Chapter 13

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Shuffling feet woke me up from my deep sleep and I frowned at seeing the familiar grey coloured walls of my room. I’m certain I was at the hospital when I fell asleep I thought to myself, positive that I’m not losing my mind.

My phone vibrated on my bedside table and I rolled over, snatching it up, to see that I’d just received a text from someone. After unlocking my phone and clicking onto my un-read messages I saw that the message I’ve just received is from Jeremy. Frowning, I opened the message.

Morning Laura, Hayley and I will stay with Taylor today so you can get some rest. Luv Jeremy X

I smiled at this before quickly texting him back saying okay, but still feeling slightly confused as to what I’m doing at home. Sighing I climbed out of bed and instantly missed the warm feeling of my quilt but I hurried over to the door before I could convince myself to turn around and go back to bed.

Walking from my bed to the door I decided to check my Twitter account, since I haven’t been on in a while what with work and Taylor, to see that there have been lots of tweets wishing Taylor well and hoping that we are all coping okay. Note to self, say thanks to everyone later when I’m bored.

As I entered Josh’s username on Twitter just to see what he’s been tweeting, someone screamed as soon as I stepped outside of my room. Looking up I saw that it was Elissa who screamed, since she had walked out of her room at exactly the same time as me.

“Laura!” Elissa squealed in delight just as I heard thudding on the steps. Looking over the side, I saw the red hair of Toni as she ran up the stairs. She grinned when she saw me before running up to me and jumping on me.

“Finally you’re awake” she squealed in my ear as I hugged her tightly.

“What do you mean finally?” I asked as we pulled away and she frowned.

“Laura you’ve been asleep for sixteen hours” Elissa announced and I smiled at her.

“Wow, so who is my prince that kissed me awake?” I joked, wiggling my eyebrows. Toni and Elissa rolled their eyes.

“I never believed I would miss your insanely unfunny jokes” Toni said grinning and I playfully poked her left arm. She poked me back and we skipped down the stairs and towards the kitchen.

Toni and I walked over to the table and sat down while Elissa walked over to the kettle before making us drinks.

“This is going to sound strange but how did I get home? I remember falling asleep in the hospital and then I woke up in my room” I asked looking between Toni and Elissa. Elissa shuck her head.

“Toni you can explain while I make the drinks” she said and Toni glared at her before turning to me.

“Josh brought you home” she said and I froze. Please tell me this is just a ridiculous joke of hers? Then again she may not know what happened with Josh yesterday. I bit my lip and she smiled at me.

“Don’t worry I know what happened. The boys filled Elissa and me in on what happened yesterday when they all returned from the hospital after you kicked them out.” She grinned and I nodded.

“Well yeah Josh went back to Taylor’s room to collect his jacket and found you fast asleep, hunched over Taylor’s bed. He decided that you should get a proper rest so he carried you to his car before driving you back home. Max went out to help him and they placed you in bed before Elissa and I went in to put you in some pyjamas” Toni explained and I nodded, not sure how to feel about this information.

After what he’d found out, and after we’d argued the way we had he still cared about me enough to bring me home and let everyone put me to bed like I was a child again. Which I am technically the youngest of the group and even I forget about that fact.

This Love's Contagious, So Catch It (Josh Franceschi)Where stories live. Discover now