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Fuzzy and disoriented, you blinked open your eyes and observed your unfamiliar surroundings.
Where the heck were you?
It was dark, dim, and dusty in the massive open room. An old warehouse, maybe? And you were curled up in the corner of it with your hands tied behind your back and your ankles strung together like a piece of livestock.
Your head was all screwed up - you couldn't think straight.
How did you get here?
You tired to think hard to remember a reason for you being tied up, but you couldn't even remember what day it was.
You huffed in frustration, trying to scoot on your butt a little, but you couldn't move.
Something heavy was tied to you.
You looked over your shoulder and gasped at the sight. The heavy weight was really two heavy weights; Jimin's chin was resting on his chest in a limp state of unconsciousness, while Sehun's head was lolling from side to side. He looked like he might wake up soon. All three of you were tied together at the wrists.
Wait a second.
Memories of the past hour came rushing back to you in an overwhelming wave.

You walked down the street, completely unaware of your surroundings. Your brain was oddly calm, so blank and empty that you couldn't conjure up a thought.
He rejected you.
Your biggest fear on the planet was coming true.
"Hey! Y/N!"
The voice forced something to float vaguely through your unresponsive mind.
Is someone talking to me?
Slowly turning your head, you realized in an instant that you didn't know where you were. It was getting sort of dark; how long had you been walking like that?
"Y/N? You okay?"
Oh yeah. Someone was talking to you.
A car had pulled up next to you and stopped, dark head sticking out through the window. Sehun gave you a concerned look, the emotion creasing his handsome face.
"Oh, hi," you said faintly.
He laughed a little, looking around.
"What are you even doing down here?"
You gave the boy an indecipherable shrug, not too sure about the answer yourself.
"Do you need a ride?" he hedged gently. He could obviously tell that something was wrong.
Considering his offer, you decided to take it. The area you had wandered into was unfamiliar and you weren't exactly positive how to get back home.
Home. That's where Jimin was.
"Yeah, sure," you mumbled and climbed into the passenger seat. Sehun began to drive in silence, sensing your mood.
"A-are you okay?" he whispered. "Is Jimin okay?"
It almost physically hurt you to hear his name spoken out loud, reminding you of all of the things you could never have and all of the things that you've lost forever. Sehun saw you cringe.
"I'm sorry," he sighed, changing lanes and filling the painful silence. "I know how that feels, one-sided love. I went through that with Hani. It sucks."
You frowned in confusion. "I thought you and Hani dated?" you asked. "She didn't like you?"
Sehun's hands tightened on the steering wheel and he winced.
"Did you know I have a brother?" His voice was resigned and wistful, bringing a heavy sad atmosphere to the air. "His name is- was Baekhyun."
"Was?" you questioned softly.
Sehun purses his lips and didn't look at you, keeping his eyes straight to the road.
"He's missing," he said. "Been missing for a while now."
Not knowing how to respond, you placed a gentle hand on his tense forearm. Listening to him was helping you to come back to yourself a little and forget about your own problems; you were grateful.
Sehun continued on.
"Hani came into our lives at a really vulnerable time. Baekhyun had an...accident of sorts, and we were having problems. Then, BAM, Hani appeared out of nowhere." He sighed like he was still lovesick. "She was really into Baekhyun at first, but he didn't like her. Hated her, actually. I comforted her and we fell in love..."
Sehun trailed off, thinking hard.
Remembering, you guessed.
"When Baekhyun went missing, she dropped me like I was nothing," Sehun muttered. The hurt was plain to see on his face, still present and active. "Thinking back now, she was probably using me to get closer to him when he wouldn't date her, but for me? It was real. I lost my brother and my girlfriend within a month of each other."
You were speechless.
That's why he transferred, then, to get away from everything that had happened at his old school.
To get away from Hani.
Since he had arrived at your school, you hadn't always been the kindest person to Sehun. You had no idea that he had been through all of this.
"I'm so sorry," you whispered. "What happened to your brother, before he...you know..."
"Disappeared off the face of the Earth?" Sehun laughed dryly. "You wouldn't believe me if I told you."
Scoffing in doubt, you eyed Sehun seriously and said, "I've seen some crazy things, Sehun. Try me."
You were getting to a familiar part of town now, passing by buildings and streets that you recognized. Sehun looked like he was considering whether or not he should tell you.
"My brother and his friends were out one night," he finally said. "They were attacked by a group of men."
Wait a second. Why did that sound so familiar?
"They all got injected with some kind of drug or something. Baekhyun was the only one who managed to get away." Sehun gritted his teeth. "I can still remember him stumbling home that night, all bloody and bruised and scared to death because he didn't know what was inside of him."
"The next day..." Sehun trailed off, shaking his head.
"The next day?" you breathed. This couldn't be happening. There's no way.
"He had a tail," Sehun said heavily, glancing at you. "And animals ears, like a dog. See? I told you, you'd never believe me."
"I-I believe you," you stuttered in shock.
Shaking his head, Sehun whispered, "We were so scared. We were fighting constantly, angry, emotions always high. And when Hani showed up, everything felt okay again. Everything calmed down."
That's when it hit you that something wasn't right.
"When did Baekhyun go missing again?" you asked slowly.
Sehun, noticing your time of voice was off, cautiously answered, "I'd say a month or two after that."
That was about  the same amount of time since Hani had showed up here, too, right after the boys had been attacked.
"Holy crap," you mumbled. "Holy- I have to go home." You were just about to your house now, but your hands were shaking. You desperately urged Sehun to drive faster.
Following your orders, he nervously asked, "What? Why?"
You didn't answer.
Reaching your house, you tumbled out of the car in a dead sprint, but not toward your house.
Toward Jimin's.
You burst heavily through the door, frantically searching through the empty living room for the boy.
The last thing you remembered was hearing a familiar laugh before a cloth was shoved over your nose and mouth, and everything faded to black.

(End of Flashback)

It took you a long moment to process the memories that came pouring in. As you did, Jimin and Sehun were waking up.
Jimin glanced over his shoulder sluggishly.
"Y/N?" he mumbled. "What happened?"
"Listen to me, Jimin," you said urgently. "You can't trust her, understand? You can't -"
"Y/N, honey, are you trying to tell my Jiminie oppa a lie?" The voice was feminine, whiny, and all too familiar.
"H-Hani?" Jimin and Sehun breathed in confusion.
You blanched.
Hani smiled, striding over to pet Jimin's head like he was a dog.
"Hi, oppa," she laughed. "Did you have a nice sleep?"

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