Chapter 2 - Teenage Dream

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Liam POV

As I'm walking I glanced behind me and saw Alex coming my way so I hurried to the bathroom and into a stall. The bathroom door opened and I heard someone ask if anyone was in here.
I didn't make a sound because I thought the person was a bully coming to beat me up. The person kicked every stall door till he got to the one I was in. They saw it was locked and said "Open the door", I was terrified.
I opened the door and saw Alex.
"Hi", he said.
"H-Hey", I murmured stuttering.
"What's your name??", he asked. Did he just ask me my name, I was definitely blushing right now.
"Liam You???" I did know his name but I was nervous here so I reached out my hand.
"Alex and nice to meet you, Liam," he said flirtatiously while shaking my hand.
"Nice to meet you too Alex"
"You're cute", he said smiling. Did he just?? Did he just say I'm cute?
"Thanks", I said blushing even more at this point.
"You're even cuter when you blush, Can I have your number??" He smiled.
This time I was surely stunned and confused. Why would the football captain and a straight guy ask me for my number? I stood there thinking to myself.
"Yeah sure" I responded.
The bell rang as he was walking towards the door
"I will text you later cutie" he turned around and said.
I walked back to class and found Emmy with my bag outside the classroom. She asked why I took so long I told her I would let her know at lunch. We strolled to our next class which was Geography. We walk past Alex and his friends. I stared at him and out of nowhere he winked at me. I couldn't get that out of my head. I was daydreaming in all my classes till the bell rang for lunch.
Emmy and I took a walk to the Cafeteria while talking about her crush. I couldn't talk to her about my crush since she doesn't know I'm gay. But I'm planning to tell her as soon as we get outside the Cafeteria.
For us to get to the door that leads us outside we have to pass by Alex's table. As I sauntered by I didn't look at him because I knew what would come. I wanted to but there were so many people there. So I just kept on walking.
We got through the door to sit on the bench underneath a tree.
"Emmy I have something to tell u," I said nervously.
"What is it?" She asked.
"I'm gay" I muttered waiting on a response.
"I know" she responded while continuing to eat her lunch.
"How???" I was shocked but still wasn't. I mean anyone with eyes to quite tell.
"My gaydar is never wrong"
"And I saw Alex wink at you," she said with a smirk on her face.
"That is the other thing I had to tell you about"
"So spill the beans"
I explained everything to her while sitting there blushing like crazy.
Emmy's reaction was so funny. She wasn't expecting that at all. I just sat there laughing at her reaction. So we ate our lunch and continued our gossip.
Alex POV

I pass his class just to see him every day. His blue eyes just turn me on. I just want to hear his voice and talk to him. I go into a deep stare just thinking about him.

I glanced through my classroom door and saw him walking in the direction of the bathroom by himself. So I ask to go to the bathroom as well.


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