Fever Heat

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Jungkook's nose twitched cutely as he stared at the game board, considering his options. You were beating his butt at Monopoly and the game was close to an end.
Jungkook didn't like to be beat.
The two of you were the top land-owners in the game, since all of the other boys playing with you made stupid decisions early on or had bad luck.
Taehyung was destitute and penniless, and Yoongi had been stuck in jail for the past three turns.
The other boys, completely forgetting about their own lots in the game, stared between you and the maknae as if watching a sports match. 
Massaging Jungkook's shoulders from behind was Jimin. His black tail had slithered up to rest against Jungkook's forearm.
"Jungkookie," your best friend said. "I believe in you. You have this."
Jin and Namjoon were cross legged on either side of you and Namjoon held up a fist and whispered, "Y/N, fighting." His dimples flashed and you took courage from them.
Eyes meeting, you and Jungkook glared at each other.
"You're going down, Kookie," you smack talked him.
"Nobody takes down the Golden Maknae," was his response. His bunny ears were tall and alert as he thought hard. Something in his eyes clicked and he gave you an evil grin. "Go ahead, Y/N. Make your move."
You had already decided what to do and confidently made your move. The second you were finished, Jungkook laughed in victory.
"I knew you were going to do that," he said and quickly made a maneuver on the board and exchanged money so that he would be the winner.
You, Namjoon, and Jin groaned in misery and you threw your fake money into the air, letting the useless stuff shower down like rain.
Hoseok and Jungkook started dancing in victory while Jimin latched onto Taehyung like a baby koala, shouting in excitement.
"Get out of my house," you laughed.
Hoseok danced his way over to you and pulled your defeated form up off of the floor. Grabbing your limp arms, he forced you to mimic his dance as he shook his head.
"You promised a sleepover!" He shook his hips and flapped your unwilling arms around. "You can't kick us out now!"
"This is my house, Jung Hoseok," you threatened half-heartedly. Now all of the boys had surrounded you and were dancing to the same inaudible beat. Laughter filled your house and your heart as Jin grabbed your hands and started to tango with you.
Jimin pulled an unwilling Yoongi into a square dance (Yoomin forever) and Taehyung and Hoseok were doing some kind of odd dance that made it look like they were boneless.
Namjoon was, of course, dancing his signature awkwardly stiff dance that made all of you laugh that much harder. You sat on the couch as Jungkook attempted to instruct Jin and Namjoon to dance more smoothly and the other four continued their crazy antics.
Smiling softly, you watched as your family danced around your living room. The seven boys who lit up the house with their bright smiles and laughter lit up your life in a similar way. One in particular, with an eye smile that produced enough warm emotions to melt an iceberg, stopped dancing to grace you with his beautiful grin and beckon to you.
"Muffin," he said, reaching his hand out for you. The cashmere softness of his tone called to you and you matched your palm to his.
Jimin pulled you up and embraced you, tangling the two of you together tightly until you lost track of where you stopped and he began. Your best friend in the whole wide world rocked you back and forth in his arms, turning you around in slow circles. His warm forehead pressed into yours and you both smiled.
Here, surrounded by the seven boys who meant more than anything into the world to you...this was where you belonged.


You didn't head to bed until about 2:00 on the morning.
Since Jimin consistently slept in your house, he took the guest room out of habit and chose Taehyung as his roommate. The other boys spread out in the living room, either on one of the two couches or on sleeping mats on the soft carpet of the living room.
It had only been an hour since the eight of you had separated for bed when running footsteps woke you up from your sleep. Seconds later, Taehyung burst through your bedroom door with wild, distressed eyes.
"Tae?" you asked.
For a minute he stood there, trying to move his mouth in order to convey his panic to you through words, but nothing was coming out.
He worked to make a sound and finally was able to stutter, "J-Jimin, h-h-he's..."
You stood up and placed your hands on his shoulders.
"Calm down, Tae Tae," you said soothingly. "Jimin what?"
Unable to say it, Taehyung took your hand and dragged you down the hall toward the guest room.
As you neared, a soft panting noise could be heard from the room. You outpaced Taehyung and entered the room first.
Panic instantly filled your chest cavity at the sight of Jimin laying weakly on the bed, flushed and gasping. His shirt was off so you could see that his entire body was drenched in sweat.
"What happened?" you cried, pressing a hand to your friend's forehead. He was absolutely burning up. Jimin groaned when you touched him, tossing his head uneasily. His tail looked like a limp rope, laying without a hint of motion or movement on the top of the covers. His blond hair laid damply against his forehead.
"I don't know!" Taehyung was a nervous wreck, tugging at his hair. "He was fine an hour ago! I got so hot that I woke up and he was like this!"
You took hold of Jimin's shoulders and shook him gently. His closed eyes slitted open at your touch.
"Jiminie," you murmured, brushing back his hair. "Can you hear me?"
He blinked tiredly. "Y/N?"
Relieved that he was capable of responding to you, you turned around and grabbed Taehyung.
"I need you to go get a cloth and some cool water. There's medicine in the cabinet downstairs. Can you do that?"
Not responding, the boy shot out of the room like a missile.
Guess that would be a yes.
Moving your attention back to your sick friend, you ran your fingers through his sweat-slicked hair and tried to soothe him as he shifted. His skin was so hot that it almost physically hurt to touch him.
A clumsy rhythm of footsteps alerted you to Taehyung's return. He was clutching a plastic bowl full of water with a rag already soaking in it, and had brought the entire package of pills. Carefully settling the water on the bedside table, he watched you for further instructions.
"This is good, Tae," you said. "If the fever doesn't break in a couple of hours then we'll take him to the hospital. You should go downstairs; if it's contagious then I don't want you to catch it too."
"Right. Okay," he mumbled. Giving Jimin one last worried look, Taehyung left the room.
You wrung out the excess water from the rag and placed it on Jimin's forehead. Grabbing a cup from the bathroom, you filled it up with water and returned to him. You sat in the bed and maneuvered Jimin so he was propped up in your lap and shook him awake again.
He opened his eyes and looked up at you.
"I need you to swallow, please," you said, placing a pill at his lips. Jimin opened his mouth slightly and you slipped the little tablet in, trying to ignore how his lips enclosed the end of your finger for a split second. You got him to drink some water and watched in satisfaction as his throat contracted.
The cloth on his head was hot now, so you leaned over him to soak it in fresh water. Because of the angle you were holding him at, your neck was basically pressed to his face as you strained to reach the bowl.
You felt him inhale deeply against your skin.
Just as you finally managed to reach the water, a sudden growl made you draw back in surprise.
Well, you tried to draw back.
Jimin's hands yanked you back with a strength you weren't expecting from his sick, weak form. Your arms collapsed at his sudden pull so you were sprawled across his bare chest and his nose and mouth were against your throat.
You were about to get off of him when another deep growl rumbled through his chest and his hands grasped your hips. His mouth parted on your skin.
A yelp exploded out of you as you were lifted and whirled around, your back slamming hard into the bed. The movement made your head spin. Disoriented, you gaped in confusion at Jimin, who was now on his knees beside you and watching you with those slanted yellow eyes.
Any trace of sickness had disappeared from him. You could see the strength running through the tensed muscles of his crouching form. All of the heat had receded from his skin, but reflected back at you from his eyes.
Those yellow eyes were burning.
Prowling across the bed on all fours, you sucked in a breath at the the look in Jimin's eyes as he stalked you. The way he moved just screamed big cat, the way his shoulders rolled smoothly with each motion, and his stare that never wavered. His black panther ears were straight and alert and his head tilted to the side as he moved to straddle you. His warm thighs pressed to the outside of your legs. Behind him, his tail was stiffened so it stood straight out and swayed back and forth in a hypnotic dance.
Trembling, you stared at him with wide, semi-frightened eyes.
What the heck is going on?
"Y/N," he purred silkily. His voice was deeper than normal. "My little muffin."
Only a few hour earlier, he had called you that name. Muffin. Except then, it was full of warmth and kindness and love. Soft and happy and lovely.
This time was different.
When he called you his muffin, there was nothing but possessiveness in the words. He used a dark, hot tone that laid claim to all that you were.
Gulping, you pressed distancing hands to his chest.
Something wasn't right. This wasn't right.
"Jimin," you squeaked. "You aren't yourself. You're sick. If you could just-"
His hands smacked into the pillows on either side of your head, white teeth revealed by his curled upper lip. Jimin brought his face down to you, inches away so his panting breaths brushed your mouth.
You shut up.
"It's too hot, Y/N," he said. There was a bit of a whimper in his voice and he tossed his head. He ran his tongue along one razor-sharp canine and whined, "Help me."
...oh no.
With that he lowered his weight onto you, pressing the lengths of your bodies together. A gasp fled your parted lips when you felt him against you, all of him. The heat of his bare skin soaked through your shirt.
Jimin slid a hand along your spine, urging you to arch up into him. You grasped the lean muscles of his shoulders, half-panicked and half-willing. You were definitely attracted to him; there was no denying that, but you weren't sure whether you should call for help or shut up and wait to see where he would lead you.
He kissed you.
For the first time since the two of you had met when you were infants, Park Jimin placed his thick, firm lips fully against yours and kissed you.
Your brain and heart sparked simultaneously.
A soft, strained sigh slipped from your throat, echoed by Jimin's low-pitched masculine moan. He hovered there, keeping your lips locked together as if waiting for you to respond.
Frozen, you weren't sure what to do. Your body was totally limp and melted beneath his caressing hands and your lips were still glued together.
But Jimin knew exactly what to do.
He deepened the kiss and moved his lips against yours, gently sucking your top lip, then the bottom. His tongue flicked inside your mouth. One hand tangled in your hair while the other left your hip to start a warm path down the outside of your thigh.
What really woke you out of the sexual daze he had lulled you into was when he hooked his fingers inside the waistband of your sleep shorts and started to pull down.
"Yah!" You tore your mouth away from Jimin's and tried to shove him off. Your strength was no match for his; he didn't budge.
"Muffin," he moaned in that dark voice, diving down to nip at your jawline.
A pinch of nervousness joined your outrage as the bruises from his 'dream' still hadn't faded completely. What if he found them?
"Jimin." You tired to keep from whimpering when he bit your earlobe and laved the skin with his tongue. "You have to stop."
"Help me, Muffin," he urged roughly. His entire hand slipped inside your shorts and grasped your hip, separated from your skin only by the thin fabric on your underwear. "Please...I need this...it's too hot..." Jimin stopped kissing you and looked deep into your eyes, piercing you with his intense, slanted feline gaze. "I need you."
Oh heck. Get out of there Y/N.
"Chim," you whispered. "I won't-"
"I love it when you call me that," Jimin panted. He placed a hand against your jaw and brought your flushed face back to his, intertwining your tongues. You couldn't help but respond to his passionate kiss.
"Oh my g- I am so sorry!"
A deep voice startled you, ripping you away from the hybrid boy. You caught a flash of brown hair and a tall form before the door slammed shut.
Jimin refused to let you go as you glanced over his shoulder and screamed desperately, "Namjoon, wait!"
The older boy stopped and stuck his head back around the door hesitantly.
"Help me!" you hissed.
"No! Get out!" Jimin hollered. He covered your mouth with his hand.
Torn, Namjoon glanced between the two of you in confusion. He watched Jimin, who didn't stop kissing your throat even with someone else in the room and you, trapped beneath him with wide eyes.
"Jiminie," Namjoon said slowly. "I think you'd better let Y/N go." He inched closer to the two of you, extending a hand.
Jimin slowly let his lips leave you and looked at Namjoon over his shoulder with glowing eyes. A deep, guttural growl rolled through his chest. He slowly moved until he was crouched in between you and Namjoon at the foot of the bed, his pearly teeth bared in a defensive snarl.
"Namjoon," you squeaked.
"Don't panic, Y/N," he said. "I'm calling backup."
Namjoon took out his cell phone and hit a speed dial number, never letting his eyes leave the volatile boy in front of him. The challenging eye contact made Jimin's growls grow even louder.
"Yoongi hyung," Namjoon said into the phone. "I need your help."
"You woke up Yoongi!?" you screeched. "Now we're all gonna get killed!"
"Hyung, this is serious," Namjoon continued, wincing as Yoongi let him have it through the phone. "I'm upstairs. Something's wrong with Jimin. He's got Y/N pinned and won't let me get to her."
Moments later, you could hear several pairs of footsteps stomping up the staircase as the other boys ran in from the living room. They all piled up behind Namjoon, skidding to a stop in the doorway. 
Yoongi was in front with Hoseok directly behind him. They both tensed at the sight of Jimin's defensive form with his tail swaying threateningly behind him.
"Y/N?!" Taehyung's panicked voice called to you and you could see a sliver of him behind Hoseok. "I'm sorry! This is my fault! I shouldn't have left you to-"
"Be quiet, Taehyung," Yoongi said harshly.
His orangey ears twitched and you could see his defenses coming up at the threat of another upset hybrid nearby. Yoongi's lips curled back in a snarl to match Jimin's, revealing that his canines had also sharpened.
Jungkook was trembling, an animal of prey in the presence of two powerful predators. His cute ears were droopy and there was a good amount of panic in his eyes.
You understood the feeling. 
"Jimin," Hoseok said. He stepped in front of Yoongi and pushed him back a little. Ignoring Yoongi's sharp warning hiss, Hoseok stepped forward with calming hands extended. "I'm just gonna talk to Y/N, okay?"
Jimin hissed. "Don't touch her. She's mine."
Startled, the six boys blinked in unison.
"O-Okay," Hoseok stuttered. "I won't. I won't touch her."
Jimin hesitantly allowed Hoseok to edge by him. He got in between the two of you, eyeing Jimin.
"Are you okay?" Hobi asked.
"Peachy," you answered dryly.
"Okay, good. If you'll just wait a second, we'll figure out-"
"Jimin!" Multiple yells drew you and Hoseok out of your conversation, glancing over to the end of the bed.
Jimin had collapsed.
He was back to his previous state, weak and sweating and feverish. It was hard to believe that it was the same person who had been angry and growling only seconds ago. The sick boy rolled onto his side and reached for you.
"Get him away from her," Yoongi said. Jin and Hoseok gently picked up the flushed Jimin and tried to bring him out of the room.
"No, no, no!" Jimin weakly struggled against them, using all of his remaining strength to resist his friend's hold. "I need Y/N! Give her back! I need her!"
His desperate yells tugged at your heart.
Jin and Hoseok enlisted Taehyung's help to carry the sick, squirming boy to the staircase. The four of them disappeared into the hall. Once Jimin's strained voice had faded downstairs, the remaining company gaped at you with massively curious eyes.
"What the heck was that?" Namjoon asked.
You didn't know how to answer.

Oh my goodness, that was so long😂😂
Anyways, please remember to vote and/or comment if you enjoyed this chapter.
Thanks for the read!

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