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Jimin's POV
There was blood everywhere.
He panicked, trying to find the source and stop the bleeding but his hands were shaking and still tied up and his mind was cluttered and he couldn't quite-
"Jimin, move."
Rough hands shoved him out of the way.  He fell to the side, unable to catch himself with his hands restrained. He went with it, not resisting because he didn't know how to with Y/N bleeding on the floor in front of him. His head cracked harshly on the floor. From here, he could see her face, creased in pain.
She was crying.
It was his fault.
He never thought in a million years that Hani would have actually pulled the trigger and shot him, but she tried to. Y/N tried to warn him.
Y/N saved him
His Muffin.
Jin hyung and Yoongi hyung knelt over Y/N. Jimin wasn't sure where they had come from or when they had arrived, but he was glad they were here. Jin hyung cradled Y/N's head in his lap and soothed her while Yoongi hyung put pressure on her shoulder to stem the bleeding.
"Help her help her help her help her help her hel-"
"Shut up!" Yoongi barked harshly. "She's going to be fine."
Jimin blinked in surprise, because he didn't even realize that he was speaking. He sat up and looked around at the chaos in the warehouse.
There were two bodies on the ground, one straddling the other. It was Jae on top of Hani. She was punching the living daylights out of the other girl, crying and screaming at the top of her lungs.
"You don't touch my cousin. You don't touch her! If she dies I swear-"
Jungkook finally managed to drag Jae off of Hani kicking and screaming. He held her close to his chest as she cried, Hoseok coming in from the other side to embrace the girl in a Bangtan sandwich. 
Hani scrambled to her feet, nose and lips bleeding furiously  from Jae's fist. The gun was still tight in her grasp. Taehyung and Namjoon cornered her, watching the weapon she held with weary gazes.
"It's over, Hani," Namjoon said softly. "Just put the gun down and come with us."
Hani watched them with an angry, panic-filled gaze.
"I'm not going to jail," she said desperately, before raising the gun to rest the barrel against her own head. Jimin managed to turn away just in time to avoid seeing his (ex) girlfriend put a bullet in her own head. The thump of her body on the floor almost made him sick.
However, he couldn't find it in himself to be sad after all that she had done.
Jimin scooted on his knees to hover worriedly over Y/N as she was held in Jin's arms. Yoongi had managed to lessen the flow of blood but the dark red liquid was still streaming out at an alarming rate from her upper left shoulder.
Please be okay, please don't leave me. I'm sorry, I was so so wrong, I'm sorry, I need you. His thoughts ran in a continuous, panicked stream as he watched his best friend bleed.
She reached up through the pain and fisted a hand in the front of his shirt.
"Y/N," Jimin croaked. "I'm sorry." He covered her trembling hand with his own.
"Why can't you just trust me?" she sobbed. "Why can't you ever listen to me?"
Jin was trying to calm her down as her cries began to reach a hysterical level. Jimin shook his head, speechless.
"I'm sorry." Was that all he could say? He wanted to say more but the words wouldn't come. He could hear Namjoon speaking to Yoongi in the background of his clouded brain.
"Hyung, we need to get her to a hospital."
Yoongi stood up and lifted Y/N, tearing her hand out of his.
"I'm sorry, Y/N," Jimin cried.
Nobody paid his pitiful plea any attention as they rushed out the door, leaving the crying boy on his knees.
"I'm so sorry," he whispered to no one.

Sorry that's its such a short chapter☺️
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