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"Okay guys. What are we going to do?"
That single sentence had somehow managed to be the most productive one in the entire conversation. After turning down Yoongi's suggestions to get the tails and ears surgically removed and sell them on the black market ("What good is a decision if we don't get something out of it?" he had said) and calming down Jungkook because even though it was "wabbit season" (another thanks to Yoongi), he wasn't going to be hunted for the little fur he had, you were growing agitated with the lack of progress.
While the boys goofed around, you tried to look some information up on the Internet about what you should do.
You began to read one lady's post. 'My son was attacked about a month ago, and he has experienced the whole half-turning-into-an-animal thing. It's been very traumatizing. However, I did do some research and found out some tips if this happens to you or our loved one. First, you need to determine what specific type of animal their features mimic. I know with some types of dogs and cats this can be difficult, but it's necessary.
You glanced over at the boys. It was obvious that Yoongi was some sort of tiger, and Kookie was a rabbit, but Jimin...
You stared intensely at his ears. They were black as night, silky smooth, and pointed at the top. His tail was really long and a matching shade of midnight black, rounded on the end.
He was a cat of some sort, but what kind?
Shaking your head,you kept reading.
'This will help you figure out what they need in their diet that they didn't before. Tidy can still eat normal food,of course, but they'll probably like some unusual things or crave something that they weren't a huge fan of previously. If your animal is a domesticated type, they will need playtime.
You quickly skimmed the rest of the article, not really reading but catching a few words like 'dietary needs', 'heat', and 'playtime'.
"Guys," you said. They all stopped talking, turning to look at you. "I think we'll, just have to hide your ears under a hat or something for the mean time. There isn't much else we can do."
"I don't think these will fit under a hat," Jungkook pouted, pointing to his very tall ears. You sighed, tired and drained from the long day. "I don't know, Kookie. Can we just take a break for tonight? The weekend starts tomorrow so we don't have to worry about school until Monday."
Your phone beeped. It was Jin, asking if you were okay.
Another message came in from Tae, telling you that they were all gathered at Hoseok's house, waiting on us to show up and explain.
You ran a hand over your forehead.
"Actually, you could go show the other boys and get that out of the way. They're at Hobi's house. So we don't have to do it later."
Yoongi and Jungkook nodded, getting up and gathering their things. "We'll go tell them." They started to leave, turning back when Jimin didn't get up.
"You coming, Jimin?"
"No, I'll stay here with Y/N."
They shrugged and left.
Jimin stretched out on the bed, resting his head in your lap and closing his eyes.
"I'm just gonna take a little nap..."
He was out like a light in seconds, face pressed into you so you could feel his breath on your stomach through your shirt. You smiled down at him, running your fingers through his blonde hair. His black ears twitched cutely in his sleep.
You double checked that he was really and try asleep before moving your fingers to trace his new ears. Jimin sighed a little, tossing his head as he shifted closer to you.
You continued tracing the outline of his silky ears, feeling the soft fur under your fingers. After a while, a quiet rumbling sound began to emit from Jimin's chest and his tail began to wave back and forth. You grinned, scratching harder experimentally. Jimin's mouth opened in pleasure and the purring increased in intensity, vibrating from his chest.
Laughing, you closed your eyes and listened to the sound that was coming from your best friend and vibrating the whole bed. You kept peacefully scratching his head for a long time. Smiling, you glanced down to check on him and jumped in surprise when you found his yellow-rimmed eyes staring up at you. Your fingernails dug a little harder into his scalp in shock, and you watched as his eyes rolled back and his neck arched.
"Ahh," he gasped.
You instantly removed your hand, shaking in guilt. "I'm sorry! Did that hurt?"
In response he simply brought your hand back to his head, pressing your fingers into him. Hesitantly, you scratched again.
"Mmm..." Jimin rolled onto his back so his face was fully exposed to you. With flushed cheeks and slightly heavy breathing, Jimin watched you with his slanted cat eyes.
"Y/N, can you..."
You ran your fingers through his soft blond hair, scrunching your fingers up slightly, before returning to his ears.
He moaned. "Please, just a little..."
"What is it Chim?" you whispered. "A little what?"
His full lips parted. "Harder," he breathed.
You froze, staring down at him in shock. There was an infinite moment where your gazes were locked together. Still looking him straight in the eye, you applied more pressure and drug your fingernails across his scalp, moving up to circle the base of his ears.
A loud mewl slipped from Jimin's lips. He shifted restlessly in your lap, arching and squirming uncomfortably. His tail snaked up the bed and hooked around your ankle, sporadically tightening and relaxing.  Even still, his hooded eyes never left yours.
A strange heat was beginning to build up in you, causing you to shift under Jimin. One of his hands slid under your calf and held on tightly and he buried his face in your thigh. You were a little afraid of these feelings you were getting around him. To lessen the intensity of the situation, you gentled your fingers again until Jimin's deep moans turned back into a steady purring.
His eyes looked at you for a moment more before closing.
You released a breath of relief.
There had been a question in his eyes that moment, a question that you didn't yet want to acknowledge.

Jimin's POV
He laid in her arms, sleeping happily while surrounded by her scent. Satisfied purrs rumbled through his chest. The first one surprised him, but he hadn't bothered to think any further about it because he was warm and cozy in Y/N's arms.
His best friend.
His muffin.
He had just been simply enjoying her warmth when Y/N's fingers had begun to stroke through his hair and ...mmm.
It felt good.
He opened his eyes to look up at her and felt his heart jump at her soft smile and beautiful eyes that were gazing at nothing. He kept staring, admiring her, until she looked down at him.
She gasped and dug her  fingernails into his scalp, tearing a moan from his throat.
What the heck was that? He'd never felt anything like that before.
When she started to remove her hand, he grabbed it desperately. He didn't want her to stop, it felt amazing.
Y/N  started to stroke again, but she was almost hesitant.
He wanted more. It was almost like she was teasing him with her light scratches and it made his chest heave.
"Y/N, can you..."
He paused. Was it weird to ask her to be a little rougher? He liked that feeling of her nails scraping down his scalp and digging into the base of his new ears. His ears were really sensitive.
Y/N's fingers performed a little scrunchy maneuver that sent tingles up his spine. He groaned lightly. It was so good, but it wasn't enough.
"Please, just a little..."
When she leaned down to him, her breath washed over his face and any reservations he had melted away.
"What is it, Chim? A little what?"
He locked eyes with her, deliberately making his voice breathy and needy. "Harder." He slowly and obviously parted his lips, making his tongue peek out a little to tease her.
Watching Y/N, he felt a smug feeling settle in his chest when her face went red and her eyes grew wide.
After a moment of intense eye contact, Y/N abruptly dug her nails into his scalp.
His hips arched up off the bed as incredible pleasure streamed through every cell in his body. A sound escaped his lips, shocking him.
He'd never made that sound in his life.
Before any more thoughts could cross his mind, Y/N' fingers were circling the base of his right ear and he was squirming in her lap. The longer she continued the harder it was for him to control himself and not tackle her to the bed and have his way with her. His tail had a mind of its own and was probably hooked somewhere around Y/N, buy he didn't care to check. All he could currently care about was his muffin's hands and how they were touching him, torturing him, making him rock with need.
How were his ears this sensitive?
When Y/N began to wiggle under his head, he slipped a hand around her calf and turned his face into her leg. Was this too much? Were they going too far for friends? He didn't want to stop, though.
He could feel her scratching growing more gentle, returning to a soft rubbing. Jimin worked to stop making so many sounds and just stuck to purring. He looked up into her eyes, asking silently. Was that some sort of sign? Is there something else for us beyond friendship?
Her face was rather pale as she read his questions. He wasn't too sure about the answer either, so he closed his eyes to give both of them an out.
Maybe they could just pretend that nothing had happened.
Jimin closed his eyes, falling back to sleep in her warmth. He was satisfied with friendship. Y/N was pretty much all he had: he didn't want to lose her over something that might not last.

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