledge your feelings of abandonment, or you were going to die trying.
"What's wrong, Muffin?"
"You," you snapped. You didn't look Jimin the eye, simply staring straight at the TV as you spoke. "Every time we finally have a day to spend together, you run off somewhere with Hani. We haven't hung out in weeks, Jimin."
He crossed his arms, signaling that a fight was about to go down. "Look, Y/N. I really like Hani, and I spend plenty of time with you."
"Name it," you barked.
"Name the last time we've spent any time together. The last time you haven't ran out on our plans to see that fake little-"
"Yah!" Jimin glared at you. "Don't talk about her like that!" For a moment, he stared hard at the side of your face. Frustration and offense stained his features. Then he sighed and softened his expression. The couch sank beneath his weight as he sat beside you and his chin settled on your shoulder.  "I haven't been meaning to. I'm sorry, Y/N."
You tilted your head, still angry but acknowledging his apology.
"How about this? I'll come spend the night tonight. We'll have a sleepover!" Jimin's lower lip pouted out into a pitifully cute look.
Resist, Y/N.
"Muffin," Jimin chirped. "Please."
So adorable. You sighed in defeat. "Fine."
"Whooo!" He jumped up and did a cute little victory dance, wiggling his tail and shaking his hips in a feminine manner so you laughed. How were you supposed to stay angry at him?
Jimin placed his hands on your shoulders and gave you a kiss on the forehead. "I'll be back by like 8:00, I promise!" He started to skip out the door but stopped when you let out an urgent yell.
"Chim, wait!"
You ran to the other side of the room and retrieved his beanie that was crumpled on the ground. Strolling up to him, you gently fit it over his ears and captured his tail as it swished by.
"You should put these away," you said to him. "8:00. You promised, right?" You gently stroked his tail. His movements were fast and jerky when he grabbed it from you, tucking it into the back of his pants.
"8:00." Jimin waved as he turned, calling over his shoulder, "thank you, Y/N!"


You laid in the middle of the living room floor, spread-eagled and staring at the ceiling.
It was currently 8:15 with no sign of Jimin to be seen.
He's just running a little late, you told yourself. He would be here, just like he promised.
He always came for you.
Then it was 9:00 and he still hadn't shown.
You stood up and restlessly wandered around your house. Your mother and father were both gone to work. The other boys were with Sehun, hanging out in the city.
You were alone.
Eventually, you settled on the couch and waited as the minutes ticked by.
9:30, 10:00, no Jimin in sight.
You called once and texted him multiple times, hoping that he wasn't hurt or he hadn't gotten into an accident. He didn't answer you.
It hurt.
You waited and waited on your best friend who, for the first time, broke his promise to you.
By 11:30 you decided that he wasn't coming and you had been stood up. You got up, determined to stop pouting. It was late. Sleep.
Holding back tears, you made sure to lock the door, turned off all of the lights, and went upstairs.
You refused to keep waiting for him in this depressed state.
Get a hold of yourself, Y/N.
If Hani was more important than you, then there was no use in waiting up.
He'd had his chance to make it up to you, and he blew it.


Jimin's POV

Jimin walked home in the dark, smiling.
Hani was so cute.
Before they went in to the movie, she had whined about the popcorn having too much butter and the candy being too sweet for her. After multiple trips to the concessions at her insistence, they had finally settled in to watch the movie.
Halfway through, her head had come to rest on his shoulder. He was in awe.
With her, it was like he had never dated before.
They had gone to the mall afterward, where he bought he anything she asked for and carried the bags so her pretty arms wouldn't get tired.
When he dropped her off at her house, she had told him thanks for the great night. That he was a great friend.
That brought his mood down a little, but he brightened when she kissed him on the cheek before going inside.
He couldn't wait to tell Y/N about-
Jimin gasped, looking desperately at his watch and phone. It was almost midnight. Over seven unread text messages and one call from Y/N, asking if he was okay and wondering where he was. He'd promised to be back hours ago!
He ran as fast as he could the rest of the way, skidding to a stop in front of her house. The front lights were off and the door was locked.
Guilt swelled up in him.
He'd never broken a promise before.
Using his key, he let himself into Y/N's house. All of the lights were off but he knew the place well, so he managed to make his way to the stairs in the pitch blackness of the living room. Y/N's bedroom door was closed.
He inched it open, careful of the squeak that he knew came out when the door was about halfway opened.
Jimin slipped inside, sighing in relief when the door didn't make a noise.
Y/N was curled up into a tiny ball in the middle of the bed, back to the door. Her cell phone was still clutched in her limp hand as if she was waiting for an important call.
And she was: a call from him that had never come.
She looked so small and alone, there in the middle of that big house, in the center of her big bed that seemed to swallow her.
It was his fault.
Jimin but his bottom lip as guilt and regret crushed him.
He left his sweet best friend, whom he loved dearly, alone and waiting for hours. He was so selfish.
The door creaked a little this time when he opened it and went out, tiptoeing to the guest room down the hall. He grabbed a pair of extra pajama pants he kept there and shed his shirt before going back to Y/N's room.
Her soft breaths sounded loud to him as the door creaked even louder when he tried to close it.
Y/N stirred a little bit at the sound. "No," she mumbled.
He quietly approached her, peering at her in the darkness. Her eyebrows were furrowed and her plump bottom lip was caught between her teeth.
The sight did something to him.
Y/N's eyelids fluttered open. She saw his vague shape in the gloomy room. "Go away," she said. "I don't want you here."
Ouch. Jimin winced as her words hit him like a punch.
She rolled so her back was to him.
He ignored her and burrowed under the covers beside her. She must have fallen asleep again because she didn't resist him when he pulled her into a loose embrace.
Jimin stared mournfully at the back of her head.
"Y/N...I'm really sorry. Really."

I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Upcoming chapters = more angst. 😳🤷🏼‍♀️
Thanks for the read!

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