Chapter 9

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Note: Another long chapter, and this one reveals just what happened between Laura, Scott and Dimitri.


I sat on the sofa with Max and one side and Dan on the other. My hands started to shake and Max took my right hand in his, rubbing circles on the back of my hand, trying to calm me by such a simple gesture.

Toni returned with a green box in her hands, which she placed on the table before looking at what she had. Elissa forced a laugh and I grinned at my best friend.

"It's okay Toni I've got it" Max smiled and took out some of the things from the box. He took a wipe out and dabbed my mouth with it. I winked at him playfully as he did this and he rolled his eyes at me, which made me feel slightly better since it was normal.

"Laura?" Matt asked. I turned to him just as he emerged with a mug which he gave to me. I looked inside and saw that it was tea. I smiled at him gratefully which caused my lip to split again. I winced in pain and Max guided me back to face him again so he could clear it up, before moving to my head. I frowned at this before realising that my head actually hurt from being slammed against the wall twice.

While Max cleaned up the blood it gave me time to think as well as drink my tea. I knew everyone would want an explanation and they all deserved one. Mostly I felt guilty, if only I'd told Toni everything then this wouldn't have happened because she would've stayed clear of Dimitri.

"Laura?" Toni asked quietly after Max started packing up the first aid kit and I turned to look at her seeing that she was watching me carefully. I rubbed the centre of my forehead and sighed knowing that it was time to come clean.

"I haven't been totally honest with you Toni. You know a lot of what happened with my relationship with Scott, but I missed out some vital parts and I am so sorry. If only I'd told you then it wouldn't have gone so far and he wouldn't have been able to hit you because you would've known to steer clear" I said feeling my eyes water. She sighed and knelt in front of me but instead of being angry at me, she hugged me tightly. I buried my face in her shoulder, breathing in her scent while I clutched her shoulders tightly. I didn't quite cry though but my eyes hurt.

I pushed her away and turned to look at everyone in turn. Dan, Max and Matt were sitting on the sofa with me. Well Max and Dan were, since they were sitting either side of me, but Matt was sitting on the arm next to Dan. Elissa was standing over by the window, leaning against the wall and Toni was kneeling in front of me. I took a deep breath and looked over to the chair where Josh was sitting with Hanna sitting on his lap.

Josh was looking at me cautiously, probably wondering what shit I'd gotten myself in. I felt my eyes water as I looked at them. It was obvious that they were happy together and it hurt because I would never have that with anyone. The idea of being in a serious relationship with a guy scared me.

"Josh, Hanna do me a favour?" Josh nodded and Hanna eyed me warily, but I focused mostly on Josh, looking him in the eye as I said this.

"Always make sure you trust each other, and don't let anyone come in between that" I said and saw Josh nod, but knew by his facial expression that he was very confused. I smiled at him before looking at Elissa.

"Lissa I'm sorry about what just happened" I said as I felt the need to apologise, "-you let us stay here and I repay you by bringing this shit here" I said and she shuck her head at me.

"Laura it doesn't matter. Right now I'm so scared as to whether you are okay. I couldn't give a shit about that asshole, but I don't understand what is happening" she said and the boys nodded. Max and Toni took my hands in theirs. I squeezed them as I felt the pain again before looking at each of my friends in turn.

This Love's Contagious, So Catch It (Josh Franceschi)Where stories live. Discover now